What Is Small Business SEO

What Is Small Business SEO - BillLentis.com


SEO is not for big companies only, because it benefits small businesses as well, if it is implemented effectively. As per contentfac.com, the first thing that small businesses need to know is about the basics of SEO and how they can use it to promote their business. SEO is the process through which a business can make their website rank better, by using desirable keywords, which would attract traffic.

Problem Solver

Before your small business uses SEO, you need to find out the problem that your business solves for the customers. As per searchengineland.com, you need ask yourself the following questions:

• How do customers determine that the products you sell or the service that you offer, you need it?
• Do they access information using their cell phones or laptops?
• What is the nature of your business? Does it fulfill a personal desire, like providing food options for them, or it is a website that provides entertainment?
• Do your website addresses things like issues that people face in their personal or professional lives?

The reason why you need to ask yourself these questions, is because they decide what language you should be using so that your customers will be able to find you. Check out – billlentis.com/what-is-seo-guest-posting.

Technical SEO Issues

If you think that your website looks fine, as it has the best graphics and font, but it doesn’t really impact the user, then there are technical problems that you need to address. You need a website structure that is solid and when you implement SEO, then it will give you a good outcome. You should check the loading speed of your website, look whether it has duplicate content or not, fix broken links and optimize the un-optimized pages. You can use tools like SEMRush, Siteliner and Screaming Frog.


Small business SEO should be focused on optimizing the webpages; firstly, on-page optimization. As per searchenginejournal.com, this means that you should do more than just putting in relevant keywords, and develop content, that is actually helpful and informative. If you don’t properly structure the content, then that would impact your Google ranking, and as a small business, you can’t afford that.

Make sure to optimize the three important things; titles, meta descriptions and body content.

Find Your Niche

If you are a small business, then you need to know your niche, so that you can emphasize on what makes your brand different from others. Firstly, find out who your customers are and then find out the keywords that they type in, to find the products that you sell. If you use the same keywords in your website content, then they will be able to reach your website. You should always reassess your niche, even when you find it, because it evolves with time.

Logo And Tagline

Even if you put in your best SEO efforts, you should never forget the basics of marketing and that is, establishing a unique tagline and logo, that truly represents your company. As per yoast.com, you need a logo and tagline, that doesn’t require any further explanation and that represents your values as well.

Good Content

Small business SEO should prioritize the writing of good content. If your website doesn’t share quality content with the user, then your website can’t get a boost. When you offer quality content, which means informative and relevant to what you are offering the users, then users return to your website and navigate it for long as well. You need to make a first good impression on your user.

Some recommendations, as per ducttapemarketing.com, are as follows:

• Choose the right keywords
• Don’t fill your paragraphs with unnecessary keywords
• Make sure that your content is suitable to be shared on social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter
• Offer people accurate information
• Don’t forget to introduce your small business to users, with complete information

On-Page Factors

As per bestseofirm.com, you need to include on-page factors on your website, and some of these factors which will help implement SEO, are as follows:

• Title Tag-If you don’t use your title tags correctly, then Google won’t index your article
• Header tags-If you don’t put in header tags, then it will be difficult for both crawlers and readers to know what your content is about; header tags tell crawlers the important sections of a page
• URL structure-Use keywords in your URL, because it will make more sense for the reader, as they will click on the page that they find more relevant to their search
• ALT Tags for Images-If an image doesn’t load on your page, for some reason, then the alt tag will tell the user what your image is about
• Meta Description-This basically appears under the title of your website or webpage, when the users searches for something; it tells the user what they should expect when they open a webpage and if it is creative, then the user will be motivated to click on the link

Decision To Use SEO

Before you make a decision about using SEO for your small business, you should take certain factors into account:


Every business has a budget for marketing; if you don’t know about SEO or how to implement it, then you might need to hire someone. Do you have the budget for SEO marketing?


SEO doesn’t give you results right away, and it may take some time for SEO to give you an outcome. If it is a competitive market, you will have to wait until your content appears on the top.


You will have other big companies competing for space, and they have a high marketing budget as well. So, you need to make a decision, whether SEO is worth using or not.

Small businesses should use SEO, because it helps them stay competitive in this technology and digital marketing driven world, will tell you more about how you can make SEO a success for your small business: