How Does Home Projector Work

How Does Home Projector Work -


As the technology is evolving, the use of projectors has also evolved. Once used in home only for sharing photos at some family event; now the use of home projectors have become essential for our day to day living. From playing games, watching movies, business or marketing presentation, home projectors have evolved and become an essential part for many businesses and individuals.

Projectors are used for displaying presentations, slide shows, images, videos and other types of data especially to a larger crowd so it is more visible and convenient for the audience. Also go look at home projector vs TV – Click Here.

There are many types of technology used in projection. In order to understand how projectors work, it is first important to understand the types of projectors commonly used. There are three main types of projectors:

1) DLP projector, or Digital Light Processing projectors
2) LCD projector, or Liquid Crystal display projectors
3) LCoS projector, or Liquid Crystal on Silicon projectors

Let’s move on to these technologies, how they operate and their pros and cons.

What Is A Dlp Projector?

A DLP projector or, Digital Light Processing projector uses a chip called, DMD or Digital Micromirror Device.

The idea was invented by Texas Instruments, in which light is reflected through a chip with millions of small mirrors fixed on it, the mirrors vibrates and jiggles to reflect or reject the light beams falling on it. Each pixel you see through your DLP projector is reflected by 1 mirror fixed on DMD chip.

If you are looking for more advanced DLP projector you can go for the three-chip DLP projector.

It uses three DMD chips which produces better results than a single-chip DLP projector.

Apart from Sony, who has their own technology, most of the cinemas use DLP projectors. It is also used in businesses to deliver marketing or sales presentations etc., and in home theaters or for playing video games.

What Are Advantages of DLP Projectors?

A DLP projector produces sharp images, thanks to the limited space between the pixels. The results are also colorful with excellent contrast and contrast ratio. The usage of mirror in the chips helps reducing light loss and light output is high. The results are highly accurate with no shadows. It is also easily maintainable because of the sealed chip design.

What Are Disadvantages of DLP Projectors?

A DLP projector brings its disadvantages and limitations as well. It is not the brightest when compared to LCD technology. The numbers of pixels on the images or results are also limited to the number of mirrors on the chip. Some people may also experience rainbow effect while using DLP projectors.

What Is A LCD Projector?

A liquid crystal display projector or as commonly known LCD projectors, uses three liquid crystal panels, a lamp, prism and a filter. A polarized light (from the lamp) goes through these panels to create your final desired result.

It opens and closes individual pixels to allow light to pass or block the light respectively. Which allows it to produce the desired projection.

The technology is used for displaying any type of data, video or images. They are smaller and portable than other type of projector technologies.

What Are Advantages of LCD Projectors?

There are many advantages of LCD projectors, most importantly the sharpness of image. It is also brighter and has good color saturation. It is also quieter and throws less heat. Unlike DLP projectors, there are no rainbow effects in LCD projectors.

What Are Disadvantages of LCD Projectors?

Among the most common disadvantages of LCD projectors are that the pixels are more visible. It can develop dead pixels, which can hinder your projection if your projector develop too many of these dead pixels. It also depreciates quickly, hence loses image quality. It also has poorer contrast when compared to DLP projectors. It does have issues with Black color and can have problems with dust spots.

What Is A Lcos Projector?

A LCoS projector or liquid crystal on silicon projector is a mixture of DLP and LCD technologies. It uses liquid crystal chips but with mirror backing. So they reflect like DLP, and blocks lights like LCDs.

It is way behind in market share when compared to DLP or LCD technologies. This is due to the size and price of the LCoS projectors. They have high resolution. Almost all the LCoS projectors starts from SXGA resolution.and higher. Sony is one of the primary manufacturers of LCoS projectors under the name SXRD.

Apart from other uses, they are good for auditoriums, museums and medical education/projection.

What Are Advantages of LCoS Projectors?

LCoS projectors have high resolution, and sharper images. It also has a better contrast ratio than DLP or LCD projectors. Unlike DLP projectors, it is free from rainbow effect.

What Are Disadvantages of LCoS Projectors?

LCoS projectors are costly, and much heavier. They are not easily portable. It also loses to DLP projectors when it comes to motion blurriness. Like LCD projectors, it can also face issues of dead pixels.

What Is Your Best Option Among The Three?

The use of projectors has become very important from our day to day, home or professional life. Whether to show a formal presentation on your work or to enjoy some memorable videos or photos with family, projectors play an important part in our visual experience. So selecting the right type of projector is very important.

The best option can vary on your budget and depending upon the use of the projector. As we have discussed above each type of technology have its advantages and disadvantages; you should always select the best option which best suits your requirements.

You can also look for trusted brands for each projector technology, to get the maximum pros and minimum cons of that technology. Some of the leading brands are BenQ, Sony, Canon, and LG, among many others.