What Is SEO In Digital Marketing?

What Is SEO In Digital Marketing? - BillLentis.com



The reason for SEO is basically showcasing your business to thousands of people across the world. According to Educba Imagine having a business or outlets without any form of existence, no name or website. It can be very frustrating. You wouldn’t expect people to come knocking at your door step to check whether you sell a particular product that may be in high demand. According to Prontomarketing.com The essence of SEO is basically a means used in attracting customers because they can view your website and even see images of the products you sell. These customers even go as far as telling other potential customers about their experience on your website. SEO is basically a very god way in marketing your business to the outside world.

SEO In Digital Marketing

Search Engine Optimization is a means of making a website more visible and easier to crawl in and categorize it. It is a marketing strategy that helps the right customers get hold of your business website to make patronage a lot easier. According to quora.com SEO is a holistic way of driving more customers to your business page by making sure your business website ranks top on search engines result pages such as Google search engine results which happen to be the most popular if not the most trusted of all search engines. In almost every search engine, almost fourteen (14) million searches are made every day. Imagine if your business website took a part of these fourteen million, your rank would definitely be amongst the top websites that are ranked on the search engine results.

Every business needs advertisement, as advertisement is one of the most important things in business growth. Without advert, people won’t get to see your business or even know the right way to patronize you. SEO gives your business the chance to be showcased to the whole world because on a general note, people use search engines to search for local business and they trust whatever these search engines bring up. Like I said earlier, imagine if your business website is ranked top on these search engines, means you get tons of traffic on a daily basis.

How SEO Works

According to digitalmarketingdeal.com Search engines are softwares that crawls, scans and stores index of actions, measures pertinence on websites so that they can become visible for people to make their findings. These search engines are not humans so they are designed to work in a particular format which is text driven.

Crawling: every search engine has some sort of crawler or spider that crawls these website pages and their contents. These crawlers do not crawl images, passwords, flash movies etc., so if a website has a lot of these, the crawler may not do a very good job. Before going for search engine optimization, using a keyword stimulator test would be advisable to see if these images can be viewable by the spider. In a situation where these contents are not processed because of the inability for the spider to view them, these contents would be missing on the search engines pages.

Indexing: these contents that are crawled by the spider are stored in huge data bases from where they can be easily retrieved upon entering ay search for related words. It is also important to correct your page of anything the crawler may not likely understand so it can effectively optimize your page.

Algorithms: this is basically a diagnostic means of taking a puzzle. Where a word or lists of words are being searched for, the system goes through a record of categorized words that falls in line with the word being searched for and even URLs that may be relevant to these categorized words, revert back to the words or phrases and then pops up pages and websites that contain the phrases or words searched for.

SEO And Digital Marketing

If you look at these two, they really have no much difference but have so much in common. On a deeper look, the both do same thing when it comes to marketing. They produce almost same result, however in the aspect of marketing, they can both have different tactics and strategies, and however both of them work hand in hand. The SEO majorly works on the organic hits of a company’s website while the digital marketers. The truth is that the SEO makes the website visible on search engines, thus bringing people the knowledge of the existence of such website. Now the digital marketers have more work of convincing these potential customers of why their products and services are top notch. The digital marketers are the content creators, despite the fact that there is a huge traffic coming in to the website, they create contents that keep customers glued to the website because they keep finding interesting and intriguing contents on the website.

There is no way SEO would exist and make waves without the digital marketers. They both compliment themselves. Just like I said earlier, the SEO brings in the customers while the digital marketers keep these customers on their page till they become loyal customers that remain faithful to your business. Mind you that digital marketers too can also through other means of advertisement bring in traffic to a business website. But for a better result, the two work together because they all strive to achieve one thing in the end, exposure and sales progress. For a more better information about SEO in Digital marketing, watch this video for a better explanation: