What Is SEO In Amazon?

What Is SEO In Amazon? - BillLentis.com


Like everything in the digital world, Amazon requires the implementation of SEO strategy to enhance the overall benefits that can be achieved through it. Now the point is whether the SEO strategy of Amazon different from the SEO strategy that is generally considered for the marketing purpose of the business. Well, the answer to this question is “not really”. But there are certain aspects that need to be fully addressed in the context of Amazon to expect the best results from the implemented strategy. I have highlighted the SEO strategy used by Amazon below along with how you could use this strategy to rank your product.

Amazon A9 Algorithms

Amazon has its own algorithm to rank the products according to the keywords used. This algorithm is known as A9. There is nothing explicitly mentioned by Amazon regarding this algorithm but the experts believe that there are a few factors that can play an important role in ranking of the product. Tara Johnson has highlighted the sales history of the product, relevancy of the keyword, price, and the stock availability as some of the factors that can help in product ranking. However, these factors are not the only factors. Reviews of the products, promotions, and the images used in the description of the product are important too. Let us discuss a few of these factors below:

Name Of The Product

The name of the product or the title that is being used for highlighting the product must contain the keywords in it. Apart from the keywords, you might want to include your brand name and provide the color of your product. Mark Schenker highlights that you must include the size availability for your product too. It will help the customers in identifying the product in a better way. Additionally, you will be able to handle the A9 algorithm nicely.

Name Of The Seller

If your company or brand name contains the name of the category of the product that you are selling, then the chances are that you’ll be able to earn a higher position in the search ranking of Amazon. So, if you are just starting your business and you are sure about your niche, you can incorporate the name of the chosen niche in the business name of your company to get the best results.

Backend Keywords

Amazon allows its users to use the backend keywords i.e. the content, which is not displayed publically, to rank their products. According to Bryan Bowman, You can have five slots to fill up. Make sure to choose them wisely, as the ranking of your product according to the category is highly dependent on them.

Product Description Is Important

The description of the product can play an important role in managing the SEO on Amazon. Apart from SEO, it is important for your customers too. It is essential that you must add bullet point in the description, so that your customers can understand the key points without putting in much effort. One more thing here is the use of keywords. The keywords that you have identified for a particular niche have to be used here too. Shannon Roddy discusses that the use of optimal keywords through proper planning tools are important for finding the keywords appropriate for your niche.

Price Competition

If the price of your product is competitive to the other products that are available on Amazon then there are high chances that Amazon will rank your product higher in the algorithm. In case if your product is not being ranked properly it is because either Amazon thinks that, your product is overpriced or your product is not as good as the competitors. Both of these signals aren’t good for any company, right? So you need to manage the SEO in the right manner.

Image Of The Product

The image of the product is also given higher importance by Amazon for ranking the products. The quality of the image will also be important for converting the traffic to actual sales. The best advice here is to use the keywords while naming the file so that the SEO for the entire page would be fully optimized and clear results could be seen.

Amazon Reviews

When we are talking about Amazon, the reviews of your product also have a role in the ranking of the product. Amazon ranks the products with more positive remarks. Obviously, because the customers would be willing to try the products that are liked by most of the customers rather than the ones that are not liked by many. Amazon keeps that in consideration, so it is important that you must develop product descriptions according to what your product can actually deliver. This will help in the generation of better reviews. Thus, it can be considered as the part of SEO for Amazon. Robin Hanna is off the view that the Amazon product reviews are important. You can see more factors through the article written by him.

The rest of the factors for Amazon SEO have been discussed in detail in this YouTube video. So, in case you need any more information regarding Amazon SEO, you can get it through it:


In this article, we have discussed the role of SEO for Amazon. Amazon has its own algorithm, and certain specific factors through which ranks your product. Some of these factors have been highlighted above. So, you need to be managing them for the generation of better results.