List Of The Best Projectors Under $1000 And Up Too $2500

Optoma HD28DSE Projector -


Projectors are getting popular because of their use and variety of features. Now you can manage to present your assignments in form of presentations or you can plan a day with your friends to watch a movie. This list of projectors under $1000 will help you to find a good one for you. For all those people who think that it is impossible to buy a projector, you can surely look for the projectors that we have mentioned in this list. It will help you to get a suitable projector for you. If you think you are unable to spend money on those projectors then you have come to the right place. Now, look at the list of these projectors. You will surely love it. Also read about best home theater projector – Click Here.

#1 – Optoma HD28DSE Projector

Optoma HD28DSE Projector -
Optoma HD28DSE is among the best projectors that are suitable for everyone having a low budget. If you do not want to spend money on a projector or you are looking for a brighter projector then Optoma HD28DSE is good for you. This is one of the best projectors with much brightness and low priced feature. In terms of price, it has been ranked on the top of the list because of its reasonable price and features. For everyone who is looking for a budget-friendly projector Optoma HD28DSE is best. It will cost you only $698 – Read More. - Check Prices Button Red

#2 – BenQ HT1085ST Projector

BenQ HT1085ST Projector -
If you are looking for a projector that is compact in size and also budget friendly then BenQ HT1085ST Projector is there for you. It is one of the best projectors that can easily fit inside smaller spaces. If you have limited space in your house and you are looking for a small projector then BenQ HT1085ST Projector is the best option for you. BenQ is among the top brands of projectors and it has served the people by introducing a good quality projector within a low priced range. BenQ HT1085ST Projector will also cost you only $898 – Read More. - Check Prices Button Red

#3 – Epson Home Cinema 2040 Projector

Epson Home Cinema 2040 Projector -
Epson Home Cinema 2040 is ranked on the third number in our list of best projectors under $1000.The contrast ratio and price of the projector are among the best features. The LCD lamp and a good contrast ratio have ranked it among the top projectors of the market. The affordable price has also added an extra feature to the projector. It is by far the most demanding and affordable projector with good quality features. The price is only $699 – Read More. - Check Prices Button Red

#4 – BenQ W1070 Projector

BenQ W1070 Projector -
BenQ W1070 Projector is mainly considered greatest for its price. BenQ W1070 Projector is best for all those who are looking for a good brand of projectors but they are not willing to spend too much money on those projectors. It provides you with the best gaming experience because of its 3D compatibility. If you play games or watch movies then it will give you the ultimate experience of enjoying games, videos and movies. It will cost you only $699 – Read More. - Check Prices Button Red

#5 – Optoma HD25 LV Projector

Optoma HD25 LV Projector -
The HDLV is among the most beautiful and bright projectors on our list. It is low priced and can be afforded by anyone. If you are a person who loves to watch movies and shows then this projector is really good for you. The brightness of the projectors is also very good and it is considered one of the best projectors regarding their brightness, price and beautiful design. It is one of the biggest problems to face the inappropriate lighting conditions usually at daytime. But HDLV has solved the problem. It is one of the best projectors that give good images and quality resolution even when there is too much light – Read More. - Check Prices Button Red
BenQ W1070 Projector -

What Are The Key Features Of A Projector?

There are three main factors which are usually considered when we opt for a projector. It includes the durability, resolution and lumen rating. The longevity is the major factor that is considered and it depends upon the efficiency of the bulb. The bulb life is really important for the projectors to perform their function for many years. If the bulb is of low quality then it will not be able to give the proper brightness. It will not last for years. Usually, an average lifespan of a bulb is 5000 to 10000 hours. The longer the brightness of the bulb is the more you will get benefits from it. You will be able to use it for many years. That is why it is recommended to buy those projectors where the manufacturer has mentioned the warranty of the bulb too.

The lumen rating is another important factor. The higher rating of the lumen will make you understand that this projector is durable and will give you the best resolution.

Mistakes You Should Avoid

One of the biggest mistakes people usually make is not looking for the projectors which are unable to accommodate their throwing distance. It is really important if you are planning to place a projector at a specific place then there must be a certain distance between the screen and the projector. It will give the better and clear images. But in case if you are going for those projectors which are not allowing much space inside then these are not suitable to buy. When there will be less distance between the projector and the screen then there are chances that the image displayed will be of low size. It is ideal o look for those models having good throw distance and lens as well. It will benefit you as it will make clear and accurate images in front of you.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Your projector assists you a lot in offices and educational institutes. If you own a projector then you must carefully handle it. It is something you have invested in. Therefore if you need to buy a projector or you have a projector then there are a few things that should be taken into consideration. Most of the people make some mistakes while possessing those projectors. So the common mistakes you should avoid while buying or keeping those projectors include:

Projector With A Cheap Lamp

If you are planning to buy a projector or you need to replace the bulb of the projector then make sure the new bulb is of good quality. You invest in those projectors so it is very important to carefully choose the bulbs. Make sure the new bulb is in good condition and it is from a renowned brand. If the lamp of a projector is good then you can use it for a longer period of times.

Always Purchase A Complete Lamp

It is really important to buy a full bulb. There are many brands who will claim that their bulbs are ideal and safe to use. There is a special coating on the lens of the bulbs. That is applied to filter the ultraviolet and infrared radiations. The coating degrades with the passage of time and it exposes the humans to those harmful radiations. Therefore it is really important to replace the whole bulb or lamp. It will save you from the effects of harmful radiations. When you will not replace the bulb, its degraded coating will pass the UV and IR radiations. It can cause harm to you. To save a few dollars, do not expose you and your family to the harmful radiations. It will give you perfect peace of mind that a lamp you are using is safe to use for you and your family.

Time Limit Of The Projector

The time limit of a projector is only determined by the manufacturer. It is the time which is the warning to replace the lamp. So it is really important to not ignore the warning of “replace lamp”. When you will make delays in replacing those lamps then you will put your lamps at risk. That is why it is really important to give special attention to the light output of the lamp. When it drops off then understands it is the time to replace the lamp. The heating cycles of the lamps vary from brand to brand. It is usually determined by the manufacturers of the bulb or the projector. So if you see your bulb is melting or it is deforming then it is at higher risk of rupturing. Before spoiling your whole projector and ruing your money, it is always recommended to replace the bulb and lamps. If you think that your older lamp is in good condition then you can also use it otherwise it is good to replace the lamp with a newer one in order to make it long lasting.

Optoma HD25 LV Projector -

Delay In Cleaning The Projectors

This is one of the biggest mistakes usually people make. It is very obvious that if you own something then it should be the treated the way it is. It should be properly cleaned and managed in order to make its lifespan greater. But we usually do not give attention to the cleanliness of the projector. As a result, we often face the problem of spoiling and damaging of those products earlier. When a projector will be dirty it will not be able to cool properly. It will shorten the lifespan of a projector. We know the dust is everywhere even if we are living in a very clean place. The smaller dust particles are everywhere and they continuously add to the fans of the projectors. These dust particles stick with the wires and internal parts of the projector. The dust covers the entire surface of the fan and the blades. Once the fan is deteriorated, it will not be able to properly cool the projector. It will heat it up. As a result, it will spoil the whole projector. Therefore it is really important to properly clean the projector, its fan and the entire surface of the projector. It will maximize the efficiency of the projector. It will also make your projector long lasting.

Epson Home Cinema 2040 Projector -

Things To Avoid While Buying A Projector

If you love to watch movies at home, or you need a projector for your college then there are certain things that should be considered. Similarly when you decided to buy a projector then there are certain things that should be considered and a few things that should be avoided. Here you will learn those things that should be considered in order to get the best product.

Do Your Research

The first strategy that should be adopted while buying the projectors should be a thorough research on the product. If you want to buy a projector then do not rush to the market and choose a product. You are going to spend money on it so it is wise to carefully think about the options. Take your time and do your research. Look for all the famous brands of the projectors. Read the reviews of the people and then think about the requirements and specifications you are looking for in a projector. When you will think all about it then purchase a projector.

Think About The Space

Another thing is the space of your house. If you are living in a congested place then you must need to buy a projector that is compact in size. It will save your space and will not disturb the walking of the people in that particular room. If you have a larger space in your house then it is obvious that you can look for the larger projectors. So think about the space in your house and then purchase a projector that is compatible with your house and rooms.

Buy Projector Screens

If you have decided to buy a projector then it is highly recommended to look for the projector screens too. Some people think that a wall will be enough for them to watch the media. Always keep that thing in mind that for HD projectors, the wall is not enough. You will not be able to watch the video, movies and other media on the wall in a proper way. It will spoil the quality of the images. It is highly recommended to buy the projector screens especially if you love to play games or watch media.

BenQ HT1085ST Projector -

Buy According To Your Budget And Needs

One of the major mistakes usually people make is going beyond their budget and needs. If you are tight on budget then you do not need to pay extra on projectors. If a medium range projector is fulfilling your needs then why to buy an expensive one? Similarly, if you think that a projector is really important for you, you want it for professional use or money is not an issue for you then you must go for the high priced projectors. These projectors will serve you with their best and advanced features. If you want to watch media or you like to play games then it is recommended to look for the 4K projectors but in case you are out of money then a low priced projector will be ok. The main thing here is not to go beyond your need and the budget.

Features Of Projectors

The projectors possess many features and if you are new to it then it is just to look for their features first. To understand the various features of the projector and learn about their efficiency and performance, it is good to buy a projector after doing a proper research on it. The main features of a projector include:

Throw Distance

This is one of the most important features that most of the people ignore when they buy projectors. This is basically an ideal distance that should maintain between the projector and the screen. If the throw distance is normal then you are most likely to get the good results. Otherwise, if the throw distance is not appropriate between the screen and projector then it may alter the images.


We all know that resolution matters a lot. So if you are really interested in buying the projector then keep that thing is mind. Now a day the projectors with 4k resolution are also getting popular. But the main concern here is the fewer prices. When you will buy the 4K projectors then it will cost you much higher. It is really important to pay your special attention to the resolution of the projectors. 720p is inexpensive but the quality of the images will not be good. It is really important to check the resolution offered by the manufacturer of the projector either it is 1080p or 720p.


The display technology depends a lot on the type of the bulbs that have been used in it. There are mainly four types of bulb that are used in projectors. DLP is the most common type of bulb and it is also considered one of oldest types of bulbs. It basically uses the mirrors to perform its functioning. It reflects the images from the lens to the wall or the projector screen. LED is another type of bulb of a projector. It uses the LED diodes. These diodes reflect the images in RGB spectrum. The LCD also works on the same pattern as the LED. Both are also commonly used and their function is also the same. LCoS is another type of technology of bulb. It stands for “liquid crystal on silicon”. It is most advanced type as it works by combining other three systems of the bulbs. It is basically a hybrid form. It makes use of mirrors and the RGB colour spectrum to transmit the images from the lens to the screen. It combines three systems to make the final picture for the users. All of these display technologies have different pros and cons. These are different from one another. If you are looking for a projector then it depends upon your needs and preferences to buy a projector that is suitable for you.

If you are planning to buy a projector and you want to buy it for gaming purposes then you must go for those having a lower response time. LED is usually preferred especially if you manage to work with the 10millisec response time.


Besides all these features, there are some other things that are very important to consider. We know that there should be a certain distance between the screen and the projector. Otherwise, the projector will not be able to perform its function in a proper way. It will make the images small or blurry. In order to get the better results from the projector, it is really important to place or mount it at a suitable site. A VESA-compatible projector is an ultimate solution to your problem. It provides multiple ways to adjust the arms. You can adjust or mount it at any available place. You can mount it on a wall or you can simply place it on your shelves. There is no need to get worried about the spec. if you have limited space in your house you will surely get benefit from it. It will allow you to choose multiple settings of your projectors at any place of the house.

Optoma HD28DSE Projector -

Choosing Between Business And Home Theater

All of the projectors listed here are mainly used for home theatre projectors but a common mistake most of the people make is that they buy those projectors for their business. There is a slight difference between these two. They sometimes also buy it for their personal use. It is not true that business projectors are not good for you, but they will not give you a quality that is required to watch the movies or videos. The prices of the projectors are also getting low and more features are being introduced in it. If you really want to use the projectors for your home to watch the media like Blu-ray then it is best to go for the home theatre projectors. It will give you sharp, crisp and HD images. It will also give you a massive entertainment experience.