Why You Need To Buff Up Your Content And Why Thin Content Will Ruin Your SEO

Why You Need To Buff Up Your Content And Why Thin Content Will Ruin Your SEO - BillLentis.com
Content! Content! Is what you often hear when it comes search engine optimization, SEO. The phrase content is king is so widely used that at times its true context and meaning get the wrong interpretations of it. As a business owner running a website that promotes your business, you need to get the meaning and context crystal clear before venturing into SEO. Your ranking will depend on it a lot going forward. It is worth highlighting that website traffic thrives on the delivery of consistent content and thus content being king rings true in that respect.

This article will explore what ‘thin content’ is and how it negatively impacts on the ranking. It will show you why you need to invest time and effort in generating high quality content for your website and the need for consistency.

Tying In Your Website, Its Content And How It Affects Your Ranking

Any business website’s main goals are to build the profile of the business and generate new business from outside markets. If people already know what the website is, it is relatively easy to make a conversion. They already trust you to an extent that they will let you convince you to use them. However, if people do not know your site but are looking something related to it in your area, they are more likely to use search engines to get the information they want. They will key in the keyword and the search engine will give them as many matches to their query as there are with the relevant ones being at the top of the pile.

Most people will go for the top ones because they trust that search engines only provide the best results for their users. They could never really steer them wrong in that regard.

There has been a lot of emphasis about relevance for one key reason, it is found in the content that is gleamed on the website. Anything short of high quality content will never make it to the top of the results of search engine results pages. As a business, this spells doom because miss out on traffic to your site on account of low ranking.

A few years back, there was this notion that as long as you produced content on your website, any kind of content, your top ranking would be secure. This would keep the search engines algorithms occupied and direct traffic to your site as soon as people clicked on your link at the results page. However, there was a problem with this method_ the content presented on those websites was of little to no value to the people looking for the information that really mattered to them. This ‘thin content’ was simply just giving search engines a bad name. In short, irrelevant results put search engines on the spot and they in turn became stricter about the quality of websites that landed on their first page. These sites had to be perfect.

‘Thin content’ still exists in sites that just want to get viewed on the first pages of search engines results pages. People who put that content on there assume that they will fool the system. However, algorithms pick up on the content and relegate the website to the back of the search results.

The Characteristics Of Thin Content And How You Can Make Your Content Better

Thin Content has the following characteristics: it is low-quality, very irrelevant to the substance with which the site is dealing with, unhelpful, plagiarized, stuffed with many keywords and has duplicate content. This form of cheating is pointless and yet people still do it hoping to get a positive result.

High-quality content needs to be the standard. It must be very consistent and in line with the substance that site deals with. It is up to you as the site-owner to invest time and effort in the generation of helpful content. You must do through research before writing any blog post or back up the information contained in the landing page with irrefutable facts and figures to make your case. Nothing short of perfection will do.

The word consistency has also been used quite a lot in this article and should be the norm as you run your website. The content needs to updated regularly and be very helpful the users who visit your site. This is among the ways of guaranteeing you will convert every visitor who makes their way to your site.

You should avoid keyword stuffing at all costs. The assumption that using as many keywords as possible on your website will generate a lot of interest is misguided and totally wrong. It comes across as spammy and very irrelevant. Always stick to the guidelines provided for keyword density when producing copy for your website. This is relatively easy to stick to and implement. The positioning of your site on the landing page will depend heavily on that.

When you have ‘thin content’ on your website you are basically risking any potential business you might have on your site. If people cannot see you online when they search for keywords that relate to your business, you will never have enough traffic to your site from which you can make conversions. As you run your site, you must always strive to consistently put up high quality content that will allow the search engines to take you seriously. Search engines are in the business of providing their users with useful and relevant searches based on parts of the content produced by websites. As long as your site, provides relevant and high-quality content, you have built trust with the search engine and your rank their search engines will improve. This will cascade into more traffic which you will have to find a way of converting to customers. So when someone tells you that content is king, tell them only high-quality content is.