All the same, that lack of knowledge about how best to proceed, impacts their SEO efforts negatively. Go to billlentis.com/what-is-seo-tag-pages.
In order to make your SEO efforts in regard to category pages work, you to first breakdown what exactly those pages are. This article highlights what you need to do so that you can make your SEO efforts hit their mark. The following video highlights what category and tag settings in WordPress are all about and how best to optimize your site for them:
Breaking Down The WordPress Category
If you are starting out your WordPress website and do not have a clue what a category page is, this section will break down. It is not as complex at it sounds but once you get the hang of how to use it, you will notice a very huge leap in your SEO efforts. Let us get to it, shall we?A category page is a page that allows you to collate different posts together according to Chamber Posts and WPBeginner. When you log into any WordPress site, you will notice a bar that displays different categories. As you set up your website, you will have an option of adding a category page to it.
On this page, you can have a single template but it will depend on the theme you are using.
Every category page displays a title, image and cursory introduction to a post. In addition, users can navigate throughout the page courtesy of the paging.
Of Blog Posts And Categories
One of the golden rules of designing a website is to always have the user in mind, according to Josh Farkas. It will help you put in the necessary items that will make their experience a comfortable and worth talking about.Category pages help enhance the visitor’s experience by lumping up all the different topics in a particular company. If a user is interested in a particular theme, they can go pick it out from the categories.
With that being said, there is a little risk in having category pages that need to be cognizant of; that of duplicate content. Category pages do not have unique content themselves but they point the visitor where to go when they are looking information about posts.
Also worth highlighting is that category pages are very tough to rank. Search engines will index the website by going through the various pages and gauging the content. Category pages have no unique content from which to rank.
However, in very rare instances, category pages can be ranked when a website has a lot of related pages. The architecture of the site, in way, guides the search engine prefer its category page to post page.
Using Category Pages In SEO
The essence of having a category page on your website is to help visitors navigate to the content they want quickly. However, these pages have very limited use in SEO.In sites that have loads of information that has been graded in terms of themes and the likes, category pages have the role of landing pages.
When visitors are looking for information in your niche in search engines, more often than not, they will be directed to posts that these search engines feel will be useful to them. The only time they will be taken to a category page is the scenario that was covered earlier.
Solving The Category Page-Search Engine Problem
If you want your category page to be ranked, then the following tips should aid in that endeavor.Create Unique Titles And Descriptions
WordPress offers you options from which you can change titles and descriptions as you please. While editing, you must be consistent applying changes across the board to the post and pages as well.This will ensure that the search engine picks up on these parts while indexing is done, according to Do You Even Blog.
Solve The Uniqueness Problem
Since we have established that unique content is a big deal for search engines and category pages have next to nothing in the way of unique content, you must add a little more information in the ‘Description’ field in your console.While you are configuring the console, ensure to include unique titles, H1 heading and substantively useful description.
Use Canonical URLs During Pagination
Always set canonical URLs that direct to the first page. This will ensure that the search engines pick up on the first page and hence rank it accordingly, according to Alexa Blog.Enable Breadcrumbs On Your Website
The use of internal links has been covered extensively. You can internal links to ensure that the page get ranked. This is done by enabling breadcrumbs function on the search engine console, according to WPBeginner.The internal links that you add to individual pages should point to the category page. All the while, you need to pay attention to the anchor text.
The essence of having these internal links and enabling breadcrumbs is to ensure that the search engines pick up on the category. It shows them that these pages are important. Plus, users get to navigate the site more conveniently.
Use Unique Titles For Individual Pages
There is quite a temptation to try and confuse search engines by adding category pages in individual pages. Do not succumb to it lest those page get overlooked during indexing.Instead, you must give every page its unique title that highlight clear differences in the content as highlighted by Yoast.