What Is SEO Schema

What Is SEO Schema - BillLentis.com


According to moz.com, schema markup is basically a type of microdata, which is added to a webpage and it creates a detailed description, which is also called rich snippet, and this appears in search results.

The collaboration between the search engines and schema.org, started in 2011; the search engines included Google, Yahoo and Bing. Schema is important, because how a search engine actually interprets the context of the query input by the user, will determine the search results that it gives and its quality.

Does It Impact Your Ranking?

You must be wondering whether schema has an impact on your search ranking or not, and there is no evidence that suggests that microdata has an impact on your organic search rankings. However, according to searchenginejournal.com, rich snippets can make your webpages more prominent in search engine results; when it improves their visibility, then people are more likely to click on your link.

A study was conducted by acmque, which suggests that 1/3rd of the search results of Google, carry a rich snippet, with schema. Thus, this is something that can be helpful for SEO marketers. This is a powerful method, but it is not used much, because not everyone is able to grasp its concept. In simpler words, the schema code helps search engines give the best informative results for users, and this schema code is something that you put on your website.

Facts About Schema Markup

In order to understand schema markup better, in the context of SEO, you need to learn more about it. According to neilpatel.com, following are some facts that you should take into account.

Meaning Of Data

When you develop content on your website, it gets indexed and then appears in search results. However, when you use schema markup, some of that content appears in search results in a different way, this is because schema tells Google, what the content actually means.

For example, if the word James Patterson appears in an article, talking about the author’s books, and when the search engine sees this, it will produce a search engine result entry with the name James Patterson. However, when there is a schema markup around the author’s name, then you are basically telling the search engine that the author is a published author, and it is not just another name.

Semantic Vocabulary

If you read the above heading and suddenly think, that you have to learn coding, then don’t worry. Web pages that have markup, use HTML, and the only thing that you have to do, is to add schema vocabulary to the HTML microdata. The schema website is available for this purpose and you should find this unique, because it is not every day that competitors within the same industry, come together to create something.

The website of schema, according to wordstream.com, contains code markers that tells Google, Yahoo and other search engines, what they should do with the data that is on your website.

Invention For Users

When a website implements schema markup, then the user can know what the website is about, in the search engine results. For example, if you search a product, and that product’s main website has schema markups, then in the search engine results, you will get to know things like the price of the product, where it can be found, which brand produces it and other stuff.

You can also consider schema markup as your business cart, and this improvement in websites is basically for users. Search engines are developed for the purpose to provide users the ability to search and schema markup, does exactly that for them.

Schema Improves SEO

If you make schema microdata part of your HTML code, then this can help the search engine crawlers to make sense of your content, effectively. This will make your website more visible to customers. However, make sure that you know that makings schema part of your code is not an SEO hack, but is the best practice that you should adopt to make sure that search engines show your content to your existing customers and potential customers.

It is important to know that Google doesn’t consider schema when they are ranking a website, but it sure does improve the rich snippets that are part of your website. Schema definitely helps your website become more visible. If you need more reason to use schema, then know that according to semrush.com, schema markup is used by Fortune 500 companies; upon research it was found out that 42.8% domains use schema markup, if not for the whole website, at least for one page.

Adding Schema To Your Website

According to infront.com, there are three tools that you can use, if you want to add schema markup to your website:

Markup Validator

You can add markup through this tool and once you have done so, you can also make use of Structure Data Testing Tool, which is by Google; this helps you test the markups. You can drag the webpage of your company or line of code, so that it can get tested to see if there are any warnings or errors

Markup Generator

This will allow you to enter information about your business, including details like the name of the person, nature and description of the product, even or even website. The chunk that gets created with the help of this information, you can paste that into the HTML of your website.


SEMrush is an audit tool that checks your website for markups and then will notify you the percentage of your website that uses schema.

Schema is not just used for businesses and organizations, it is also used for events, people, products, recipes, reviews and videos. After reading this article, hope the problems that you faced in understanding schema and structured data, have now been solved. If you want to further understand schema markup or know how to use it to make your WordPress website more visible and with better SEO, then watch this video: