What Is SEO Lead Generation

What Is SEO Lead Generation - BillLentis.com



Every business needs strategies to acquire new customers and keep existing ones according to Neil Patel. They will employ paid advertising in media outlets, both print and electronic, in the hopes that their efforts will help them snag a new customer.

The problem with using traditional techniques is that customer acquisition cost tends to be very high and budgets soon run out after the stipulated campaign periods have lapsed. In the end, only a handful of customers will be obtained by this method.

With SEO lead generation, you can save yourself all the hassles that come with money running out when paid campaigns come to a close. Customer acquisition cost on SEO lead generation is lower compared to traditional advertising methods as highlighted by Neil Patel. The only caveat is that this method takes time to build up. SEO campaigns must be waged with long-term thinking in mind.

This article will help you understand SEO lead generation and how you can leverage it for your business. In the meantime, the video below summarises what SEO lead generation:

Tips For SEO Lead Generation

So how can you employ SEO Lead Generation in your business? The tips below will help you get the most of SEO and get a steady stream of clients through this method.

Do A Full-scale Audit

Chris Love says it is vital that you know what you are working with in your webpages. With the new strict SEO guidelines imposed by search engines, every move you make in optimizing your page needs to be above board. You must take a hard long look at the pages and content contained in them.

The process of checking out the pages might seem like a daunting one but there are a lot of tools that can help you. These include SEOmator and SEOptimer, just to mention a few. The insights gained from the tool should give you a clear roadmap of what needs to be improved.

This way, you can craft the right strategies to implement to meet your SEO lead generation goals.

Ensure You Have Mobile-Friendly Site

With a majority of searches in 2018 taking place in mobile phones and smartphones according to Greg Sterling, this should be a wakeup call to you. It is important that your site be mobile-friendly so as to cater to the section of the population craving for more information through their phones.

Google elevated mobile-friendly websites in 2018. This meant that sites that were not were pushed down the pecking order.

If your site is yet to catch-up with the other mobile-friendly site, ensure you do so and enjoy the benefits.

Get Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords will help jumpstart your SEO lead generation because they are less competitive and easy to rank. This means more organic traffic on your end. Plus, you get a way around the Google policy of prioritizing already established websites over newly established ones and up and coming ones.

Always Keep RankBrain In Mind While Optimizing

RankBrain is Google’s first machine learning algorithm who purpose was to analyze searcher interactions on the first pages of their SERPs. It examines the click-through-rate, bounce-rate and time-on-site that the searcher takes.

Your job is to learn as much as you can about RankBrain and leverage that knowledge to getting a high ranking. This will in turn translate to more lead generation.

Use Social Media

Search engines look at social media presence which, in part, accounts for the ranking on their SERPs. Work on your social media accounts, while giving your audience the content they will engage with and share with others as recommended by Mark Traphagen.

Get Influencer In Your Content

Networking is vital for any line of business, especially in SEO. You must strive to get influencers in your network and capitalize on the networks they have cultivated over time. Mention them in the content and tell them you have done so.

This way you can increase your chances of them reciprocating the favor by mentioning your site to their loads of followers. Reach out to these influencers and build a rapport with them. Ask them if they would be interested in sharing your message with their myriads of followers.

Mention Authority Sites

People gravitate toward information from trusted sources, according to Cosmitto. You must strive to include in your content authorities that people can relate to and trust. This way you can establish credibility as an individual committed to helping the searcher address the problem they want to solve. Plus, authorities will probably link back to you as well, exposing your site to their audience as well.

Provide Transcripts For Audio And Video Content

Since websites have moved to a more multimedia oriented direction, it is only fitting to have transcripts of audio and video content. This helps greatly in search optimization because you can zero in on keywords in the conversations that take place.

By doing so, it will play a huge role in your SEO efforts according to Patrick Loftus. Plus, it helps people visiting that site to zero in on specific content they are looking for.

Use Topic Creation Clusters

Customers on most sites like a page that can link them to multiple pages that contain information about the same topic within the same website. It is faster and convenient for them to do so. This method is known as topic clustering. The main page is known as pillar page.

This page must be created such that all the content posted there must be relevant and connect to each topic in some way. Pillar pages appear in SERPs

Include Guest Posts

Never shy away from promoting yourself on other people’s sites. There are people somewhere who are eager to hear what you have to say. On the right platform, you can generate SEO leads from every post you share there. Ensure you get to learn of the right platforms in your area of expertise and leverage them.

Work On The Landing Page

Landing pages need to be tweaked from time to time. They are the ones that people see in ranking. Sure they might have a bit part to play in generating leads but they that bit is still important. Include a call to action in them after hitting them with really impressive content.

Final Thoughts

As you contemplate ways of making your website rank high in the SERPs, you must strive to think long-term and short-term. Lead generation needs to be part of your think and you must constantly think of new ways of enhancing it with SEO. The aforementioned tips will get you started in that regard. They should help you get organic leads that will translate into new business.