According to opencart.com, the technique of OpenCart makes it possible to URL for products, categories, manufacturer as well as, information pages; the URLs used are search engine optimized. The SEO words used are then defined as per the four following things:1. Product
2. Category
3. Manufacturer
4. Information Page
They are then stored in a database table, and whenever a page is requested, they are looked up and then they are translated into internal URL. If you want to use SEO keywords, then go to your store settings page, then the server tab, that you can find in the admin interface, and then enable them.
Online Store and OpenCart
According to opencart.com, there are many ways through which you can use OpenCart to boost your online store. Some of these ways are discussed in detail in this article.Optimization
The first thing that you need to do is to optimize every page that can be found in your OpenCart store. The main benefit of OpenCart is that, the pages can be indexed and people can identify it through a search. If you use Meta Title, description and keywords to assign identification information to it, then it will make it less complicated for search engines, to list down your store data. There are some simple steps that you can follow, in order to optimize pages.1. In order to optimize your Home pages, first go to system, then settings, click on edit and then tab store. You can fill out the title and mega tag description box here, and then you can save it.
2. In order to optimize for your catalogues, open catalog and then go to categories. When you have chosen the category you want to edit or insert new information, fill it out using category name, again, meta tag description and keywords and then save the information.
3. According to cloudways.com, if you want to optimize each of the products listed on your website, then go to catalog, then products, chose the product that you want to edit or insert a new one, then fill out details like the name of the product, its meta tag description, keywords and then save the information.
The thing that you should remember here is that, you need to limit the characters for title tags, to 70 and when you are writing meta descriptions, don’t use more than 150-160 characters. You can always use Google Keyword Tool, to search for the most appropriate keywords.
Optimization Of The Structure Of URL
According to linkedin.com, the default URL of an OpenCart is usually a long one, and this will negatively impact the efforts that you make to get Google to rank your website higher. This is why, the URL should be shorter and for that, you need to follow the following steps:1. When you log in to your OpenCart dashboard, go to the system option, then click on setting, then edit, tab server and set the option of SEO URL to yes; then save the settings.
2. For renaming the file, go to the hosting c panel; the file that initially exists is .htaccess.txt and you have to change it to .htaccess.
3. Here you will enter the keywords, for every page, for every piece of information, product, as well as categories; if you don’t want URL for a specific category or product, then you don’t have to touch it.
Don’t Put In Duplicate Material
According to webkul.com, the two ways through which you can open you OpenCart website, is by accessing ‘world web solutions’ website and ‘your open cart sore’ website. However, this would show the search engines that you have two websites and they contain the same content. This will immediately kill your site in Google’s SERP. The solution here is that all the link that you put out, should be redirected to one place and as per default settings, this redirection can’t be done by OpenCart. This redirection has to take palce manually, but editing the .htaccess file, that is present in the same OpenCart installation folder, on your server.The thing that you need to see is whether your host actually lets you edit the .htaccess file or not and if it does, like most websites, then you can change your domain name, to ‘worldwebsolutions.in’.
Robots.txt File
This is a complicated process, as when the search engine crawler looks for the robots.txt files in your OpenCart site, you need to have it. This page basically tells the search engine spider, the pages that need to be indexed and the pages that should be just ignored.You can find the codes for this file on different websites. A little search can save you a lot of trouble.