What Is SEO For Homepage

What Is SEO For Homepage - BillLentis.com


SEO is used for websites, blog and the homepage of your website as well. As per reliablesoft.net, the homepage of your website is important, because it sets the first impression of your website and tells the visitor, what your website is really about. This is why, you need to be creative with your homepage and make sure that it has the right elements in it. Further, you need SEO for homepage because it tells Google what your company sells on the website or what it is about. Check out – billlentis.com/what-is-seo-for-a-new-website.

Moreover, SEO leads to an efficient site structure and navigation becomes easier for people. A good homepage answers the questions that visitors have, through rich content. Following are some of the steps that you need to take, to optimize your homepage.

Title Of The Homepage

According to neilpatel.com, you should not the name of your business or the name of the website on the homepage, but be creative by giving the visitors and search engines, information about what your website is all about. You can use 60 characters, which would include keywords and the information regarding your business; that would be one sentence.

The rules for designing an SEO title for your homepage are as follows:

• Place the target keyword at the start of your 60 character sentence
• If you add too many words in the title, then Google will get confused; add those keywords that truly define your business or how customers know you
• Don’t stuff keywords
• Add the name of your business or the domain name, at the start of the title

Meta Description Of The Homepage

Just like we need a description of products and services, we need meta descriptions for our website as well. Descriptions are the first thing that users see in search engine results, which is why you need to give it a lot of thought. As per greenflagdigital.com, your description should not be too long or too short, and it should not include a lot of keywords as well. This is an important aspect of SEO for homepage, and you should not ignore it. The first thing you should do is to optimize the H1 tag, which is a title that is usually at the top of a webpage and is customized through a theme.

Image SEO For Homepage

If you really want a user to stay on your website for long, then your homepage needs to have the relevant images. There are a few things that you need to remember, when you are using images for your homepage:

• ALT text should be included in the image; as per moz.com, ALT text is the description of your image
• The ALT text should include keywords; but make it look natural and not forced
• Don’t merge the text and the image, because search engines are not able to read text which are embedded in jpg or any other image format

Data Markup Should Be Structured

As per yoast.com, structured data is about describing your data, to the crawlers sent by search engines. Even though this is not part of the Google algorithm yet, it is still important. Search engines have come to a consensus about how data should be structured, like in the shape of articles, companies, events, or organizations and if you are a webmaster, then you need to make sure that you have added tags to the html code.

Google uses structured data in search engine results, and this appeals to the users, as they click more on your website’s link then.

There are three things that you have to describe when you are structuring data: • If you are running an online business, then your organization needs to be described
• If you have a local business, that has a physical presence, then you need to describe it
• If you are a person who is running a company or a person blog, then introduce yourself

Content SEO For Homepage

You can’t just post cute pictures on your homepage, and think that users are going to return to your homepage. You need quality content, that doesn’t overwhelm them, but answers the questions that they have. Following are three suggestions about the kind of content that you should include:

• If it is a corporate website, then the homepage should include company details, images that show the user what your company is about, and links to other webpages on the website
• If it is an ecommerce website, the homepage should show the latest products launched by the company, the trending products, latest news and links to other important sections
• If it is a blog, then it should show the featured articles and latest blogs; show the ones that have more hits or comments

Loading Speed Of Homepage

As per seomark.co.uk, the loading speed of a homepage matters, as loading speed is an important aspect of SEO. It is a fact that as a user, not many stay on a homepage, if it takes longer to load, like longer than 10 seconds. This is why, you need to do a few things, to make sure that it loads faster, and doesn’t cause the user any problems:

• Use a fast server, preferably from a host that is reliable
• Optimize the size of the images that you use, because most pages take time to load, as the images are too big and heavy
• Check the page speed insights, which is a free tool by Google; this tool gives you recommendations about how you can improve the speed of your homepage
• The video that you post on the homepage, make sure that YouTube is hosting it and it is embedded on your homepage

Really interesting video that will give you insight about how you can create an SEO friendly homepage. Even if the rest of your website is good, it still won’t matter if the homepage is not SEO friendly, so make sure to watch the video and read the article.