What Is SEO Definition

What Is SEO Definition - Billentis.com


Definitions make everything clearer, because it is a way of explaining something in less words. This article will provide you SEO’s definition and SEO related definitions, that will surely make things clearer for you and increase your knowledge, accordingly.


According to ahrefs.com, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is about making your content more visible for users of the internet, making your website valuable, so Google ranks it #1, increasing traffic and profiting from that traffic.

SEO is not just about writing content and filling webpages, it is about writing quality content, that would actually make a user stay on your website, share the link of that website to other websites and make it get a green signal from Google.


Algorithms are used by search engines to retrieve data from websites and web pages, so that they can deliver results for a query. There isn’t one specific algorithm that search engines use, but there are a combination of them. If it weren’t for these algorithms, Google or any other search engine won’t know the content of your webpages.


According to searchenginejournal.com, analytics are a way of collecting data, analyzing it, and interpreting it to use it or take action, based on whether it works or doesn’t work. Google has its own tool for data analysis, which is called Google Analytics.

Black Hat SEO

According to thebalancesmb.com, there are some things that go against the standards of SEO, that are set by Google. It is when websites take unfair methods, to promote their content. It is called Black Hat SEO, and if recognized, then Google can even penalize the website. On the opposite, there is White Hat SEO, which works according to the standards set by Google, and uses fair methods to promote content. Fair methods include, using quality content, not deceiving users when they visit a website and making sure that all their internal and external links are working.


The best way to SEO your content, is to make sure that you update your website on a daily basis. For this, you can publish your content in the shape of blogs. The content that the blog contains, should reflect the current interests of users. According to hallaminternet.com, blogs can be about both personal and corporate interests, but in both cases, they should be informative and engaging. Make sure that you write them in a way, like you are having a conversation with another person, and whatever you say is credible. Avoid repeating stuff, because that might disappoint users.

Bounce Rate

When you write irrelevant content on your webpages, or when the link that appears on the search engine results, takes the user elsewhere, and not to your website, then the bounce rate will increase. This means, that people won’t go through the whole website, won’t stay for long and leave, because they have found nothing helpful or attractive on your site. This could also be because they get an error on your website.

Click Through Rate

According to dynomapper.com, a CTR is a rate that is found out after calculating the number of organic links by the total number of impressions a webpage or website made and then multiplying it by 100. This basically tries to find out how many people visited your website and whether it made an impression on them or not.


In SEO content is everything. However, in order to make your website appealing and to decrease your bounce rate, you need to make sure that your content is worth clicking on. This is why, you can’t just rely on text, you need to add multimedia, which means images and videos.

If your content consists of statistics, then you should try making graphs as well, as it will make it easier for the user to understand information. You can also use infographics, if your content includes making a timeline, as it will further boost your content. Further, you should think about creating links within your website; you can link your users to other websites, that have similar quality content as yours, so that they find your website helpful.

You can also create quality content, which would then encourage other websites to include your web pages’ links on their website and that would create more traffic for your website. Whatever you do, just consider content your king.


• This is specifically applicable for e-commerce websites. The conversion rate of a website increases when a user complete an action that the website wanted him to complete. For example, when a user visits an e-commerce website, the conversion rate can be determined
• If the user completes a purchase
• If the user adds items to their shopping cart
• If the user fills a form, like a registration form
• If the user downloads premium content, like downloading a software that requires them to make a payment or buying an e-book
• Making a subscription
• Viewing the videos on the website


According to reliablesoft.net, crawler is a program developed by search engines, that crawls the website. Crawling is the process through which information is gathered and that too, from billions of web pages. This is done to add and update webpages that can be found in the search engine’s index.

Similarly, in an SEO directory, there is a list of websites found, that are separated by categories and subcategories. This is also an important aspect of SEO.

Domain Authority

A website can be judged by its content and then domain authority. Domain authority shows the strength of the website, which is developed over time and can help rank pages quickly. For this, the domain needs to have a good score.

These are not the only SEO terms, and there is much more when it comes to learning about SEO. However, these are some main definitions, which will provide you with a clear concept about SEO. If you wish to learn more SEO terms, then you can watch this video: