What Is On Page SEO

What Is On Page SEO - BillLentis.com



Optimization, sounds like a tough word, doesn’t it? Now try on-page SEO? Well, now you really need an explanation! According to backlinko.com, when you optimize a single page on your website, that process is called on-page SEO; when you optimize your whole website, that process is called on-site SEO, which is why they shouldn’t be confused with each other. If you are including an SSL certificate to your website, then this can be both an on-site optimization and on-page optimization action.

Difference Between On-Page And Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is basically about link building that is the process of getting backlinks, to your website. On-page SEO is about optimizing each and every web page of your website. Off-page SEO happens further away from the website, and on-page SEO happens on the website. The main objective of an on-page SEO is to speak the language of search engines, and make it possible for crawlers to understand the content, context and meaning of your web pages.

If you want to implement on-page SEO on your website, then following are some insights that you can benefit from.


The URLs that you use for your web pages should be short and not long. According to Google, the first three to five words of a URL have more weight in them, and when it comes to Google ranking, short URLs are given more preference. According to searchenginejournal.com, whenever you make a URL, you should make sure that you include the target keywords in them.

Title And Description

Meta descriptions and page titles are very important for on-page SEO. This is because when search engines are going through your pages, they see the title of the page, along with the description, its heading, text, videos and images. The reason why search engines go through your pages is because they want to know what your page is about and then taking into account the domain authority and other factors, they rank your page and place it in their index.

Unique Title

Make sure that the pages have a unique title, and are understandable for the search engines and the users as well. You can add keywords to the start of your page titles, as it will help the search engine understand what your page is about, right from the start. However, make sure that your titles are short, but descriptive.

According to seolium.com, you don’t want to write titles that are longer than 60 characters, as that is the minimum number of characters you see in the search results. You can add numbers, power words, but not your domain name, because that is something Google adds, on its own. Do not put in auto generated descriptions, because they usually don’t make any sense.

Images And Multimedia

Images are good for presentation reasons, as they make it easier for users to understand the content on the page. However, images can make it difficult for a page to load quickly, which is why you need to keep in mind, a few things. The images should be original, and if you are using it from somewhere else, then you should always provide a reference for it. You should keep the images smaller, use an ALT tag, and must include descriptive file names. If you have no other choice but to include many images in a single page, then using a content delivery network will help make your page load faster.

Internal Links

As this article is about on-page SEO, you can’t ignore internal links and how important they are for your website. Internal link means building your website and when a spider discovers a page, they will always follow the internal and external links on the page. If you don’t have any internal links, then a user or a search engine spider, will simply read your page and leave.

According to shoutmeloud.com, internal links are an excellent way to tell search engines that you have other pages as well, and it is also a way to let them know, the important pages on your website. It is also a great way to make the users stay on your website, and make them read more, as they click the internal links to find more about a specific thing.

However, if you are putting in internal links, then only include them if they are relevant. You shouldn’t include more than 15 links per page and you can always add them to the main body of your webpage or landing page; it doesn’t always have to be in the footer or on the sidebar.

Page Loading Speed

When it comes to on-page SEO, page loading speed is very important because Google has invested a lot of money to make the web faster and if your website doesn’t load fast, then it would get a good ranking. Speed is an official element through which the ranking of web pages is decided.

While you are at it, make sure that your web pages load fast on mobile devices as well. Everything can be accessed with the touch of a smartphone nowadays, which is why you need to make sure that your website can be easily accessed through a smartphone and loads there as well. According to searchmetrics.com, you can always use the Google mobile friendly tool, to check whether your website is mobile friendly or not. If you don’t make it mobile friendly, then it will not form a good image in the mind of the customer. If your website has a responsive design, then you don’t have to worry about this aspect.

On-Page Comments

According to seonick.net, if you think that comments don’t hold much importance, then you are wrong, because when people like the content you have posted, then they interact with that page, and it gives a boost to the content. To make the best use of comments, you should follow some steps:

• Before publishing a post or a page, moderate comments
• Don’t publish comments that are too general, because they will look like paid comments
• Approve comments that add value to the page
• Don’t approve comments that are posted by users who don’t post with their real name
• Reply to comments, as this will let the users know you see them


Thus, on-page is something you need to understand in order to get the best out of SEO and digital marketing. This includes incorporating comments, images, multimedia, internal links and much more. If you want to learn more about on page SEO, then you should definitely check out this video: