What Is In The Domain Name?

What Is In The Domain Name - BillLentis.com



Most people may not be familiar with the phrase ‘domain name’. This term simply refers to the title or the name of the websites that is used in the internet by various business organizations. It is the address that users of the internet can use in order to access your website. It’s entered in URL immediately after protocol. It’s used for identifying and finding computers in the internet since it is easier to remember as compares to the IP addresses. A computer uses an IP address when in the internet which is simply a series of a certain number. However, it’s very difficult for people to perfectly remember the strings of these numbers. As a result, instead of using the IP addresses to identify the entities in the internet, there was development of the domain names to take care of this challenge. The domain name may be a combination of any numbers and letters and can be used using the combination of various extensions of domain names such as .net, .com and others. The domain name of any website can have a minimum of one character and a maximum of 63 characters. There are two types of domains namely the top-level domains (TLDs) and the second- level domains (SLDs). A good example of the SLDs is the .com domain extension. These domain names must be registered with a certain provider of the domain names before one can effectively use it in the internet.

With the advanced technology that is currently affect various industries, business owners are in need of website so that they can be able to conduct their activities more effectively. As an owner of a business enterprise, you should take some time to think about creating a website which can be very important in promoting you services or products. One crucial thing that you should really put into consideration when developing the website or your marketing and branding plans; is ensuring that you select the appropriate domain name. The truth of matter is that most people tend to make judgments once they hear or see a particular term. Therefore, when coming up or choosing your domain name, part of your job is to ensure that you get the name that will specifically define your website or business in a certain manner. If you wish to get a clear answer of what is in the domain name, it is worth noting that the most essential part is contained in your brand. However, you might need help from a professional to assist you with the aspect of the things contained in the domain name.

Carry Out A Research On Your Market

When selecting a domain name, the worst mistake you can make is to choose a name simply because you like how it sounds or a name that randomly comes from your head. If you need people to constantly visit your site, the very first thing that you are required to perform is to carry out research on your market. Slowly go through the websites of other businesses that operate in similar line of business and observe the domain name they have selected and then attempt to develop a name that is even better than theirs.

Once you have carried out research on various business names, head to the tool of Google keywords and find out volume of the searches for all the names that you have researched. Consider a median search of a term for the business like the one you are operating then try to play around using these terms to see if you can be able to develop something that is unique and also attractive. If you observe the terms or words that various individuals are using in order to search a business that is similar to yours, then know that you’re are on the way of obtaining the appropriate domain name for the website of your website. Ensure that you select the name that clearly defines your business. It is worth noting that each and every web domain name tends to be unique and you can’t find any 2 websites with similar domain name. One will therefore go into your site by typing the domain name of your site and it’s impossible to end up in another site provided it is correct.

Selecting The Right Provider Of The Domain Name

There are currently many providers of domain names on the internet, so think carefully the provider you choose. There is certainly no need to select the first domain provider you encounter in the internet without putting some factor into considerations. Ensure that you select a domain provider that does not need the domain name to be upgraded or renewed after every one or two years. This is due to the fact that some people have been denied right to their domain names for failure of renewing or re-registering their domain names within a specified period of time. The domain name you choose for your business is very important for your brands and therefore getting the right provider of domain name is very crucial for you online marketing success. Ensure that you conduct a thorough research on various providers and select the best.

Other factors that you should consider when selecting a provider of the domain name are the reliability of their server, security and the uptime scores. This is due to the fact that providers with network connections that are unstable and weak servers wish push your website offline most of the times. Apart from denying you potential visitors, this may also lead to lower rankings by the web search engines. You should avoid those providers with the yearly uptime score that is below 99%. Instead, select those with reputable uptime score since this is also very important for the success of your website.


Those are some of the things that you should be familiar with when it comes to domain names, particularly if you’re thinking about creating a website for your business.