Tips For Improving Your Lead Generation On Facebook

Tips For Improving Your Lead Generation On Facebook -
Every business owner’s main goal is to grow and flourish their business. This can be done by acquisition and retention of new and old customers respectively. To this end, it is important to have your marketing strategy in play and continuously change when the situation demands of it. However, that is easier said than done because most people tend to be very rigid about change. Consistency is fine if you are getting results with the systems that are already in place but with quickly changing business environments being the norm, the ability to change is vital. Adaptability when designing marketing campaigns is vital because it gives you an edge over your competition when it comes to marketing it.

There are very many avenues you can use to put the word out there about your company and the services they offer. Whether it is direct marketing or the more modern version of email marketing, you need a way of tracking and measuring your efforts. Tracking and measuring point to areas that need work or improvement. This empirical approach helps you to focus your energies intensely to ensure that you consistently improve and hit your marks every time.

Social media marketing has become very popular with business owners nowadays more than it was over a decade or so ago. Today, you will find more and more people signing up for social media accounts. According to Statista, a reputable statistics firm online, it is anticipated that over 2.77 billion people will join social networking sites. There are very many social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, just to mention a few. The supreme one of them all is Facebook. This site averages over 1.8 billion users monthly as of stats quoted in 2018. By now you are probably getting wide-eyed about the possibility of marketing to over 1.8 billion people in the world. Ambitious as it may sound, you must be realistic about who you want to market your business to. Not everyone will be in the market for what you are selling but that should not dissuade you from using Facebook to tap into new market. This article explores tips on how you can improve your lead generation on Facebook and generate new business from it.

First of all, it is important that you define the nature of the product you are selling. This entails knowing the true problem of what your product is solving and then going forth and explaining it to the world in a clear, concise and complete manner. Most people make the wrong assumption that if they display their goods on their Facebook page, it will be enough. They assume that people will eventually get to see what they are selling and the shares will be coming out of the blocks exposing them to new prospects. After sharing their post, they leave it alone hoping it will get traction by itself. This approach is very dangerous and will more often than not get you nowhere fast. By simply defining the nature of your product by creating clearly describing its unique selling points and the problems it is designed to solve, you will be on course to attracting prospects. Unique selling points, or USPs, are the attributes that make your product or service stand out from the pack. You could have a product that has very many similarities to others in the market. USPs are highlighted to show how your product is product is different and better than the others in the market. As a business owner, sit and write down your product’s or business’ USPs. Make them as clear and as different as possible from the others in the market. From these USPs, you can move to the next step.

After creating the USPs, it is important to know who your ideal customer is. As was mentioned earlier, Facebook user stats put it at the top of the pile with over 1.8 billion users monthly but you cannot really sell to those many. Your ideal customer is unique. By identifying the attributes that make him that way, you can then tailor the messages in your ads to appeal to them, generating interest and leaving the door for you to close. Identifying the ideal customer attributes requires research on the following key areas: demographics, problems and location. In demographics, it is important to define your ideal customer’s age, sex, hobbies and incomes, for a start. Certain messages appeal to a specific group of people more than others. This knowledge helps you position your product as the solution to these people’s problems. As for locations, if you are a local business, you can configure the UI campaign management system to limit your message to a very specific location. Once you have established that area has been secured, you can think about branching out and tapping new markets. Remember: do not get carried away by the huge numbers and assume that the huge monthly numbers are your overall target. Start locally, secure the local business and then expand outwards.

What is measured and tracked can be improved is a message that you must carry with you always when you run a Facebook ad campaign. It was mentioned earlier and cannot be reiterated enough. When you have a Facebook page already in place, you will have access to reports from which you can analyze engagements with your followers and new prospects. These data insights should then translate into strategies that you can use to improve if the trends are showing no progress on that front.

Finally, you need to create and test out different messages to your target audiences to find which works best. Do not limit your ads to just one. This takes into account the different audience segments that your product provides for. There are different ways of creating engagement on Facebook, like memes, gifs and serious ads. Try out something different so that you can find the best move for you and improve your game.

All these improvements take time and you should have a clock on these key steps to ensure that you take action.