SEO Tips

SEO Tips -


If you are using Google Ads and want an alternative, then you need to know about the many ways, that you can use to get a good ranking from Google. Google, when it is ranking your website, doesn’t look at one aspect only but takes several factors into account. There are tips that you can follow, if you want to receive a higher ranking from Google. You need to put in your best efforts, because nothing good comes out of just sitting and waiting for success to knock at your door.

Homepage Of The Website

The landing page or the home page of your website must have the main keywords. If the SEO plug-in that you have chosen is good, then it will provide a better ranking for the keyword. Every keyword or phrase that is related to the content posted on your website should be used at least once on every page. If you have more than two keywords in one page, then that would be a problem, because this would mean that each page is fighting with the other, for a better ranking. Thus, remember to use only one keyword or phrase per page.

Keywords In Images

The alt text and the image names that you use, should include the keywords that you think can give you a good ranking. Make sure that the image you post on your web pages, are not too big. If the image is too big, then you can use different tools like the picture manager and paint application on your computer, to shrink it.


Every web page of yours, has a URL, which you share on websites and social media platforms, to make people aware about them. When you are creating news pages and posting articles, you should see whether your keywords appear in the slug of the web pages or not. In case you want to modify or edit a web page, then make sure that you also develop a redirect for that page. This will make it possible for search engines to locate your page. If you don’t create a redirect and a search engine can’t find your page, then there will be no traffic and it might even affect your Google ranking.

Target Keywords

You need to first find out what are your target keywords, and then include those target keywords in Meta tags and the titles of the web pages as well. If you want assistance with this, because it is technical, then you can always visit Yoast. Yoast is a tool that gives you an SEO word press plug-in and you can even receive SEO training from it. When you have installed this tool you won’t have to go through the hassle of editing the website’s code and you should definitely get this tool, if you have low technical knowledge. The Meta description is important, because Google shows text in the meta description. If you focus on this, then you can increase the visibility of your web pages and attract more traffic to your website.

Headings And Subheadings

If your article, paragraph or page doesn’t have headings or subheadings, then it will make the information you share, look very messy. You should have headings in your articles and blog posts and make sure that you put catchy and appropriate headings. For example, if you are writing about a serious issue like cancer, your heading or subheading can’t be funny. The heading tags that you use, should be suitable as well. 2 to 6 tags can be used for a subheading. If you use tags, then you can be sure of a good ranking of your web pages or your website.


You should put up links on your web pages. These links should be internal links, that will take your reader to another article that you wrote before. For example, if you are writing about fitness, and your main topic is yoga, you can put links of other related articles that you have published before. This would present the readers with more information and it will also give your web pages a good ranking. However, don’t put internal links that lead your visitors to unrelated pages. You can’t post a link saying it is about yoga, when it is about running. Posting internal links makes it easier for readers and the search engines to find out similar content on your website. These links will also keep the visitors on your website for a longer period of time, because they would be reading linked information or articles.


Like other developers often do, don’t ignore footer. Footer is like a sub-menu, which provides a link to the popular or most read content on your website. Footer can have many internal links, and it is an important aspect of SEO.

Keywords And Phrases

When you want to search something on the internet, but don’t want to type it, you often seek the help of Google Assistant and Siri. As more and more people conduct voice searches, Google is placing importance of longer keywords. If you include longer keywords and phrases in your content, then that would give you a good ranking. The keywords should be long but relevant. If your business is not doing so well in terms of SEO marketing, then you need to adopt these tips, so you can make your business more visible. Remember that Google wants you to follow its guidelines when it comes to SEO, or it will not give you a good ranking. You can’t optimize your web content by just putting in a lot of keywords; you need to post relevant content, and you need to format it properly using the right keywords. If you are struggling, then this article will help you; you just need to follow the tips to the core. If you still continue to struggle, then try to assess the different reasons of why this is happening and what you can do about it further.