With the known algorithm updates on the go, the only way you garner your prospective customers’ interest in what you do, depends on how well you’re prepared in promoting your content. If it’s target oriented and you know what you’re doing then all you have to do is sit back and relax, because this mathematical formulae – “the algorithm” works its way over to the newsfeed of all those who may be interested in seeing your content.
The only tools you may require for this to function right is: a well 4G internet connection, a killer profile with your information and that’s it! With all of these tools by your side, you can take easily avail up to 4 hours of free live streaming. And the best part is, setting them up isn’t hard at all. Most of you would probably already have a working internet connection and an active profile at your hands. You might have probably seen someone live streaming before too. So what you actually need to think about is how to reel in the market and instigate their interest in what you might be doing in your next broadcast. Make them feel and know that you’re worth the time they are going to invest on you.
How to do that, you ask? This is exactly what we’re going to talk about below.
Expose Who? You
You can alert your subscribers with Facebook live about your recent live stream after it has been launched. It works as a sweet reminder to tell your viewers that you’ve just posted another one of your wonderful content online. As good of a way that is, it only works if you’re viewers are completely smitten by your work. If not, then you would need to expose yourself, get out into their world when they are most likely to see you. That is try to post your video at a time you know they are most likely to be surf around, in search of something entertaining. It’s just a guess that might just work and because of that it’ always worth the try.Let your viewers know, they will always appreciate the effort.
Make A Schedule
Services like send calendar allows you to create your own personalized live schedule, which you can easily share, if you’d like, with your viewers. Providing them the know-how of your timings will make them unconsciously wait and turn out to your page for your live stream as it would provide them with the opportunity to directly interact with you through comments and feedbacks.It allows you to plan out your own schedule and provides the user with the ability to get notified on the upcoming updates if they become subscribers. Plus, particularly very easy to use and update.
You can also choose to timeout your live stream on Facebook live administration section with the help of 3rd party software applications such as eCamm or BeLive.tv.
What To Post
How and what you choose to broadcast is a vital part in getting your viewers to like your stream. Nobody likes to watch a video that they cannot understand, relate to or make use of. So think about these few factors before you decide to post up your recent stream. Is the content that I’m posting, something my target market would like to watch? Would they get something out of it? Would I spend my own time watching the content I post, if I were in their shoes? Asking yourself such questions, allows you to consider the thought process of your viewer and gives you a better insight of what to produce and what to avoid.Get yourself a home studio set up or decide if you’d prefer streaming live from your phone or computer. Make sure your video and audio is understandable and of reasonable quality.
Having a ‘your own personal studio space’ would help you set the perfect environment for the live broadcast and usually have a better qualitative performance than that from a phone or an iPad. Not having it at your disposal is perfectly alright too. All you have to make sure is that nothing would go wrong in between your broadcast. It’s completely live, after all! There will be no do overs within this category.
So make sure your Internet signals are working perfectly fine, that there is no distortion in the video or distracting noises in the back ground and most importantly, check the lense of you camera. That smudge may just end up ruining your perfect stream.
Define Your Purpose
The title of your video and the description it holds is the deciding moment of it all. It’s the one thing that catches the attention of your viewers and makes them give you a try. It’s like a trailer of a video, so make sure to put in what you’re going to show to your viewers. Let them know what it’ all about and reel them in, but make sure to not reveal the best juicy parts of it all. You must keep an element of surprise in the video to keep them interested. Keep it catchy.Don’t worry though. You don’t always have to believe the stats. Sometimes there are major issues with the network and sometimes getting the word out takes some well-deserved time. Don’t ignore the stats but just remember that there are many uncontrollable factors that might have an influence on the total viewership of what you post. Just keep the few above pointers in your mind and give it your best shot, and hope for the returns to be in your favor.