Management Or leadership, Is There Any Difference?

Management Or leadership Is There Any Difference? -



The terms management and leadership are often utilized like they have similar meaning, although there is in fact a huge difference between being a manager and a leader. Sometimes the leaders may act as managers although most managers can’t be leaders. It’s only an extra-ordinary individual can embody both of the traits. They’ve very distinct abilities and are both important for achievement of success in a business that is experiencing high growth.

Leaders tend to have a unique ability of uniting the employees around the vision. Since the employees strongly believe on the vision, they’ll logically feel the need of following them. Leaders are also prepared to take the risks as an effort of fulfilling the vision. Contrastingly, managers tend to be more proficient in implementing the vision by guiding the employees to implement it using a systematic way. They can observe all intricate aspects so that they can understand how they will make them function together. The managers are generally known for avoiding unnecessary risks.

Most entrepreneurs are considered to be leaders but not managers. Contrarily, if the manager is anticipated to run a firm, that firm won’t be as prosperous. Some of the managers can be able to motivate while some leaders are able to systematically implement, although these aren’t their main strengths. Understanding whether you’re a manager or a leader will assist you in making essential early options that will match with your strengths so as to ensure your business’ success.

The aim of this article is to present a new style of leadership referred to as the Intellect Authentic Transformation Leadership. This is a blend of the 2 best styles of leadership namely; transformational and authentic leadership. This particular style of leadership combines the best aspects from the two styles of leadership that we have mentioned. Additionally, emotional quotient (EI) is the intellect part in this style of leadership that is included so as to enhance the overall style of leadership. We will discuss the values that are selected to be included in this style of leadership at later stages of the article. First of all, we will look at the information on different styles of leaderships so that you can have a better understanding.

Leadership Isn’t Position But Performance

Leaders are individuals who take accountability for bringing change and making pronouncements. They authorize other individuals to determine their greatest capability and motivate them to get to that potential. Leaders are chosen by other people based on their points of view, actions and performance. If you aspire to become a leader, you should then influence better realities and advance as a leader.

The Perfect Way Of Influencing Others Is Leading By An Example

All leaders want to make their teams to perform to heir level best. The perfect place to begin is offering excellent orientation, although there is still the need of making improvements. The best method of teaching is setting examples that members of your team can learn from. You should let your action to be a reflection of the things that you’re teaching other people. During the tough times, when the chances of giving up are high, you’re supposed to the person facing the obstacles with the willpower and self assurance of bringing success. Ensure that members of your team support you by doing the same.

Leading Involves Having An Impact/Influence

Some great world leaders in the history had an impact or influence on members of their team. This is due to the fact that leadership isn’t just about developing goals and achieving them successively with members of your team. It is also not just about the illustrious skills of communication and impressive public speaking. If you are aspiring to become a genuine leader, you’re supposed to have matchless contributions to the society’s interests.

Leadership Involves Pursuing Vision

Your activities will be pointless if you don’t have a vision. Every individual can be occupied implementing various tasks, although the key should to be to allocate your time and efforts to your vision’s apprehension. Vision is the thing that inspires individuals to take actions and advance. You should ascertain your dedicated vision and coordinate all of your actions towards it. You should also encourage all members of the team using that vision.

People Are Concerned With What They See

People are mostly concerned with what they see more than even the things that they hear. Don’t squander your time or that of other people with the infinite conversations on your plans. Recognize your plans and ensure that every member of the team will envision the plans in a similar way.

Main Differences Between Management And Leadership

For one, management refers to the process of running various activities within the firm while leadership refers to the attribute of leading individuals by encouraging them. Management is a quality of controlling and ruling while leadership is the skill that involves influencing other people. Management involves the manager’s control over the subordinates unlike in leadership where a leader needs his follower’s trust. Another difference is the fact that management is naturally reactive and brings stability while leadership happens to be proactive and brings change to the organization.


Management and leadership are naturally inseparable, when leadership is involved, management is also involved. As a matter of fact, the qualities of the managers need the leadership skills so as to motivate their subordinates. In a company, you can observe both leadership and management. There may the departmental manager and the some leaders working with members of their team to help the organization achieve its goals and objectives. The managers end up playing the role of the leaders most of the times, based on the organization’s demand. We can therefore clearly see that complement each other and they are both needed for the survival and growth of a company.

Leadership is usually about motivating individuals towards a positive direction that will help them utilize their capabilities while management is simply about maintenance and arrangement of various activities within the company.