Such high importance of the blogs requires you to search for them more and find the various elements included in it. Knowing about the elements of the blog can help you in optimizing and finding the better alternatives for grabbing and retaining the attention of the readers. The picture in the blog is one of the prominent elements that can create more leads than the written content, thus resulting in more benefits. Why are the pictures important? the quotation saying a picture is worth a thousand words definitely fit this scenario. By adding a picture to the blog, you can actually explain the product, its features, and benefits to the customers.
Here are some specific reasons because of which you must try using a picture in your blog too.
Covering Space Is Possible
The simple text might not take up as much space as the text combined with pictures. By adding a picture, you can trim the paragraphs into a format that can enhance the attention span of the users. Moreover, the white space between paragraph and pictures provide a more easy way of reading the written text. Furthermore, you can also break the long text whenever you think that the paragraph has gone very long to be grasped by the reader. This will actually help in making the audience read the entire blog. So, the call to action, which is probably at the end of every blog, will also be read, increasing the chances of the implementation of those persuasive messages too.Additionally, some of the blogs are related to the topic where pictures are necessary to provide the right image of the written text. So, in those cases, pictures can be helpful in reducing the written text by still covering the same amount of space on the blog.
Understanding Is Improved
If the picture in the blog post is related to the written text, you can expect the users to get a better view and understanding of the text written. Additionally, a relevant picture can also help them in reading the complete text. Sometimes, the compelling picture also provides the readers with an opportunity to enhance their mood. Pleasant scenery or an exotic dish can be some of the examples of such pictures, which can actually enhance the mood of your reader, leading to overall better results for your business.Social Media Management Can Be Improved
If you will be adding pictures in your blog, you are most probably going to attract the attention of the reader. moreover, if the image explains all the text or is somehow unique, you can expect it to be shared on various social media forums by the audience. the more the picture will be shared, the higher traffic it can generate to your blog. Today, all the social media platforms provide you with the ease of sharing pictures and other content. Your users can post it to Facebook or tweet it to allow the people following them to view the beautiful picture and read the exciting text. Similarly, Instagram and Google+ also have their own role to play.Increase In Search Engine Ranking
The generation of more traffic to your website and social media pages can lead to improved search engine ranking. You will be able to engage in organic ranking without having to pay the search engine for showing you on the top of the listing. However, one of the things that you should consider here is that the search engines cannot read the images but they can definitely manage to read the descriptions of the picture. If you are going to use the right words for describing the picture, then you are definitely going to generate better results. In case, you failed to provide the right description, then you should not expect any improvement because of the limitation of the search engine regarding picture reading.With all this discussion, one of the important questions here is regarding the location where you can find the right pictures for your blog. You can utilize the fee images available on the internet on the blog or you can click new pictures relevant to the topic of the blog. In case of using online images, one thing that you must consider is that you should ensure that the images are not subject to copyright. Otherwise, they will do more harm than good to your website and the associated social media pages.