This is because, ultimately, you’re a business and your purpose is to make money, not just consistently post free value adding content.
Make Use Of Facebook’s Options
Facebook has over two billion users in the world each month, making it the most effective place to make money from your social media following. Your Facebook business page should tell your audience all about your business and why they should do business with you. It is best to utilize Facebook features such as;1. The Like button
2. Contact Us button
3. Email sign-up tab
4. Polls
5. Events
6. Statistics
Using many call to actions can also be effective as well. Things like; “Click the like button to stay in touch with the latest news from around the world” or “you can reach out to us by clicking the “contact us” button, we would love to hear from you”
Foster Engagement
Engage your audience to like, comment and share your posts, this cannot be overemphasized. This will increase the reach of your business and drive more traffic to your page. The increased traffic will eventually lead to more income for your business 9if you keep playing your cards right. The great part is; this can be done on most social media networks, not just Facebook.Promote Your Account To Increase Following
Facebook also has a neat feature that allows you to advertise your business profile for very little amounts of money. Consider these as investments as they pay off eventually. This feature allows you to promote your profile and get more likes and followers. Other social media networks like, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn also have the same neat feature as well.Boost Your Best Performing Posts
Have a look at your Facebook Insights and study the type of content that brings you the best engagement. Then go ahead to convert them into performing ads by boosting them to reach more of your target audience. The posts should have a click-to-action button that they can click to learn more about your business. Be sure to target the right audience so that your promoted post will reach people who are interested in your business.Create Ads From Scratch
Although, it may take a little more time, creating a Facebook ad from scratch can be worth it, because then you will have a lot more control over how it performs. To do this properly, you will need the following things;1. A clear picture
2. A witty headline
3. An interesting description
4. You will also need a link to direct them to perform a certain action like subscribing or buying something.
Market On Youtube
YouTube is one of the biggest sites in the world and the biggest video-sharing site in the world. This tells you that its reach and capabilities are endless. You can easily come up with DIY videos and other relevant content that will appeal to your audience. Be sure to include a call to action for your fans to subscribe to your channel, so they get notified anytime you add new content. The call to action could also be for them to buy a new product.However, it is still best practice to begin all social media marketing strategies on Facebook. It is known for being the number one social network in the world, used by all ages. This allows it to not be limited by demographics, and also makes it certain that your entire target audience is using Facebook as well. In order to learn how to ensure that your Facebook marketing is completely successful and profitable, you can go ahead to download my Free Checklist, Making money from social media just requires you to know how and when to use the right tools and strategies at the right time. This requires you to fully understand that people are not static, hence your strategies must constantly evolve to accommodate their endless needs. You have to be ready to put in the work and the research to pull it off properly. The great thing about social media is that, when you put in the work, you are guaranteed to get results. So keep building, keep learning, keep growing and let your imagination get creative with how well you can perform the best activities for your social media audience. When the conversions start to roll in, your business is bound to grow.
Never stop utilizing the power of social media in growing your following, because ultimately, your followers become your customers, your customers generate sales and your sales become income to your business.