How To Blend Soup Without A Hand Blender

How To Blend Soup Without A Hand Blender - Bill Lentis Media


A hand blender is often called an immersion blender, which can be used for making soups. The reason why people prefer to use hand blenders, is because they give the perfect creamy texture to the user. Moreover, a hand blender can be used in a bowl, and it doesn’t make the same kind of mess that a blender does. A hand blender can blend even the tiniest particles, and give a good pureed soup.

Recipe To Blend Soup Without A Hand Blender

Take a large pot and put it on high heat; add 2 tbsp of virgin oil, 1 tbsp garlic, 1 tbsp ginger, and 1 large red onion. Make sure that the onion is peeled and finely chopped. Then add 6 carrots to the pot, 3 celery stalks, and 1 large potato; all ingredients should be finely chopped. Add both to cover the vegetables and only leave a thumb size space; roughly 8-10 cups. Add 2 bay leaves and then boil the mixture. Also go and check out the how to blend ice without a blender – click resources.

After that, use a hand blender to blend the vegetables, and make sure that only small chunks are left. If there are no small chunks left, then the texture of the soap would be creamier.

What Can I Use Instead Of A Hand Blender?

While some people use a hand blender to mix different ingredients for soap, people can also use a hand mixer. A hand mixer will also give a good result, and it will even add fluffiness to the ingredients.

What Do You Blend Soup With?

There are several things that people can use to blend soup with. They can use a blender, a hand blender or an immersion blender, a hand mixer or an electric mixer. The main thing is to blend vegetables in a way that, they give a good and creamy texture.

How Do I Make My Soup Smooth?

The best way to make soup smooth is by using an immersion blender. It is the easiest way to make a soup; however, a regular blender is also a choice. If the vegetables have already been made soft in a pot, then they can be pureed using a potato masher or by passing them through a strainer.

Is Blended Soup Healthy?

Blended soup is very healthy, because it provides the right amount of nutrients to a body. It is also a good way to saturate the body with minerals and antioxidants. The reason why people combine different vegetables in a soup is because it is easier to consume them that way. Moreover, soups are mostly consumed in winter time, when people are suffering from flu. Blending soups just make it easier to make them.

Does Soup Need To Cool Before Blending?

Before blending soup, it is a really good idea to let it cool down. Moreover, whenever blending soup, make sure that the blender has a lid over it. If soup is hot and is blended in a blender, then it will definitely create a mess.