No matter where we are or who we are, we know what Facebook is all about. With the recent everlasting hype of Facebook as a favorite ‘pastime’, we all know that almost everyone around the globe is an avid Facebook user. With about 1.3 billion active users generating traffic on Facebook on a daily basis, it is quite certain that your content will have a better chance of being seen and recognized here then it would have been elsewhere. Your competitors aren’t active on Facebook, you say? Then that’s all the more reason for you to be there. Just imagine, the world as your market and your competitors out of sight- I wonder, if someone on Facebook needed a product that you just happened to sell, then who’d actually end up making that sale? Not your competitor, that’s for sure. It will be you.
Here are some Facebook adverts types that are seemingly more effective than the rest. The choice of the advert has to be based on what you’re product is all about or what the overall purpose and nature of your business is. The abovementioned forms are discussed right below.
Work For Likes
As weird as it sounds, trying to please people and turning them to a ‘liker’ is all what advertisement is about. To get someone to like your content or brand, you need to think like them. In other words, if you want someone to look at you and interact, the first thing that you’ve got to do is talk about something they will either be interested in or may relate to. When we advertise our content to get more likes, we end up simultaneously preparing our mindset to what our prospective customers want from us, while gaining viewers who will be our loyal customers, even after our business advertisement stops running. Plus, if the Facebook users end up liking your page, they may share or personally recommend your services or channel to their relative and acquaintances. This way ‘your followers’ and their ‘relatives’, both of them would try to stay up to date with what you share.Era Of Comments
Have you ever wandered around Facebook yourself and you come across a post that makes your fingers rush on your keypad/keyboard/phone (whatever you’re using to type) like fire? If yes, then you would have probably checked out the ‘comments around you’. One comment calls out for a conversation and with people with friends, it calls out for curiosity. You can either make your post ‘comment worthy’ or pay to add in a link to your post to ‘spike up’ the traffic on your page. These interactions will definitely end up promoting your page as friends of friends will usually see the ad too, some may even comment back. As a plus, at times like these, your audience is mixed. Other people besides your targeted audience will know of your page/post and it may just end up widening your market size relatively. All in all, without any extra expenses!Videos As An Advert
From time and back, humans have always loved and understood the idea of watching images depict emotions, better than words. Videos are therefore, generally addicting and relaxing. They don’t require much effort and work best for a majority of the people out there in the world. So, if you’re looking for ways that will make people come back for more, then strap your backpack and get ready to shoot, because nothing beats a good entertaining video then anything to reel in the people of today. It’s better when it comes to delivering your message and it promises a strong probability of their return. What else do you want?Facebook Carousel Ads For businesses and brands that sell out a range of products or services, this form of advertisement is a work of wonders. These are not only cost effective than the normal medium of communication but they are also different. These ads are a collection of 4-5 images, within the same ad. The viewers can scroll through these pictures one by one and they can be used to dictate a story. Whereas, the element of not being able to see the next picture without swiping through it, creates a sense of curiosity and therefore works out to be a tempting form of advertisement. Many brands like, Straight Outta Compton has had used these ads to promote various sections of their film. Deezer, another brand had announced the availability of ‘The Beatles music’ on their app through these carousel and had been successful in their attempt of promotion.
It gives you the opportunity to advertise much more content and add suspense, within the same post, which in turn allow you to produce a much bigger post that provides all the right details and looks relatively more engaging and interesting than before.
These promotion forms provided by Facebook are an extremely wonderful way of creating awareness about your business or brand. But as important and effective it is, it is still crucial for you to keep your cost under your budget and make the most of it when it occurs. Or always be sure to calculate you Cost Benefit Analysis. Match these expenditures on advertisement to the forecasted return they might bring you and choose wisely. Advertisement is a powerful tool, it brings your customers to you, but it’s your product that ends up wrapping the deal.
Majority of businesses claim Facebook to be the best and the great part is that with Facebook, you can make your brand promotion work for as little as $5.