Don’t Get Tangled In The World Of Affiliate Marketing Experts

Don’t Get Tangled In The World Of Affiliate Marketing Experts -


There are many people out there who call themselves SEO experts. Such people offer you web design packages and send you emails about how they can help boost the traffic on your website. These emails become so annoying that whenever you see the abbreviation of SEO in your inbox, you delete it right away.

Many people do the same thing, particularly if the email is not sent from someone who is a trusted source. If you don’t know the sender, and you want help with SEO marketing, you shouldn’t trust such offers. When someone offers to design a website for you, then it means they will have access to things like c-Panel, which is the site builder. You can’t give access to strangers to such platforms, or they might end up hurting your business.

So, What Do You Do?

You need to conduct your own research and learn from the people around you. You can ask a person about SEO marketing and they might even explain you in detail. However, you can’t rely or rather take the word over such an important matter, of one person alone. You need to conduct research on your own, and build experience so that you can achieve success. No website or person can teach you everything about Search Engine Optimization, but it helps to seek knowledge and guidance, anyway.

Email Addresses

You might receive emails from people who want to teach you about SEO marketing or help you. They could pose as a company’s CEO or a business owner, but you need to remember that if you didn’t sign their email list, then how are they sending your emails? This is how you know that someone who poses as an SEO expert, isn’t always an SEO expert.

Those who pose as being SEO experts, get your email address from the thousands of websites that are selling email addresses. This is an unethical thing to do, and this is not how you make money. The email packages that fake SEO experts pick from the internet contain random email addresses, and that might include your email address as well.

There is no exception when it comes to email platforms. Big names like Gmail and Outlook are all experiencing this; these emails can reach you even if you have an AOL account or a Yahoo account. However, this doesn’t mean that these email services are bogus, but this simply means that the ones, who extract email addresses from the internet, are not practicing professionalism. Similarly, when you receive an email, and see other email addresses in the same email, you should know that this is no professional emailing you, but someone who wants to make money by fooling people.

Professional Email list

The successful marketers, who know online marketing or run online businesses, have their own professional email list. This list is hosted by auto responder platform, which is how you know an SEO marketer is genuine. The main purpose of an email list should be for the person to share ideas, share their blog and create inspiration. There shouldn’t be any sales pitch, which may sound desperate to the reader. If you are sending people interesting and creative content, then the need to make up sales pitches goes away.


If you are marketing a product or service, then make sure that you have sufficient knowledge regarding it. You can’t market something effectively, that you have no knowledge about. This is because if you make a claim about a product, like a feature that doesn’t exist and that claim attracts the customer, you sent the email to, then the company’s reputation would be on line.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a route to optimization, which can take a lot of time. This is why, if a marketer chooses SEO to promote their content online, then they need to practice patience. However, if SEO is done right, then this means more traffic for your website and more business for your company. The main trick here is to attract visitors with the help of proper and relevant keywords. SEO is part of a bigger picture, which helps you in making money. Even though it is not easy to generate traffic using SEO, once you get the hang of it, it can be worth the trouble.


If you want to know how SEO help companies, you should enter the name of a company, and see what results the search engine gives you. The results would determine whether the SEO online marketing of the company is successful or not.

For further research, you should look into social media profiles of companies, because they are important as well. If you want to convince customers that you are an expert at SEO, then you need to have a clear profile picture. Some companies have their logo as a profile picture, and that helps too, because it tells the visitor what the company is selling to a certain extent.

Search engine optimization is very important when you want to market your product and services online, and make sure that you rank at the top in search results. You need to use the right keywords to make sure that whoever searches for you, finds your website instantly.

Sum Up

You might experience problems when you start with SEO, but there is no such thing as failing, because we try different things as we learn along the way. We can learn from the experiences of other companies, that we can research on, and then integrate those experiences in our business. For SEO marketing, you need to know about your target audience, so you can tailor your content accordingly.

Also, make sure that you act as a professional when you send your audience emails, and not as a spammer. If you are recognized as a professional, then you might end up gaining more traffic right away, because of the reputation that you have set for yourself.