What Is Google Analytics?

What Is Google Analytics? - BillLentis.com


If you are running a business or website online, it is essential that you must know how the audience is taking your page or website. Why? Because without knowing the statistics regarding the audience that is visiting your website, you will not be able to optimize or improve your page. Moreover, you might be getting wrong customers, which can ultimately result in no conversions or benefits. So, in order to deal with all these problems, it is essential that you must have the Google analytics attached with your website. In order to know more details about Google Analytics, you will have to continue reading.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool to provide you with information about your digital traffic. It is highly essential to know who is visiting you online. According to an estimate presented by Bill Su, around 50 million websites around the world are using the Google Analytics in their website. Even if you were not using it, there are high chances that your competitor would, make it essential that you must incorporate Google Analytics in your website too.

How Does It Work?

In order to use Google Analytics, you need to create an account on Analytics. Once the account is setup, you need to provide the website with a code that would track information and incorporate all the data of your visitors to your account on Google analytics. According to Neil Patel, geographic data especially with reference to countries can be gathered through Google Analytics.

After the individual data of the customers is gathered, Google Analytics aggregate this data and provide you with a complete analysis of the traffic that has been visiting your website.

What Type Of Data Is Collected?

According to Sunita Rai, there are two basic types of data that is collected by Google Analytics. These two types include user acquisition data and user behavior data. In the user acquisition data, the data that the customer has before visiting the website is mentioned. In contrast, the user behavior data highlights the information related to the behavior of user on your website.

Purpose Of Google Analytics

The purpose of Google Analytics as discussed by Margaret Rouse is to help the website owners in maintaining efficient SEO for the website. However, the purpose of the Google Analytics is not limited to SEO only. If you are running an ecommerce website, you might have a better idea about the customer’s interest and you might want to modify your offerings according to their needs and preferences. There can be chances that you need to modify your audience or niche. So, you can get all such sort of information through the use of Google Analytics

Features Of Google Analytics

If you have not used Google Analytics before, you won’t have any idea about the feature of Google Analytics too. What are they? We have discussed them below:

Data Visualization

One of the features of Google Analytics is data visualization. The data that is collected from the individual visitors of the website is aggregated by this application and converted in the form of graphs. Dashboard scorecards and motion cards depict the information in the easiest possible way especially with reference to the time. Such information can be helpful in knowing the trends and preferences of your customers. Moreover, according to Wikipedia, Google Analytics can provide you with the data about the poorly performing pages of your website.

Segmentation Analysis

Additionally, the segmentation analysis is also the part of features of Google Analytics. This analysis is helpful in giving you an idea about who exactly have bought your goods. For example, in case of women fashion website, there is a high probability that you’ll be targeting women, but if a particular month of data shows higher male customers on the website who made the purchase, you can definitely find that there must be some occasion probably Women’s Day. This information can help you in optimizing your advertisement campaign to target men in the month of March. I hope it is clearer now.

Custom Reports

You can also have the opportunity to get custom reports through Google Analytics. You can have the report for a particular time period or a particular variable from your Targeted market to know more about the inherent features of the particular audience.

Sharing Is Easier

Google Analytics has an inherent feature, which allows sharing of the generated reports. You can generate the reports and share it with the others as well. This makes handling of the online website easier and quicker as compared to finding the other ways of transferring the insights gained to the relevant people.

Compatible With Google Adwords

If you need to run an advertisement campaign for your page, then you’ll have to use Google Adwords. So, you can incorporate the data and information from Google Analytics directly to Google Adwords and get measureable results. Apart from Google Adwords, Google Analytics official page highlight that it is compatible with Data Studio too.

Detailed information about Google Analytics can be gathered through this YouTube video:


Google Analytics is one of the applications that can reveal significant information bout your competitors. You need to have it integrated with you website to get the results. There is no chance that you won’t use this application and succeed because there is a lot of competition and to be in line with the knowledge about your customers, you need every possible information that you can get about them.