Blogging For A Living

Blogging For A Living -


Blogging for a living can be a reality for you especially if you do it right. Yes, it is possible to rake in some good money while travelling the globe and enjoying all that the world has to offer. Though it is possible, you must be willing to put in the hard work for you to pull it off. There are a number of things that you need to do so as to make this dream a reality, we shall be looking at what it is you need to do to get your blogging career running.

Start Right

When it comes to blogging, there are a number of ways in which one can get started. You can start your own website where you pay a regular hosting fee or you can even start your blog for free from other sites. If you are to enjoy a career in blogging, having your own site is the best way to go about it. Though it may seem easy and hassle free to go for the free option, in the long run you will be shortchanging yourself. Free blog service providers usually take up a portion of your advertising proceeds which in the long run may end up leaving you with not as much as you would wish. Setting up your own website and starting your blogging career from there is perhaps the best way to go about it.

With the set up being out of the way, you need to be patient. It will be difficult in the first few months to get traction. You should keep on posting consistently while monitoring the progress that you have made on your blog. It goes without saying that the niche that you have chosen to settle on is an area where you can offer something fresh for your target market. By narrowing down on a particular niche, you not only get better with time, but your credibility and authority in the niche of choice will be sure to soar. Starting a blog from a hosting provider of your choice, having the patience to watch it grow and being clear on your niche is the first step to making a successful career in blogging.


When you have just started out, you have to be clear on how to get money from your blog or otherwise you won’t be able to live off blogging. What this means is that you need to make money. Blogging offers you an opportunity to make money, but at the beginning this may be an uphill task. This is perhaps due to the fact that you will not have much of a reputation to go by. Even though that is the case, allowing adverts on your blog enables you to get more money at the end of the month.

Another way of making money from your blog is by selling your products on your blog. By selling your products, you definitely get profit from the sale and in the long run, your reputation will grow. Selling on your blog also comes in yet another dimension where you can sell products and services from other sites. This way you get a commission on sales as a result of sales through your blog. Having a way to make money from the word go is important as this spices up your blogging life and gives you motivation to keep on with your craft.


Other than money, the other reason why you are looking into a life of blogging is because you want your views and ideas to be shared. Blogging is all about sharing and for you to be successful in this regard, you need to bring more and more people to your blog. This means that you have to incorporate a number of tools for you to attract people who will be interested in your blog and what’s more; you need to keep them coming back for more.

One of the ways of creating a following on your blog is by connecting with your audience. For your blog to be popular, you need to do your due diligence in keeping the quality of your posts high. This will serve in ensuring that not only do people like your blog posts, but also share your posts which will further attract more traffic to your blog. Blogging also requires that you incorporate other tools such as social media so as to generate the traffic that you need.

Yet another way of bringing traffic to your blog is through backlinks. You need to grow and maintain relationships with other blogs so as to be regarded as an authority in the niche of your choice. This way, you will get more visitors even from your competitors. Backlinks are part of Search Engine Optimization strategies that go a long way in having your site being displayed top of search engine listings. Other than backlinks, there are other metrics that are used in determining where your site lies on google ranking.

Mobile optimization helps in keeping traffic on your website and converting visitors into customers for your products. With a mobile optimized site, navigation is easier and faster and sets it apart from other sites which may not be optimized for mobile. With more and more people accessing the internet through their mobile devices, you don’t want to limit your potential.


Becoming a fulltime blogger takes time and effort for it to be a reality. Patience is a crucial ingredient for success in this journey. By starting right and keeping your focus on the prize, keep your blog fresh and you will be sure to see returns. You need to embrace various SEO strategies to ensure that your blog is not only easy to use and of high quality, but its ranking also improves. With connections being key for traffic to your blog, invest in making quality posts that will guarantee clients coming back for more.