Projectors are a must-have if you are keen on taking your home theatre multimedia viewing experience to the next level. As was highlighted above, choosing the right projector for you can be quite challenging and is also half the battle. The other half of the battle is choosing the right projector screen for your projector.
This article reviews the five top projectors screens, their pros, cons and other relevant details you will need in order to make an informed purchase. It also explores the key steps taken in selecting these top five screens and how you can choose your screen all the while avoiding the critical mistakes people make when they want to choose a screen for their projector. Also go look at best projector under 1000 – Click Here.
How The Picks Were Chosen
In order to present you with the best picks your consideration, a rigorous vetting of the various projectors was done. The projector market is riddled with countless projectors for one to consider. They are designed for different projector set ups and also to cater to different needs. With this glut of information, it was easy to get overwhelmed but specific criteria was selected in order to provide you with only three of the best models for your consideration. These criteria are as follows: size of the setup, Amazon ratings, view size, gain, screen material, price and whether or not it was tensioned or not.The importance of using size as the starting point was that there are different categories for the home market. Anything below 100 inches was not considered in the evaluation. Since the main aim of the projection screen is to show the images of the projector, the size of the projector screen had to be large enough to accommodate different modes of customization should the user feel compelled to do so. As for Amazon ratings, they were important because they provided a basis from which to kick off in judging the quality and user experience. Any screen that did not meet the mandatory four-star rating was immediately chalked off. The ones that remained underwent thorough scrutiny in order to get at the heart of the user experience and what one stood to gain if they decided to go with the particular screen model they were considering. It delved deeper to understanding the pros and cons that come with incorporating the projector screens that were considered as part of the set up as based on different users account. The feedback received was factored in the decision so that users could get a clear picture of the product unfiltered.
In regards to the view size, any product that had a view size of less than 50” by 80” was immediately discarded. It is important to highlight that a small view size hindered the full enjoyment of the projector experience by multiple viewers. In a bid to ensure that you had an optimal viewing experience for you and yours, the viewing size had to be large enough for people to view the projector content clearly. Most of the picks highlighted in this article have met the required threshold of clarity.
Gain or color accuracy played a huge role in the selection process primarily because it affected the way the images landed on the screen. Color gain is presented in form of a ratio. Projector screens that had a gain of 1:1 and 1:1.5 were the only ones considered. The reason for that is because they reflected light uniformly hence there was no distortion in the quality of the pictures presented.
The price was also a major consideration because different customers have different budget ranges. Anything above USD was not considered because it would mean the projector would venture into commercial grade territory. The selection was only limited to models for home use and users of three budget ranges namely high-end with USD500 and above, mid-range customers with USD100 to USD500 and budget users with USD1 to USD99 to spend. At least with these ranges it was ideal find the best projector screen in each category and leave up for you to choose which one best appeals to the setup you have at home.
Another critical point of examination was the screen material itself. There are different categories of screen materials in the market today and it was important to find the most commons and weigh them in terms of the quality of the image they portray. The type of material is important because it basically affects the gain and projection itself. The three projectors selected were made of three distinct materials which also affected how they were priced. Projectors made of the CineGray 5D material tended to be pricier owing the quality of projecting material than those made of white vinyl and high gain matte respectively.
Tensioned and non-tensioned were two essential characteristic considered as well. This was because the tightness of the screen affected the flatness of the image projected. In addition to that this also affected the cost of the screen as well. Tensioned screens have better display but are far pricier than non-tensioned. This aspect will be explored more closely in a later section of this article.
The Top Picks
Quality is big deal when it comes to projector screens. If you have a good projector but a poor screen, the image will be a terrible one. You will not have exploited the project to its top potential. Why not invest a few dollars extra on a good screen if you want to make the most out of your projector?Below are the main projector screens you must have on your radar if you are looking for something good.
#1 – Elite Screens EZFrame Series 120″
Touted as the most complete screen by most of the users who have bought it online, the Elite Screens EZFrame Series checks all the right boxes as far as picture quality and longevity is concerned.Retailing at USD862, this screen at first glance seems overpriced but its performance is unrivalled. It is made of CineGray 5D screen material, a gain of 1 to 1.5 and it is 4K UltraHD ready.
This screen is made up of very high quality screen material. Its makers have ensured that the quality of the images displayed on it is top not. There are no distortions whatsoever because it comes with Ambient Light Rejecting Technology. This high quality material is very durable meaning that it can last for many years to come and give you the necessary service.It is fully tensioned ensuring that image projected on the screen is flat and clearly visible from multiple angles.
The only con that comes with using this machine is the first time cost you have to fork out for it. Its hefty USD862 price tag makes it rather intimidating for customers on a budget.Final Word On This Projector
If you value your viewing experience, this is the right projector for you. Since it is already 4K UltraHD ready, you can have cinema type experience right at the comfort of your home if you like. Basically, it is worth every penny spent on it.#2 – Silver Ticket 100″ Projector Screen
This projector screen is viewed as the ideal screen for home projectors owing to its superb quality and very pocket-friendly cost.It features a tensioning rod system and has a gain of 1 to 1. Its viewing angle is 160 and comes with a 100 inch which PVC viewing space.
Its white PVC viewing space is designed for optimal viewing. Its viewing angle and optimal gain ensure that light is dispersed well and evenly.Also it is a very large screen and makes it possible for people to view the content being watched clearly from different angles.
It is a very affordable projector screen only retailing at USD189.98.
The tensioned screen enhances viewing experience by ensuring the images gleamed on the flat surface are visible to all. Plus, it ensures that the screen lasts for a long time as well.
Finally, it is very easy and straightforward to set up. There are no elaborate setting up procedures required.
As far as disadvantages go, this screen’s only disadvantage is that eventually the PVC screen will require some form of maintenance to make it clean.Final Word
You might want to have a movie theatre type of experience but have to stick to a tight budget. This movie screen allows you to do both. It is very easy and straightforward to use and with the right care, users can ensure this product’s longevity.#3 – Best Choice Products Manual 119″ Projector Screen – The Most Budget Friendly Pick
The very fact it is called Best choice sounds a bit ironical considering it is fundamentally deficient in quality. However, it makes up for it in terms of being the most competitively priced and pocket-friendly model that is very easy to use. This screen retails at USD 62.94. Its screen is 84” by 84”. In addition, it is a manual pull-down and is non-tensioned.Pros
When it comes to pricing and quality, it is very hard to find a product with ok quality but very cheap. It is ideal if you are looking for a stand-in screen while you work on getting a more permanent fix.It is very easy to set up and operate. The set up very straightforward with it being non-tensioned and manually pull-down.
The image quality it emits is very poor since it is a non-tensioned model.In addition, it is very fragile and requires care in order to handle the screen well.
Final Word On This Projector
If you are looking for a budget-friendly projector that will more or less get the job done, go for it. If you are looking for a good projector that will give you service for some time to come, then you are better off looking somewhere else.Mistakes You Must Avoid When Choosing The Ideal Screen For You Viewing Experience
After you have purchased the projector and other equipment and all that is remaining is the screen, you might want to take your time first to go through the various options in the market. It is quite tempting to dive in the selection process and choose the first projector screen you come across. This is the first and most critical error because you might wind up with something you cannot get rid of easily or have to live with poor quality images until you can buy a new. By taking your time to go through the other options that are in the market, you set yourself up for a regret-free experience when you use it. Below are other main mistakes you must avoid when you want to buy a projector screen for your home projector.When you want to buy a project, you must consider the size of the set up first. Most people assume that any size will match their needs and buy either a big one or a small one. Later on they realize they made the wrong choice when the picture quality they see becomes poor. In order to avoid this mistake all you have to do is just check out the size of the image on the wall. Measure it, taking into account the maximum width and length after locking it in. From there, you can use the measurements gained to shop for a projector.
Another critical mistake that people make when they buy a projector is neglecting mounting brackets. For some reason, most people purchasing projector screens assume that the brackets come in one complete package. Well, it does not and if it does, it is clearly indicated on the packaging material. Most of the picks highlighted in this article come with brackets for mounting on the wall but you need to keep an eye on others. Look at whether they come with a kit that will ensure proper set up. If it does not, get the right kit for the projector screen you would like to purchase.
The final error that most people make when purchasing projector screens is disregarding the viewing angle. It is very important to check out the viewing angles because it will affect your overall viewing experience. Different projector screens come in diverse viewing angles just as they do in quality and price. It is recommended that when you want a projector, you go for one with a viewing angle of 80-160 degrees. This makes these projectors ideal for living rooms that where multiple viewers can peek at the content on the screen clearly without any straining.
An Average Joe/Jane’s Guide To Shopping For A Projector Screen
In order for you to get the best value for money when shopping for a projector screen, you must approach the search with a clear set of requirements of what you want the screen to do and have. This section explores what you need to do look out for and consider when you want to buy a projector screen.The first thing you must consider is the color accuracy of the screen. It is very important because it affects how the colors are captured on the screen as they are produced by the projector. If you are shopping for a projector online, you might be misled because most of them are heightened so as to sell the projector. Also worth noting is that different projectors have different color profiles. In a nutshell, you should strive to purchase a projector with a ratio of 1 to 1 where color accuracy/ gain is concerned. This is because it means there is uniformity in the distribution of the colors.
Secondly, you need to think about how projector is set up for use. There are basically two ways in which projectors are set: electric or pull-down. It is up to you which one you are most comfortable with since they come with their own merits and demerits. For those that have an electrically pull-down mechanism, setting it up is easy, fast and with minimal risk of damage, but it costs a lot. On the other hand, the pull down projector screen is affordable and very straightforward to use but very risky and susceptible to damage.
The final consideration is the tension of the screen itself. There are tensioned and non-tensioned screens. In tensioned screens, the wires that hold the top and bottom of the screen are intricately woven and pull very tight. It is very easy to see those wires when they are illuminated. In non-tensioned screens, the screen is just free. Tensioned screens are ideal because they offer a fully flat image and they last longer than their non-tensioned counterparts. However, you will have to part with something extra so that you can get this set up for your home.
The Advantages Of Sourcing For A Projector Screen
If you are buying a projector for the first time, chances are it come complete with its own projecting screen. However, if you have a high-end projector, you are best served getting a screen that has the quality to match because your viewing experience depends on it.You are probably wondering why the emphasis on getting a new screen as opposed to using the one that came with the project. Well, when you get a new high quality projector screen, you use the splendid features it has to get a good quality image.
Another key benefit of getting a new projector screen to use for your projector is that the most of the high-end ones are constructed from durable materials. In terms of durability, you can rest assured you will be getting something that will last a long time. Stock projector screens tend to be made of suspect quality materials. Even if you try to exercise care during their operation, chances are that something might go wrong and you will be left with a busted screen and have to settle for a white sheet screen before you can buy a new projector screen to use.
Even if it might cost you a pretty penny or two, investing a new projector screen is vital because of the overall value the screen will bring. With so many high quality options in the market, why not ditch your old projector screen and change your projector viewing experience once and for all?
Final Words On Getting The Best Projector For You
In the end, your budget will have a strong influence over the kind of projector. It is at your discretion how much to spend when since the projector, receiver and speakers will consume a large chunk of your finances. However, you need to be very keen on the type of projector screen so that you can enjoy the content you want to view in the screen.Image qualities have undergone a very radical shift in recent times with the emphasis on enhanced clarity. Images projected on 4K Blu-Ray are the current industrial standard for the best picture quality in the market. In order to enjoy this quality, you need to invest in extra equipment. If you are using the 4K Blu-Ray, the Elite Screens EZFrame is the best screen to use. On the other hand, if you are keen on mid-range quality, then the Silver Ticket will fit your budget nicely. Overall, taking great care in choosing your ideal projector will pay dividends in the long run because the quality will be visible right away. With the picks highlighted in this article, you will inevitably take your viewing process to the next level.