An Overview Of The Graphic Design Trends In 2019

An Overview Of The Graphic Design Trends In 2019 -


Do you know that it is very important for your website design to look latest? Everybody finds any website with outdated look boring even if it contains the necessary information. We are no more in 2016 or 2017 where your website look doesn’t count. Yet most companies and business owners still keep old website style.

What is surprising is the way web developers and designers have continuously cope up with these old techniques? There are lots of websites designers or freelance web designer in the market, most of them don’t understand how to make your website attract visitors. Hiring them can hurt your website traffic and visitors.

Ask yourself these questions:

Would your website visitors be able to determine what business you do within their 5 seconds visit to your website?

Can your visitors easily navigate to the web page they need?

Does your website have a very high bounce rate?

Is the layout of your pricing page very easy to understand?

If your answers to the questions above are “no”, then your website may require a serious improvement. It may be time for you to take a hard look at the way that you’ve designed and optimized your website.

Don’t forget that your websites is primarily used for commercial purpose and must be attractive enough to your visitors. Graphic design adds tremendously to the beauty of a website.

Bold, Bright And Vibrant Colours

To create a clean web design, most professional web designers prefer to use bold, bright and vibrant colours. Modern professional graphic designers show preferences for natural colours. To make your website look latest, use bold images along with photography, use bright colours, and make the background of the design neutral colour.

Colour Transitions

Another popular graphic designing trend is transitioning with colours. Whether it’s in the button design, picture overlays or logo, the colour transition trend is everywhere. Most reputable brands have transited from just flat colours to multiple colours even as far as their logo is concerned.

Geometric Shapes And Patterns

Since the graphics designers community create works that are mostly inspired by natural shapes and patterns, which can be plants, marbles, or precious stones, these designs are still very much relevant untill now. In fact, a blend of the best quality of pattern designs and flat designs can create vibrant and colourful products that are both artistic in looks and contemporary for brand-designing. Most professional graphics designer have switched from using just using the multiple colours or symmetrical patterns to trendy organic line pattern.


Keep your design as minimal as possible, minimalism is one of the latest graphic design trends. Most people prefer to keep their graphic design simple. For instance, in 2018, most business brands adopted the minimalist graphics design trend. If you need to add colour to your creations, you can consider using subtle metallic-colour in your design. Though the minimalistic design is an old trend, it is undoubtedly still relevant till date.

Modern Retro

If you follow the graphics designing trend, you would have seen how popular these modern retro designs were in the previous years. They were used extensively in packaging design, web designs, and logo creation, web and. The preference for the modern retro trends had been since previous years, yet it is expected to grow further in the coming year.

Modular Layouts

Actually, the modular layout designing trend is not new among the graphic designing professionals. Long and lengthy text blocks look boring and uninteresting to the readers, whether it is a print design or a web design. Most readers would prefer to avoid reading all these lengthy texts because they are boring. However, your readers would be able to better manage the content if the long texts are broken into short parts or modules. Aside from the fact that the modular layouts would make your texts manageable, it would also make your texts look more professional. In 2018, modular layout designing trend was very popular among both print designers and web designers.

Bold Photography And Sleek Text

Using bold photography and sleek text is a common trend that would always be in vogue. The combination of both trends is very useful and superb for displaying graphics, different social media promotions and ads. Bold photography and sleek text can help to communicate a small amount of information almost immediately.

Cinematography Trend

This trend is a simple yet very effective way of addressing the marketing problems. Marketers require this tool and strategy to measure the attention gotten from their target audience in a more exciting and precise manner. Basically, the cinematography is a static image with minor dynamic elements. The cinematography trend makes simple photographs look more realistic and lively. This trend has been popular since 2017 due to the rising competition among marketers.

Material Design

Nowadays, the material design appears to be an increasing trend among graphic designing professionals. With material design trend, inspirations are drawn from real-world materials, which are then created on paper with ink paper. Material design leads to graphics designs that minimalistic, lightweight, and yet very much realistic.

In conclusion, 2018 was all about big, bold, and bright graphic designs. Most brands used powerful typography and vibrant colours to get attention. These graphic design trends will also continue to dominate even in 2019, but with more implementation of geometric shapes, bold fonts, duotones, complex gradients, and vivid colours.