Advanced Techniques Of Affiliate Marketing

Advanced Techniques Of Affiliate Marketing -



The affiliate marketing process involves taking the products of an author or a merchant and then promoting them using a unique link referred to as affiliate link. What happens is, if you are an affiliate marketer and you have this link, when different people buy a particular product by clicking your link, you will be credited for that sale and you are therefore entitled to earn a commission. The basic techniques of affiliate marketing depend on simply getting popular products then promoting them at different sites where the links of affiliate marketing are permitted. There are many advanced techniques of affiliate marketing that can enable you to be successful. However, these may require effort and some time to develop and implement it.

When you are choosing the affiliate products you’ll promote in your business of internet marketing, you need to select the products that are costly so that you’ll earn higher commission with every sale.

Since you also need a wide range of brands/ products at various price points, you have to keep people purchasing regardless of the amount of money that they have.

So, for instance, say you select self help to be your niche. Then you need to have a lot of products costing less than ten dollars such as video courses or eBooks, since many people interested in improving themselves do not have large sums of money although they are interested in purchasing something that may help them become better individuals.

Profit Ladder

From there, then you can have more costly products within the range of $10 – $100 in order to be able to provide them to individuals with more cash they are willing to spend. This will also enable you to push up your customers in profit ladder. This simply means that obtaining people to purchase increasingly costly products/ brands. Once you are able to prove yourself by earning good income in affiliate marketing, you should then consider on various ways you can follow in order to earn even more money.

Then you can have other products which are extremely costly like those costing $1000 and above. This will help in appealing to those individuals with huge amounts of money they are willing to spend. This can also help you to have big money offers that will inspire people to buy. Most of the times, these kinds of products includes various things such as seminars or personal coaching that people may attend to in order to become experts in what they want.

Apart from satisfying the desire of people to obtain the best products available, big money brands/ products also offer you the greatest commissions thus enabling you to make large sums of money with few sales.

The Niche Stats

Niches Popularity

Before you begin promoting the affiliate products/ brands, you need to ensure that the niches or the products that you select to work with are popular. This is due to that fact you do not really need to waste time working within niches which do not have many customers. Instead, try to maximize the potential revenues you’ll earn by working only within the most perfect niches which have a large number of consumers. Apart from the popular products, you may also consider looking for the companies that are continuously producing their products. This is because you’re most likely to get repeat business by dealing with products of firms that have a strong reputation and those offering wide variety of brands or products.

Well, now how can you discover the niches that are popular? Just like any other activity these days, just use internet. This is because there are many places that you can visit in the internet in order to measure and evaluate popularity of different niches. First and foremost, one place that I highly recommend is Hot Google Trends which has a list of the top hundred searches in Google for the past twenty five minutes.

Carrying Out Online Research Of The Niche Statistics

Google is currently the biggest search engine. This is due to the fact that it is utilized by many people as compared to all the other search engines. It is therefore a source that can be relied upon to inform you which niches are currently the best and in what order. Another place that you can gather this information is the Yahoo Buzz. This site indicates the top niches that have been searched on yahoo. Yahoo uses the search engine of Bing. One benefit of using Yahoo Buzz is that it offers little more data as compared to Google.

2 other sites that can be used to offer similar information are Trend Watching and Trend Hunter. These two sites are mostly directed towards consumer goods like appliances, electronics and various hard goods instead of dealing with the digital products/ brands which are most likely the products you are currently promoting.

The Sources Of Niche Data/ Information

ClickBank tends to have large sets of data about the brands/ products it is offering to its customers. Another similar site which has large sets of data which one can utilize to measure and evaluate popularity of a niche is the Commission Junction.

From those affiliate products that you promote either in Commission Junction and ClickBank, you earn a certain commission each time someone clicks through your site and purchases that particular product.

Cost – Action

There is another model in affiliate marketing referred to as Cost – Action. This is a bit different from the other models since you are paid each time someone clicks to a product through your web page regardless of whether they are making a purchase or not. However, the amount of money you’re paid using CPA (Cost – Action) is certainly less as compared to that of sales commission. The best thing with CPA is the fact that many clicks through your site can swiftly add up making you large sums of money.


You can easily make a fortune by following the advanced strategies of affiliate marketing that we have included in this article. Try them out!