What Is SEO Site Structure

What Is SEO Site Structure - BillLentis.com


A structure is something that we need in order to make sense of things. Take a building, for example, and then imagine it without its structure. You can’t, can you? This is exactly what SEO site structure is about.

What Is It About Exactly?

According to yoast.com, a site structure is basically how the content of your website is organized. There is a lot of content on a website, and there are a variety of topics that are spread on pages and posts, and then there are sub topics, and you need to structure all the content. You group your content, link it according to its relevance and then make it presentable for the visitor. Imagine a website where there are not categories and tags and then imagine the headache that you will feel after visiting such a website. Look at – http://localhostwhat-is-seo-training-bundle.

Don’t Clutter, Organize!

When you make a website, you update it regularly by writing content to appeal to your visitors and making sure that they stick around long enough to turn into customers. However, when you add so much stuff on your website, it can turn into a clutter if not organized properly.

For example, according to neilpatel.com, even outside the world of internet, if you are a writer and you write chapters day after day, but don’t really organize them, then that would be a mess that will become hard for you to understand in the end and organize. However, this is an ordinary example, so let’s take a look at why a site structure is important for Google and the user of your website.

Important for Google

Your site structure is important for Google, and there are three main reasons for it.

Guide For Google

According to searchenginejournal.com, your website’s structure actually serves as a guide for Google and Google gets clues about where it can find the most important information. The site structure basically tells a search engine, what you are selling; it gives them a much needed understanding.

Google crawls websites, and for that, it follows all the links on your website, as well as external links; it does so by using Googlebot. Thus, the Googlebot would have to spend less time on your website, if it has a really good site structure and that would really help you in SEO, as it might give your website a good ranking.

The Competitor

According to moz.com, your website structure actually gives you the chance to compete with your competitors, when it comes to Google ranking or ranking on any other search engine. There are blog posts and articles on your website, that may resemble in terms of nature with the content on your competitor’s website. However, when you have a site structure, then you are basically telling Google how your website is important and what is so different about it.

When you are creating a structure for your website, make sure that you are putting the content in order of its importance. You have to tell Google, which post of yours is important; don’t stress Google over this!

UX And Site Structure

According to reliablesoft.net, if you have a decent SEO site structure, then it will give you a good ranking and it is also good for User Experience or UX. If you want the user to come back to your website, then you need to make it easier for the user to navigate your website. If you give a good experience to the user, then there are more chances of visitors turning into customers and Google will prefer to put your website on the top of search engine results as well.

So, How To Do It?

If you want to improve your site structure, and you don’t want it to become an issue, then there are three basic tips that you need to follow.

Old Content Removal

According to seobook.com, there are shops that sell different collections of clothes and shoes, and if they are not going to sell the same products, then they need to remove that specific page. Along with the page removal, you would need to remove links as well, and only include those links that add value to SEO. The smart thing to do here is that, keep the link of the page that you have removed, so that even though the page doesn’t exist, the user is still redirected to your website and would find something else to buy.

Category Evaluation In Site Structure

You need to ensure that your categories are about the same size. Don’t make one category too long and one category too short. For example, some categories become too long because you write about a particular topic, more than other topics. This unbalances the website and it would mean you won’t be able to rank the blog posts. Thus, that would make your site structure messy, causing problems for Google.

Remember, that when you are making categories, then you are going to make subcategories as well, which means you have to balance this aspect as well.

Internal Linking Structure

When you are making an SEO site structure specifically for Google, then make sure that you include those articles, that you think are the best as compared to the rest, and most importantly, are complete. If your internal linking structure is good, then it will be a plus for Google and user experience as well.

This video will tell you more about site structure but if you want to know some advantages of making a site structure, then I have summarized it for you in the following points:

• Improves the crawlability of your website, which means that a search engine will know in less time what your website is about and what is important in it
• When you use internal links, then know that search engines give value to those pages who use internal links, particularly the ones that are relevant and useful
• Gives a good user experience
• Gives you the chance to delete duplicate content, because it is bad for Google ranking