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For example, if you are a cosmetics brand, and a customer searches for a cosmetic that you sell, the name of your brand, the link to your website and a meta description should appear on top of the search engine results. If this happens, and the number of people who visit your website increase, then you surely have mastered the art of SEO.
Technical Terms
To understand the art and science of SEO, you need to familiarize yourself with the key terms of SEO. Then, I will tell you about the benefits of SEO, and what good it will do your business, so you know that all this learning is worth the effort.Anchor Text
According to titangrowth.com, anchor text is another term for hyperlinked text, which means it serves as a way through which a user reaches your website. In SEO, SEO experts use anchor text that is rich with keywords, because this makes ranking of a website better. Anchor text is often optimized internally.For example, if you are writing about World War I, and you mention Hitler, you can anchor text Hitler. If the user clicks Hitler, then it will take the user to another webpage, which displays a biography of Hitler.
Back Link
According to moz.com, back links are those links that are links to another page, from another website. For example, you can ask another website to include the link to your website on their web page. The website you request this from, could be related to the nature of products you sell; if someone visits their website, and sees your link, then they will visit your website as well.Blog
Blogging is an important aspect of SEO, because it serves the purpose of spreading information on a daily basis. For example, if you are sharing cooking recipes and tips, then you can make a blog, where you can post daily, using relevant and specific keywords.Bounce Rate
According to recruiterbox.com, bounce rate is the percentage of those users who came to your website, because they were looking for a piece of information, but left without viewing any other webpage of your website. This could be because your landing page was confusing for them or they didn’t find quality information on your landing page, which made them disappointed. The opposite of this term is conversion rate. According to monitorbacklinks.com, conversion rate is when people come to your website, and then convert to customers or stay there for a longer period of time, because they like your website or the content that you have published there.Crawler
According to dummies.com, a crawler is a bot or a spider which is sent by search engines to websites, in order to gather data. Basically, a crawler helps index your website on Google, because if your website isn’t indexed, then it means people can’t see it, even when they type in relevant terms.However, in order to make sure that your content is indexed and the crawler doesn’t face any difficulty, you need to remember another term; duplicate content. Make sure that the content you publish on your website is unique and is not the same on every webpage. This would affect your conversion rate, increase your bounce rate and will make it difficult for the crawler to index your webpage.
According to buildthis.io, keyword is the most important part of SEO, because it makes it possible for users to view your website. In order to find the right keyword, you need to conduct a thorough keyword research. To choose the most suitable keyword, you should find out who your target audience is, what your target audience usually types in the search engine when it is looking for your products and services and the keywords, that provide what you are selling, in the most suitable way.You include keywords in your meta descriptions, titles, headings, subheadings and content, which is why it is important to use the most suitable ones. However, make sure that when you are writing content for your webpages, you don’t stuff them with keywords. In the end, quality content on your webpages matter the most.
Meta Tags
Meta tags are short and descriptive statements, within the title section of the HTML page of your website, which talks about what a person should expect from the website that they are about to visit. Make sure that you spend time on writing a good meta description, because it is what social networking websites and search engines show users, and it also forms a good first impression, or a bad one, depending on the meta description.Benefits Of Using SEO
There are many benefits of using SEO, if you use it according to the standards set by Google:• It increases traffic to your website; if people are viewing your webpages, then that increases your visibility and possibly, your sales as well
• It creates awareness about your brand and depending on the content that you have shared on your webpages, it makes you look like a credible brand
• SEO is like a method of marketing, and if you get a good SEO copywriter, then you can get good results, without adopting methods like PPC and CPC
• Everyone in the marketing world is trying out SEO, so why shouldn’t you? Survival and success is all about doing better than your competitors are doing
Everyone is doing SEO, because of how profitable it is because of them. SEO can help you increase visibility of your business and can give you new customers. If you want to learn about SEO more, then you should watch this video:
It is long, but worth watching!