What Is SEO Copywriting

What Is SEO Copywriting - BillLentis.com


Please don’t confuse copywriting with the copyright that we see in movies, because they are not the same thing. Copywriting comes under the category of ‘specialized’ writing. According to seocopywriting.com, copywriting is about three things;

• It has keyphrases, which are the words that the target audience or reader searches for in the search engine
• It should result in a higher ranking of the content
• It should increase the traffic your website and the traffic increase should be according to the goals you have set

Importance Of SEO Copywriting

If you don’t adopt copywriting, then your content won’t be ranked for the keywords that you have used and the visitors who come to your website, they won’t be turned into visitors. It increases the authority of your content and gives you a good ranking in Google. According to neilpatel.com, it helps you target your customers better, so this is one good reason to know about it.


You must be wondering about the elements of creating valuable content; visual appeal and timeliness are two such elements. The elements that you should focus on, are discussed further in this article.

Speed Of The Website

According to akamai.com, when a webpage takes more than 3 second to load, approximately 40% people will abandon it. This means that people want a page to load quickly and it is a really good ranking factor. If your content is interesting for the visitors, but it takes a lot of time to load, then naturally, the visitors will leave the website right away.

You can find websites online to check your load time and then compare it with the previous load time, to see how you have improved your website. Good speed load leads to better conversion rates as well; if people stay and explore your content, then they are more likely to buy your products and services.


The first impression is the last impression, which is why the headline of your content matters a great deal. If your heading is not good, then the SEO content would be wasted. Impression marketing tells us that when your heading is good, then people feel the need to read your content as well.


When it comes to SEO copywriting, then obviously content is very important. The reason why people search through Google or Yahoo! Is because they want good content. Search engines also make efforts to make sure that they feed users with fresh SEO content, and this is why you need to update your website frequently.

Don’t use too many keywords, and make sure that you don’t over optimize. You can put your keywords in the headings and the content should be a smooth reading for your website visitors. In SEO copywriting, the thing that you need to remember is that the keyword intent matters a lot, so you need to address that.

Page Links

Page links really give Google the impression that there is more information on your website, than published. Page links also tell Google that you are connected to other websites and you are sociable. You create the impression that you value content from other websites as well.

Here, the thing that copywriters do is find suitable keywords, credible data and then combine them both to create unique content. This is why copywriting is so important in SEO.

Copywriting Tips

I am going to discuss some copywriting tips in this section, that will really help you make your content rank better. According to newbreedmarketing.com, search engine algorithms change every now and then, but the goals that a copywriter sets, stays the same. The main objective is to create content that is compelling, and keeps people interested in it.

Captivate Them

You need to captivate the attention of the reader, right from the start. For example, headlines that work well with people, are “7 reasons why you should be implementing SEO”. The reason why such headlines work, is because people know that they would get at least seven points from the said article, making it interesting.

Subheadlines Are Important

Even though many copywriters forget subheadings, they should know that subheadings are important, because they describe the content throughout an article and make it easy to read. For example, if you have continuous paragraphs, without any headings, then it might actually bore the reader. In the world of social media networking, we have become so used to reading headlines and subheadlines, that we read the whole content, after reading them.

Active Voice

Talk in an excited tone, like you actually care about your products and services and you want to show other why they should care about them as well. According to yoast.com, if you have a really exciting tone, then you will be able to persuade your readers to read the content.

Keyword Density

The worst thing that you can do as a copywriter is to focus on keyword density. If you are selling a yellow bicycle, and you keep on repeating the two keywords over and over, without giving any real details, the reader would stop reading. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use keywords; you should use them in a very neat way, so that they have the maximum impact on the reader.

Important Information

If you are writing for your own website, which is targeted towards people living in your region, then writing in the local language is acceptable. However, according to backlinko.com, if you are writing for a website that is targeted towards international customers, then you need to translate the content in at least three languages and then create content that is appropriate for that target market.

This mean that if your international customers are from China, and you are a company based in the USA, then you need to have content translated in Mandarin and other major languages spoken in China.

If you want to learn more about SEO Copywriting, then you should watch this video . It will tell you more about copywriting, the things that you need to consider if you are a copywriter and the elements to include in order to rank your content better. Check out the video below: