8 Essential Tips You Must Follow When Selecting A Domain Name

8 Essential Tips You Must Follow When Selecting A Domain Name - BillLentis.com


It is often remarked that a name is a very important things. Your reputation in business depends on the name you have. That is why most people spend countless hours striving to think about the catchiest names that will reflect the core values of the business.

With most businesses moving online and setting up websites, the first key step in actualizing this is coming up with a good domain name and registering it. This is where the emphasis on the right name can never truly be reiterated enough. It is through your domain name that you will be seen on the search engines every time people look for information about your niche.

Most people make the mistake of assuming that any old domain name will do. They assume that setting up a domain name with the business will be enough. They come to find out later on that it is not as easy as they had hoped. Chances are already high that the name you have selected for you website is already taken if you had not already checked with a domain names registry. That is why it has to be emphasized over and over on the need to take due care and discretion when choosing a domain name.

So much rests on the domain name you choose. For starters, the quality of business you will attract will be determined by the domain name you have for your website if that is how they found you. Also, your brand will be impacted by the quality of the name that you have chosen. Customers will not take you seriously if you have an oddball name for your website. As you choose your name, you need to always have the business at the corner of your mind.

With so much emphasis on careful selection of domain names, you might be stuck on how to go about choosing your name. This article highlights what you need to pay attention to when choosing a name for your website so that you are left with a reputable name later on.

Ensure That Your Name Is Aligned With Your Business

Sounds straightforward, does it not? Well it still has to be reiterated because most people tend to go overboard with their names. Remember: your potential customers are looking to deal with a serious entity that is comfortable with their identity. As you come up with your domain name, experiment with different variations of your business name but still retain your business name at the heart of it.

Simplify Your Name

Put yourself in the shoes of your potential customer. They tend to gravitate more towards convenience than anything else. In coming up with your name, come up with one that is easy to type. In doing so, remember to avoid slang as you use your name. Shortened words will make it very hard for people to find you online.

Keep It Short

Sometimes when shopping for your domain name you might find that the name you have thought about is already taken. The temptation is to go longer with the name you want so that it is unique. However, users do not have that time to keep looking for keys on the keyboard to type your name. As much as possible, look for variants in your name that are as unique and as short as possible. If you are unable to, the following sections should help you come up with alternatives.

Explore Using Keywords

This was a common practice a decade ago but is not today on account of the changes experienced in SEO. Before you decide to choose a keyword as a domain name, you might want to first check on the changes in SEO and specifically in Google. The gist of how they operate is that they rank search engines based on how relevant they are to users’ queries and not how close the domain names are to the keywords being searched for. If you are to use keywords in the search, you need to ensure that the keyword is powerful enough to compel their attention.

Go Local

When you are looking for a domain, think about going local. Using a city in which you are located will help people in those locales to find you and make you stand out from the crowds in a unique way.

Get Rid Of Hyphens And Numbers Wherever Possible

In coming up with your name, you must avoid using hyphens and numbers because they can confuse potential visitors. If a domain you want is taken and you opt to go with a hyphenated one, you might miss out on good business opportunities. The alternative here is to change the domain name a bit.

Ensure That The Name Is Memorable

Strive to make your domain name as catchy as possible. Make it something that sticks to people’s minds so as to make it convenient to them. Long names and tough names to type put people off and they will not even strive to remember the site.

If Your Preferred Name Is Free Buy It Now

There are lots of people looking to cash in on domain names. If you have a name that is free, do not even think twice about using it. If you wait now, someone else will buy it and sell it to you at a loftier price than what you would have paid if you had already bought while it was unused.

Your name is very important, in fact, your visibility in cyberspace will depend on how well you go about choosing it. Many companies have lost business on account of poor domain name selection. Do not be a victim of this. Instead, you need to ensure that you follow those 8 tips for choosing a good domain name. These rules should be your guiding star when you are looking to create a remarkable website with a good domain name. Even with good SEO, a terrible domain name will ruin your chances of getting a high ranking on search engines results pages.