Why You Need To Go For More During Negotiations

Why You Need To Go For More During Negotiations - BillLentis.com


We are constantly negotiating in daily lives. This is a fact of life in the world we live in today. One of the reasons attributed to this is the fact that we have something that other people want and vice versa. In short, we have power and influence over other people. When channeled correctly during negotiations, this power can give you a lot of satisfaction. The knowledge that you can get anything within your power is amazing.

During negotiations, you have two or more parties across each other looking to make a deal about this or that. Concessions and demands will be made and it is at the discretion of the parties which parts to take and which parts to leave out.

Sometimes negotiations can get heated and breakdown. There could be some issues that the parties will not back down or give into that cause all this confusion.

It is during these instances that an edge is required. Good negotiators will use whatever advantage they can find in order to get what they want. One of the popular tactics that have been tried, tested and proven to work is demand for more than you actually need. All the experts agree that anyone who go to the negotiating table looking for exactly what they want rarely, if ever, get their way. They are taken to the cleaners by more aggressive and ruthless negotiators.

So what does demanding for more than you actually need work?

Exploring The Components Needed To Get What We Want

Demanding for more than we actually need is a psychological ploy used in negotiations to drive people the conclusions and concessions we want them to make. Imagine walking into a bazaar or swap-meet and finding an antique you have been dying to add to your collection. You walk up to the shop-stand owner and then ask them the price of that item you want. Usually, they will quote a higher price than the item is actually worth. So you quote your price and the haggling ensues. This process goes on for a few minutes, with the seller talking your ear off about why you need to by the said item. After reaching a compromise, you get your item and the seller gets his money.

In the above mentioned scenario, most people are usually taken aback by the prices that a seller quotes for their item. It might not be in the most perfect condition, but they talk that thing up like it is one of the world’s lost gems. They use certain words to try convince you about the value of the item. They will size you up to gauge your interest in the product so that they can know which stance to adopt. Depending on how you act, they can either go to your level or simply stick to their final price.

As a prospective buyer, you can beat the seller at their own game. When they ask you to quote your price, throw them off balance by employing an outrageous price. Think of it as a way of nullifying one another’s moves. The following section breaks down what you need to do in order to get your way when demanding for more than you actually want.

Size Up The Party You Will Be Dealing With

From the moment you enter the room, you need to keep an eye on the people you will be negotiating with. Look for the person who yields more power, they will give you what you want during the negotiation. It is vital that when you are preparing for a negotiation, you must do thorough homework on your opponents. This is in a bid to find out what motivates them and use it to your advantage during the negotiation process.

In some instances, you might have to make assessments on the fly. To do this effectively, you will need to study a lot of people. It is a skill that can be learnt and honed to perfection. It is a good idea to pay attention to the temperament of the person. Are they exceedingly calm? Are they fidgety? Are they impatient? The tiniest detail about their behavior will help you instantly adopt a way of framing your approach and the words you will employ.

Frame The Language Appropriately

In Japan, there is a saying about language: the highest compliment one can give to another is by speaking their language. In this case, it means knowing which words will appeal to the person who you are dealing with. The way you frame your requests and talk to that person instantly works on their mind, making them more open to giving you what you want. To this end, try to mirror the language they are using. They will instantly link what you say to what they already know. You will in essence be creating a connection that you can use later on.

Have A Plan And Time It Perfectly

You must lay the groundwork and plan the timing for your request to be heard and acceded to. It just takes one small miscalculation, error for your plan to unravel. As you prepare for the negotiation process, you need to prepare for when to probe. Probing indirectly is the only way of keeping your intentions secret. If you ask direct questions, you run the risk of spooking and alerting the person whom you are negotiating with as to the real purpose of your intentions. Once you have established whether the party you are dealing with is amenable, you can then schedule a time to go for what you want. Be as bold as you possibly can.

Who Has The Power?

Negotiations are primarily about power. Power falls into two categories: situational power and positional power. Situational power is where you have power by virtue of where you find yourself at a given moment. Positional power is where you wield power by virtue of the status you hold. It is your job to know the kind of power you hold so that you can leverage it effectively. Ideally, for your demands to be acceded to wholeheartedly, you must have both.

Once you have mastered the things mentioned above, you will be on course to getting what you want on the negotiating table.