What Is SEO Writing

What Is SEO Writing - BillLentis.com


Writing sounds like a lot of trouble like? I mean, who wants to write once they are done with their academic life? No one! However, SEO writing is very important, particularly if you are an entrepreneur or a business man/woman, who wants to make people aware about their business.

According to thebalancesmb.com, SEO writing is about writing pieces that would get the attention of search engines. This happens if the right keywords, targeted words and phrases are used. This is important for website developers to learn because they want people to know their website exists, particularly those who are searching for their products and services.


If you want to be an SEO writer, or you are already an SEO writer, then there are some particular skills that you need to have:

• According to onlinewritingjobs.com, you should know your grammar inside, out. You should know how to write concise and clear content.
• You should focus and write about the things that your targeted audience wants to know; you should be an expert in your field.
• You should use the SEO keywords that don’t sound as if they are forced in the content you have written.
• You should research the information that you are not sure about, before publishing it.
• You should use appropriate tone to engage your audience; make it fun, interesting, so that they don’t get bored.
• Meet your deadlines and write new content frequently, but make sure it is relevant.
• According to inkwelleditorial.com, you need to be organized as an SEO writer, because SEO writing is mostly done by freelancers, who do it from home or do it alone and if they are not organized, then they won’t be motivated enough to meet deadlines.

Developing Content Strategy For SEO Writing

If you are writing content, then you need to make a plan first, and figure out your content strategy. According to highervisibility.com, there are few things that you need to make note of.


If you are writing content, then you are writing that content for someone. For example, if you have a blog dedicated to food, then it has to have a target audience like food lovers, or bakery experts. When you know who your audience is, then you would be able to know what to write and how to write it.

Topic Of Conversation

When you know who you are writing for, then you need to decide what you are writing about. You need to write about something that would be of interest for your target audience. First, carry out a keyword research because that is the main aspect of SEO writing. A keyword research will tell you about the topics that other writers have searched about, the needs and wants of your target audience and which keywords would be the best for you to pick up.

What Needs To Be Told

When you are writing an article or a blog post, you are answering a question or a set of questions that your targeted audience has. You need to realize what those questions are and whether your topic is informational or transactional.

Information topic would mean that your keyword is broader and the user is typing that keyword in a search engine, as they need guidance. For example, ‘how to make pasta’ is an informational topic. On the other hand, transactional is when a topic shows that there is an intent behind the search, to make a purchase or complete a transaction. For example, when someone types, ‘mongoose bicycle’, this would be a transactional question.

According to contentfac.com, this is important in terms of SEO, because it talks about the user intent. Google basically tells you the type of content that you should write, and what will receive success. Google understands the intent and then shows results accordingly.


According to moz.com, you should create content that is helpful for people, so that Google gives you a good rank, because you have covered that particular topic better than the others. If you don’t know how you to write comprehensive articles or content, you might want to look at the page 1 results for your relevant topic and see how the content is structured.

If you want to find relevant websites, then you can use tools like SEMRush’s SEO Content Template, and when you input the keyword, it will show you the top 10 websites. It will show you things like the back links that the website has, the readability of the content and the text length recommended for you.

Uniqueness Of Content

When you are developing a strategy for your SEO content, you would be comparing your content with others. In this process, you should try to figure out how successful your content is as compared to others. You need to list the things that you are doing right and your competitors are doing right.

You should look for things like the things that top websites have not covered, the things they have covered, but they are not comprehensive enough and if they see visuals along with your content, will the user be satisfied or not?

Moreover, you need to analyze if you have a better understanding about a topic, and have insights that a layman won’t have. For example, if you are talking about how to cook pasta, then you need to see if you have better insights about it, then a layman would have.

SEO Friendly Content

If you don’t make your content SEO friendly, then your website won’t appear in search engine results. This is why, you need to follow the following steps:

• Create An Attractive Title
• Write A Good Meta Description
• Use The Pre-Planned Outline To Write Content
• Answer Audience Questions With The Help Of Content
• Include Good Keywords

SEO writing is not easy, because you have to make sure you follow the rules that will give you the best results. Thus, you need to follow a set of guidelines like choosing a target audience for your content and then writing suitable content. If you want to know more about SEO writing, you should watch this: