What Is SEO Wikipedia

What Is SEO Wikipedia - BillLentis.com


You search for anything on Google, like a biological term, and the first search result that you see, is almost, every time, from Wikipedia. This begs the question as to why Wikipedia is good at SEO and what it does for SEO. According to econsultancy.com, Google gives so much prominence to Wikipedia and it would interesting to see why it is given so much preference.

Domination Of Wikipedia

There are different reasons as to why Wikipedia dominated Google; it has really good SEO fundamentals on the internet, and some of them are explained as follows:


The content that Wikipedia shares with users is unique and in-depth. The volume of content that you get when you search something on Wikipedia is huge. For example, if you go to the Trukey page of Wikipedia (perhaps another advantage that it can be accessed in different languages), you will see that it contains about 70 million indexed pages and that is a lot of volume!

Key Terms

According to shivarweb.com, every page that you see in Wikipedia is written for a primary search term, and this makes the page and the domain strong. This also increases the likelihood of both to be given a good rank, appear in the core search results and have a long tail traffic as well.

The domain authority is very strong of Wikipedia and it has a good internal linking structure as well. When you are reading an article on Wikipedia, you will often see terms that are colored blue. When you will click on these terms, they will take you to another article, within Wikipedia.

Page Authority

When it comes to online encyclopedias, nothing can take lead the way Wikipedia does. It has internal and external links, and it also gives citations from sources that are from credible sources. For example, if you are reading a page about something related to space, then the Wikipedia page is most likely to take you to credible pages like NASA or BBC, and this is what makes the user believe that Wikipedia is credible.

Using Wikipedia For SEO Marketing

If you think that Wikipedia is all about education and academics, then you need to do a little research and find about how businesses promote their products through Wikipedia. The best thing about Wikipedia is that everyone can contribute to it, so if you really want to promote your business, then you need to take some action.

Wikipedia Contributor

The first thing that you need to do is become a Wikipedia contributor. According to seopressor.com, developing SEO content for Wikipedia is not easy. However, once you do that, you can expect a lot of traffic. You can’t start editing or contributing to Wikipedia, but you have to take some steps before that:

• Open an account on Wikipedia and do that with your personal email address. If you sign up with your business email address then it would appear that you are not a neutral party.
• Start making small changes in articles that are not in your field of interest; for example, you can edit those articles that are related to your hobbies, like sports or music.
• Choose topics that don’t see much traffic, so that you don’t have to deal with editors who are aggressive in nature.
• You can start by correcting spelling mistakes or grammatical mistakes, or you can even add citations to other articles.

Once you have learned how to use Wikipedia, and developed a good reputation and strong position, then you can move on and start achieving your goals related to SEO content.

Dealing With Other People

You might face some problems, like some users would edit the content that you have uploaded. Instead of reverting the content, you should reach out to the user, and find out a clarification of what you have done wrong or what they would do differently. Then, you can change the content accordingly, or try to convince them what you think is right.

Notability Test

According to searchengineland.com, whenever you are making an entry in Wikipedia, you have to make sure that it passes the notability test and have credible sources that can back your information. If you are writing about climate change, because it is related to your business, then it is ideal to use sources that can still be found online, and are not in print only.

Experts say that when you put in references, the editorial control of Wikipedia need to go back to those references and check if they are authentic or not. However, if they are in print or the link is broken, then this won’t happen.

External Links

According to wakefly.com, the best thing to remember when adding an external link, is to add one where no registration is required. This is because when a user access an external link, he doesn’t want to go to the hassle of registering for that website. This is exactly how you and I would feel if we have to sign up for a website, just to see an article of our interest.

This would be bad for your content, as it would right away get flagged, and then you SEO efforts would go down the drain, surely. If your content has a wall, then you need to tear down the wall, and make sure that the user doesn’t face any problem.


According to shoutmeloud.com, if you add any photos to the entries that are not licensed by Creative Commons, then they would be removed. This is because it is considered copyright infringement. Make sure that the multimedia, like the images you want to use in your article, have the license to be used commercially.

You want to make use of Wikipedia to promote SEO content, then make sure you follow all the steps that are mentioned above. Using back links to make your content more visible to existing and potential customers and you can learn how to do that, by watching this video: