What Is SEO In Copywriting?

What Is SEO In Copywriting? -- Billlentis.com


Copywriting is one of the complex forms of writings that require you to be concise but deliver the message in a way that would influence the customers to react to the call to action. If you have been search for some tips to incorporate SEO in copywriting. That is actually great. Because no content can actually create an impact on the audience unless it is visible to anyone. SEO helps making your copywriting content visible to your audience. Only then, they would be able to react to it. Below are some of the SEO tips for the purpose of copywriting.

Create A Mission Statement

In copywriting, the power of content is the most important thing. For that, you will have to finish your homework. Star with formulating the mission statement for your copy. Asking who are we and why are we writing this. It will you in formulating the base on which you are writing your copy. Thus, the chances are that the results generated would be better.

Don’t Forget The Keywords

Using keywords is the most important aspect of SEO in all the forms of writing. Without the ranking of your content against a specific keyword, you can’t expect your content to be relevant or shown by the search engines to the users. So without the keywords, there is no purpose of writing the content.

Find out some specific keywords from the planning tool available. It will help you in knowing how your niche is searched online and how you can capture the attention of the audience. You might be willing to spend some time over the search of relevant keywords as they are going to determine the success or failure of your entire campaign.

SEO Landing Pages

Landing pages is the page on which your customers actually land when clicking your website. After your audience has clicked the link for your website, there are probably a few seconds available to you to convince them that you have the particular thing that they are looking for. This is where the role of landing pages come in. the landing pages must be optimized in a way that your potential customers would get to know about your products and services immediately. The use of keyword in this situation is essential. Because without the use of keyword, the search engine won’t give high value to your copywriting content. Neither would the customers be satisfied on reaching your website. This is why it is recommended on Yoast that your landing page must have the relevant keyword available.

Stuffing Keyword Must Be Completely Avoided

The use of keyword stuffing technique for highlighting your website or the copywriting cannot be in use. The algorithms of the search engines have developed to a high level and you can’t bluff them with such a technique. Thus, using excessive keyword in your copy, landing page can lead to a really bad impression on the search engine and your audience as well. According to Brick Marketing, you must not be using this strategy ever in your copy writing, it is not amongst the recommended SEO technique.

Speed Of The Website

While creating your website, you must look into the details that your platform and the theme provide. If the platform is not optimized for, the search engines that using it would hurt your SEO ranking whether it is the content of the website or the copywriting content. According to Neil Patel, all these aspects have a direct role with the speed of the website. The lower the speed of your website is going to be the higher frustration would it create for the customers and the search engines and the lower chances would be there that the customers would stay on your website or the search engine would display your advertisement to the audience. So, a definite lose lose situation. The thing that you must do here is to create the website with the help of responsive themes and lower page load time. Only then you can expect your advertisement copy (properly written) to do wonders for you. Important information about the speed of the website has been provided in the article on copybloger.com. You can visit it for more information.

Use The Inverted Pyramid Technique

According to Robbie, the best element of using SEO for a website is to use the inverted pyramid technique in managing the copywriting for the advertisement. You need to write the copy in a way that it is categorized into four steps. In the first step, you need to tell who you are, what you sell or how it is important. The second step is to reveal the facts associated with the claims made in the first stage.

In the third step, use of quotations could be made for enhancing the interest. The fourth stage is to convince them that they should buy a product or service in the form of call to action. Using this technique for copy writing would generate the best results. Keeping in account the SEO element would make it SEO friendly too.

Using Secondary Keyword Can Be Important

The use of secondary keyword can be important when it comes to generating continuous and quality traffic to your website. Success Work indicates that the secondary keyword in the copywriting can give you the edge over the competitors. It can help you in generating the traffic that would actually buy the product.

This video can be helpful for you in finding how can you use these strategies in the best possible way:


In this article, we have discussed some of the important techniques in copywriting. You can use this technique to make your copywriting friendly for your audience and search engine and generate positive results through it.