What Is SEO Intelligence

What Is SEO Intelligence - BillLentis.com



According to seointelligenceagence.com, an SEO Intelligence agency is an agency where SEO specialists form a community and then dedicate it to forming SEO tactics. SEO Intelligence is a hub, where other SEO experts and those who want to learn about SEO, can access important information. The reason why such agencies are formed is because there are SEO beginners who have many questions about this content optimization technique and they want to get answers. The pros at the agency can always tell beginners what they want to know and share tips as well.


The SEO intelligence agency provides consulting services to users; it gives you the added benefit of a third pair of eyes looking at your business and offering your advice. They tell you what you can do differently in terms of tweaking your business and helping you strategize in terms of SEO marketing.

They can also offer you SEO audit services, to show you where you rank and how you can do better. According to mondovo.com, if you think that your SEO strategies are not working, then you should definitely seek the services of an SEO intelligence agency. They can help you if you want to increase traffic to your website, and make every web page, different from the other.

Types Of Information

When you join an SEO intelligence agency, you will get access to different types of information, which you can use when you are incorporating SEO in marketing.

Article Length

The intelligence agency will tell you the length of your article, according to the nature of its content. For example, how many words you should put in it, the number of webpages you should have and how Google ranks different pages. If you are new to SEO, then this type of information is all you need.

Header, Image And Text

When you are developing content or webpages, you want to know about the headers that you should use, whether you should only use text or images as well. According to blackhatworld.com, the benefit you will derive from, going to, an intelligence agency here, is that you will be able to see the discussion between different experts and then make a decision about what you think is right for your business. For example, you can use a header, or a header image, depends on what your content type and target audience is.


You will get to know where to use your keywords on your website. If you visit an intelligence agency’s website, then you will be able to see the keywords that Google has already ranked. There are also tests available, which will tell you where you need to put in more effort when it comes to keywords. According to iybs-local.com, keywords are important in terms of search engine optimization, because they attract the attention of the user and encourage them to click on the links provided by the website.

Syndicated Content

There are SEO writers out there who will write on the article, and then publish it on their money site. Then, they will republish the same article on other social properties, so that they can link it back to their money site. However, this creates duplicate content, something which would affect your Google ranking. According to clickminded.com, an intelligence agency will tell you about how duplicate content will impact your ranking and what are the circumstances in which you can use duplicate content on your webpages. The discussions between experts will really help you in figuring out about programs like IFTTT and Syndwire.

URL Structure

If you are using SEO to promote your content, then you need a good URL structure. You can’t go with the default settings that websites give you. You need to apply the out-of-box approach, and not follow the template structures of a website. An SEO intelligence agency will tell you the kind of URL that will be most beneficial for you, about solo structures and whether they are harmful or not.

All CAP’s

If you are writing articles on your website, and you are using CAP’s only, then that would make your website look bad. Even if it is a heading, using all CAP’s is not recommended, because it may feel to the reader that your headline is shouting at them or your article is about something negative. Don’t use CAPs, unless absolutely necessary. To know more about CAP’s and the appropriate ways in which it can be used; SEO intelligence will surely tell you more.

Title And Content

If you are using keywords throughout your article, then you are making a big mistake, because nobody likes to read a piece of writing, where all you read are keywords. Secondly, you should use keywords in your title, because it will make it easier for Google to show your page in their search engine results. Also, it will make it easier for people to understand your content and know what it is about.


Images attract visitors to your website, and they even attract people to consider buying your products and services. Images give people the ability to visualize the information that you have presented in the article and this can be very helpful for those who want to understand something complicated. According to searchengineland.com, an SEO intelligence agency will tell you about the images that you should use on your websites. Mostly, experts recommend that you should use quality and original images, and not use stock images, because they are the same on every website. Google cares more about those websites that have original images, as compared to those that have stock images.

YouTube Links

When you build a website, you want to offer people more than what is on your website. This is why you build internal links, which lead them to other websites and offer them with more information. If you want to make your website interactive and interesting, then an SEO agency will actually advise you to put in links that will lead them to relevant videos. This would increase the number of visitors on your website, and make Google rank your website at a top place.


This article gives you a basic overall information about an intelligence agency, but if you want something specific on how an agency works, then you can watch below: