What Is SEO In PDF

What Is SEO In PDF - BillLentis.com


Wherever you look, you will find SEO in it, because it is so widespread and beneficial, that everyone is using it. SEO in PDF means that when you have good content published on your website and you want to optimize it in the form of PDF files, then that can be complicated. However, this article will talk more about SEO in PDF.

PDF Optimization

Some marketers don’t consider the benefits that optimizing Portable Document Format pages will give them. PDFs are often replaced with HTML pages, and HTML landing pages are developed, using the same keywords that are used for targeting in PDFs. The reason why many of the PDF pages don’t get good ranking, is because they are not properly optimized, according to bounteous.com.

The Use Of PDFs

The reasons why PDFs should be used as landing pages, are as follows:

• If the current PDF pages are considered valuable by people, then don’t replace them, particularly if they can engage people and generate traffic.

• Some content that PDFs contain, like spec sheets, brochures and forms, are best in this format, because they can be printed easily.

Why Optimization?

According to mightycitizen.com, search engines can locate and read PDF files very easily, but because these files are not optimized properly, they don’t contain basic information like what they are about. This impact the position of a website in search results. If you are using softwares like Word or Acrobat, then there are a few things that you can do, in order to make sure that your PDFs are optimized properly.

SEO Friendly PDFs

According to ericsachsseo.com, there are many different ways through which you can make your PDF files SEO friendly. A different set of rules are applied on PDFs and the details are different, which is why reading this article further, is important.

File Name

According to searchenginejournal.com, the first thing to do is to convert a text document into a PDF file. To keep a good file name, you should consider conducting a keyword analysis and a competitor’s analysis; use a phrase that is in line with the demand of the users. The first letter of the file name should be capitalized and if you are using more than one word, then it should use hyphens, to separate it.

Internal Linking Structure

When you want to include PDFs in the internal linking structure of your website, then the process can be complicated. PDF documents have a high value, because of the content that they usually contain like surveys and reports.

Due to PDFs serving a specific purpose, they are not called upon frequently and in the website’s hierarchy, they are often referred to as orphaned pages. It impacts the potential of SEO. If you send internal links to your PDF, then Google will know that you want to have your PDF ranked and indexed.

Content Should Be Relevant

According to searchmetrics.com, SEO’s golden rule is that content should be relevant. If, with the help of a PDF, you are linking to your web properties, then you can also increase the chances that a search engine like Google or Yahoo!, will view the content within the file, as an integral part of your website.

If you are using PDFs, then external websites will link back to them, because PDFs act like a permanent resource. If you are including links within the PDF file, then you can even get authority and good ranking.

The Title Is Important

According to contentkingapp.com and many other websites that write about SEO, the title is always important and is often forgotten when people prepare a PDF file. A PDF file has a section called Document Properties, from where you can set a title for the file. When a search engine uses this title, it would be the same as an HTML title tag is used, and it will be clickable by the user.

If you want to achieve a good ranking in long tail queries, then PDF is the best option for you. The documents that PDF files hold, they usually are an investigation, and the title, as well as the description of the file should be a reflection of that.

Mobile Friendly PDF Version

Everyone uses a cell phone nowadays, particularly ones in which they can easily open files, so that they don’t have to open their laptops and go through all the hassle. According to adobe.com, when a company uploads content in shape of PDF on their websites, then they need to make sure that those PDFs are tailored to be viewed on mobile devices as well.

PDFs can be lengthy in nature, which is why if you align the content of a PDF file to the left side, then it will be easier for the user to scroll through it, on a mobile phone.

Image Compression

Like in any other SEO related function, load speed is very important because it decides the rank of the page. However, when heavy PDF files are uploaded, then the load speed becomes a challenge right away. You can always use JPEGmini or even Soda PDF to compress images inside a file, so that they load quicker and the user doesn’t get annoyed.

PDF files can serve a long term SEO purpose for websites, if they are handled the right way. Don’t ignore a PDF file, because it can bring your website visitors and increase traffic. You need to have a good title and description for your PDF file, and good quality content. If you really want to increase traffic, then develop your file in a way, that it loads on both cell phones and windows, so that users are not disappointed.

It is best to compress images using different tools that are available to you, so you don’t face any other hassle. To learn more about SEO in PDF files, you should definitely watch below, because this video offers information along with visuals and is very helpful for understanding the whole process.