What Is SEO In Page Rank

What Is SEO In Page Rank - BillLentis.com


1, 2,3…that’s how we rank pages, but when it comes to ranking pages in Google, things become different. It is important to learn about SEO in page rank, as Page Rank is an algorithm used by search engines, particularly by Google, where they rank web pages, according to their quality, in their search results. Interesting bit here is that, PageRank is named after Larry Page, who was also one of the founders of Google.

Importance Of Page Rank

When you search something, do you go to the third page? Well, I think, including me, many people give up after the second page, so page rank is very important. According to brickmarketing.com, page rank is a way through which web pages are ranked from the most important page, to the least important page, and if you don’t apply SEO to your page ranks, then those who research online, will never get to see your page.

Facts About Page Rank

There are some interesting facts about page rank, according to searchenginejournal.com:

• There are two types of page ranks; the first one is the green bar, where the webmasters go and it gets updated, every three months. The second page rank is used in the search engine’s algorithm and is updated continuously
• The page rank algorithm is not owned by Google
• According to myidealhost.com, a higher page rank doesn’t mean that it has a high search ranking as well
• The internal and outbound links in your website, can impact the page rank; if there are many links, then they may become of less value

Ranking Factors

According to moz.com, there are factors that Google considers when it gives a page a good ranking. These factors include social metrics, keyword-agnostic features, keyword usage on the domain level, query data, engagement, traffic, page level keyword (content-based features and agnostic features), link features and link features of the domain-level. Amongst all these features, the highest preference is given to domain-level link features and the lowest preference is given to social metrics.

According to backlinko.com, there are some other factors that marketers should consider, if they want their pages, to be given good ranking.

Put Keywords In Your Description

Even though Google’s algorithm doesn’t use description tags or meta tags, as a ranking signal, the description does have an impact on the number of clicks your webpage receives. This is why it is considered a ranking factor.

Content Length

When content has more words, then it covers more space and is preferred by the algorithm, over shorter articles. This is because shorter articles often hold superficial information. When the SERP position was studied, in correlation with content length, then the importance of this ranking factor was found out.

Table Of Contents

You want Google to better understand the contents of your web page? Then link a table of contents to your webpage, so that it will make more sense. You can also publish site links in the table of contents, so that it becomes easier for users to access your other quality and published content.

Domain Authority

According to postcron.com, in order to give your webpage a good ranking, you need to develop your domain authority. Now, domain authority might sound like a difficult term, like it did for me, but you need to know just two things.

The quality of back links and the quantity of backlinks that you get from other websites and the authority they have, is what will determine your domain authority. Domain Authority is a measure through which one site is compared with the other.

Duplication Of Content

If you think that duplicating content on the same site, but different pages, cannot be detected, then you are wrong. It will actually negatively impact the ranking and visibility of a website on a search engine. Apart from duplication, make sure that you update your content frequently, so that Google Caffeine, the aspect of Google that shows when was the last time a web page was updated, shows exactly that.

Google Caffeine would favor a page that is updated recently, as compared to a page that was updated three years ago.

Supplementary Content

The Google Rater Guidelines document shows that when supplementary content, which is helpful for users, is also put on web pages, then it shows the quality of the page. This means that if you have a website dedicated to the economics of a country, then you can also have currency converters and loan interest calculators on the same page.

Moreover, if you have content hidden behind tabs, then Google has already stated that such content will not be indexed. If it is not indexed, then it simply doesn’t exist, so don’t make this mistake.


What make you want to click on a link? Usually, we click on links that leads us to a video or an image, because we find multimedia interesting. This is because it becomes easier to understand and make sense of information and including multimedia in web pages, is also a sign of quality content. So, if you put images and videos, or even graphs and infographics on your webpages, then your pages would be ranked in a good position.

The Important Reading Level Statistics

Google estimates the reading level of the content that you have posted, from basic to intermediate to advanced, and it even gives out statistics that you can use to make your web pages better. There are SEO experts who state that basic reading level, would give your website a good ranking; however, it all depends on the nature of your website.

The above information shows the importance of page ranks and the ways marketers can improve their page ranking. The content that websites should post, need to have keywords, links, must be relevant, not duplicated, and should contain multimedia. If you go below you will see a YouTube video, that you will get to learn more about the different ways through which Google rank pages, even though Google It has been passed as a common language: