What Is SEO H1

What Is SEO H1 - BillLentis.com


When you visit the website, what is the first thing you notice? Is it the graphics, multimedia content or the text? I guess it depends on what you were actually looking for in the site.

If you take a second to look at the site and read through the text, the first thing you will notice is probably the bold heading at the top. Check out our billlentis.com/miami-seo Miami SEO page.

The first heading you view on any given page is formatted in a particular way. It use the h1 tag. Click on the following video to learn more about this tag:

In this article, we shall delve a little deeper into what H1 tags are, their impact and how to use them to maximum effect with golden practices.

H1 tag In HTML

Simply put, H1 tag is a tag used in HTML or Hypertext Mark Up Language used in websites. It is the title tag that usually appears first on the page.

It is formatted differently in order to make the text stand out from the rest of the page tags. After the H1 tag, follows the rest in a sequential order.

H1 Tag And Title Page In SEO

The title page in SEO is important because it is the one that appears in the search engine results pages. It appears as a snipped in the main results. It also appears on the browser tab.

On the other hand, the H1 tag appears in the page source code of a website.

It is important to make that distinction as clear as possible because part of your SEO efforts will be impacted by how you optimize the two.

Importance Of H1 Tag In Your SEO

During indexing, search engine algorithms pour over a website’s pages and content in order to derive meaning and then rank the content according to the value it thinks it has to its users.

The H1 tag is vital because it draws the search engine’s algorithm to it. From there, it is up to the search engine to derive meaning from it and act accordingly.

For visitors the h1 tag is important because they make it easy for users to navigate the site. They get to see what the content is about from first glance and gauge the content’s value.

It is important that while you are engaged in your SEO efforts with the h1 tag, you adhere to a couple of rules that will explored in-depth in the subsequent section. This very small tag is very powerful and its abuse has far-reaching consequences, you need to be wary of.

Golden Rules To Adhere To While Using H1 Tag

While you are designing your page, one of the things that people will notice right away will be the heading. It must look right for people to really pay attention to what comes next.

In this section, we will explore the best practices that are bound to give you value from the H1 tag.

Utilize Keywords In Headings

It is recommended that you use long-tail keyword in your headings, according to Reliablesoft. They are neater and easier to rank for. However, you should avoid keyword stuffing as you use keyword or you are running the risk of being penalized later on.

Stay Away From Long Headings

You must use short and descriptive headings. These are essential in capturing your visitors attention, according to Imprint.

Have Hierarchical Headings In Mind

This is essential for the flow of the content and avoid confusion for both the visitors and search engines. When using header tags, maintain order as much as possible with tags following the sequential order. It makes the content appear presentable and enhance your visibility online as well, according to Rank Watch.

Use H1 On One Page at A Time

Most experts concur that the H1 tag should be used once per page. Neil Patel says that one H1 helps narrow down focus on a specific topic during the indexing stage when crawlers pour over your content. Using many will just diffuse the impact of your SEO efforts.

Shaun Anderson of Hobo Web goes further to illustrate that it is just easier for everyone if you just use H1 tag once. He quotes W3C who recommend the use of one h1 tag per page.

Use H1 Where Necessary

If there are places where h2s or italics or other formatting styles can used, use them. H1 is only for special instances like headings only.

Do Not Go Overboard With H1 tag

The purpose of the H1 tag in part is to draw attention to the important part of the content. Therefore, it should be used carefully throughout content so as to avoid overwhelming audiences and making the site look clumsily constituted. It should only be used for important headings only.

Amelia Wilson of Search Engine Journal adds that h1 tags make the titles huge and multiple h1s just confuse the audience.

Do Not Have Different Headings Loaded In A Single Page

You must always keep in mind about the design and appeal of the content. If your content jumps out at visitors, overwhelming their sight they will overlook it without thinking twice. H1 and H2s should be used sparingly and depending on the content.

Having a consistent and limited number of headings keeps content looking nice and appealing to visitors.

Make H1 Stand

You must strive to ensure that the tag stands from the pack by making the letters in the text bigger than the rest.

Match User Intent

Give what your visitors want from the first word of the heading to the last. Otherwise, they will not linger because they have missed out on it.


You must pay very close attention while using H1 tags in SEO. The aforementioned tips should help you in that regard. At the end of the day, you will have to pay close attention to the elements you use in your pages.

So use them correctly. Do not abuse the H1 element.