What Are SEO Friendly Titles

What Are SEO Friendly Titles - BillLentis.com



It is your job to get SEO right if you want to rank well in search engines. With so many far-reaching changes to the rules of search engine algorithms, it has become tougher to find an edge in SEO efforts.

There are very many parts that come with SEO that must be worked on in tandem for enhanced success as highlighted by Brian Harnish. From the tags to the links, everything needs to be worked on a high level for enhanced overall success.

One of the parts you must take into consideration are the page title tags. In this article, we shall explore in detail what SEO friendly titles are, how to conjure them and much more in that respect. If you would like to learn more about SEO-friendly titles, please check out the following video:

Just How Important Are Title Tags?

Neil Patel, touts SEO title tags as a major cornerstone of SEO. Moz further states that they rank a close second to content in order of importance in SEO. Click on – billlentis.com/what-is-thin-content-in-seo.

It is hard to imagine how a small tag can have far-reaching implications when it comes to indexing and ranking, is it not? Well, a properly chosen title that is eye-catching and compelling will go a long way in helping you rank better.

From the title tag, a visitor can have a cursory look at what the site is about, according to Site Visibility. Therefore it must hit home at first glance or else, you will be floundering without any positive results to speak of.

In order to come up with effective SEO friendly titles, you need to write for both the search engine and prospective visitor.

So how do you go about it? The following sections should shed more insight into what you need to do to achieve it.

Important Steps For Tags optimization

This section explores three critical steps for title tag optimization.

Create Compelling Headlines

The temptation for creating headlines is to be as descriptive as possible. This will involve using more words than you would normally use in title tags.

If the headlines are longer, the search engine will use the title tag in some instances. Therefore, you should try to be as succinct as possible when coming up with headlines and try as much as possible to match them with the title tag according to Rand Fishkin.

Enter The Title Tag

When coming up with a title tag, the first thing you must do is to keep the title as short as possible. This makes it easy for search engines to crawl and index, and easy and quick for people to read. Long titles are usually cut off with an ellipsis and turn off prospects.

Strive for a title that says what you need to say in a very short time and powerful manner.

You have one shot of capturing your visitors’ attention. You should make it count.

Optimize The Tag For SEO

There are a number of ways of you can optimize your tags. For instance, you can check out title tag preview tools by Moz, for instance. It should help you examine your keyword’s power and indicate where improvements are required.

As you optimize your title tags, you need to keep in mind that they need to be a max of 60 characters with spaces included according to MoZ. Therefore, use the keyword at the beginning of the title tag to make it more impactful.

NB: When using keywords, you should be wary of excessive use. Google frowns upon keyword stuffing and you will wind up getting penalized for it.

Also worth noting is that you must keep your title tag relevant to what your site is about. It is not about getting clicks anymore, you need actual traffic and search engines put their reputations on the line so they will want to be sure about the results they give.

If your content is unrelated to the title tag, you risk a lower ranking because your site will be viewed as spammy. It goes without saying that seemingly spammy sites are indexed to oblivion. This basically means almost no traffic if not any from search engines.

Also worth highlighting is that search engines will rewrite your title tags. They will attempt to suggest titles based on what they find during indexing.

Your job will be to make your tags relevant to the searches by including your brand at the beginning. This should be done in conjunction with well constituted anchor text, structure data markup and on-page text. This of course is a whole different conversation.

Also another rule worth considering and implementing is the using a different keyword in the h1 title tag from the title tag according to Moz. This will help your SEO efforts by counting the title tag as the heading. Try to avoid duplicating that the tags as much as possible or risk being penalized.

You will need to keep an eye on the title tags as you present them so that you can maintain consistency across the board and prevent Google from changing them.


With so much emphasis on SEO, the amount of work involved can be tedious. That does not make it unnecessary nonetheless. You can get over the tough aspects of SEO by keeping it simple and breaking the important tasks down into smaller and manageable ones.

Coming up with SEO friendly titles should be among the first things to be done. The aforementioned tips should help you get started with the process of enhancing your title tags.

They might seem small at first glance but when put together can result in powerful results in the SERPs.

Do not be intimidated by the prospect of title tags. It will not take a long time to get them going. A few edits should make your site SEO-friendly.