Tips On Facebook Advertisements

Tips On Facebook Advertisements -


Tips On Facebook Advertisements

With some of the recent updates regarding Facebook and its privacy policy, you must have disheartened with this forum and the goals that you would have set in this regard. Despite the breaches of data and lack of control on privacy settings, this social media forum is amongst one of the best forums that you can use for generating leads for your business. So, even with all your concerns, you must accept it and use it for your ultimate good.

Why are we reiterating this point? Because the privacy policy of the forum and data breaches have led many people to deactivate their accounts permanently, but even after all this fuss, there are 1.8 billion users on Facebook who have an active account and use it regularly. So, a platform with such a reach is a blessing for the companies who want to increase their customer base. And yes, it has proved one for a number of companies out there.

Finding Patients On Facebook

You can find 214 million users of Facebook in the United States. Such a huge number of users also include the patients that you could target along with some of the existing patients. So, this should overall lead to the statement that Facebook could be a good forum to search for your patients. But this is not exactly true. Why? There are a number of reasons for that. One of them is that statistically, 62% of the Facebook marketing users say that they did not achieve their goals. In other words, it means that they spent money on advertising but were not able to capitalize this money into the return and they had to record the advertisement expenses merely as an expense. This is something that none of you would actually want to do.

But what goes wrong for the businesses that fail to achieve their goal? This is the million-dollar question. But the simple answer to this question is that the problem here is not Facebook, rather the marketing technique adopted here is the main problem. Most of the businesses don’t devise the right technique for marketing, which results in the failure.

An example from the food world can better explain this problem and the solution that we are trying to enforce.

If you need to make a birthday cake, you’ll have to mix the ingredients to create the batter. Then you’ll have to pour this batter into the molds and put it up for baking. After all this, you’ll use the frosting on the cake and decorate it. In this cake example, the frosting put on it is the additional benefit both the cake itself. Same is the case with Facebook marketing. We hope that you get the main idea. Let’s discuss it in detail.

Where To Start Online Marketing?

As a practitioner, your patients are the direct target market for you. In order to attract this target market, you need to establish a good reputation in the market and in the online world. For the digital world, the reviews of the customers are an effective way to do that. Additionally, a website highlighting your area of specialization and the features of your service has to be there, which must have a specific call to action message for the viewers too. With these things, you’ll be able to convert the visitors on your website to the appointment takers. In order to increase the appointment, you’ll have to increase the traffic on your website, which is possible through SEO, Google Ad words PPC and blog posts. This means that you should start with Google Ad words PPC rather than Facebook marketing.

Why Google Ad Words First?

If you have some of the ideas about Google Ad words, you would know that generating leads from Ad words could cost you around $200 or more whereas, through Facebook marketing, you can generate leads at $10 too. So, why use Ad words? On Google Ad words, the searchers are looking for a solution to their problem, so popping up as a solution on Google can generate instant results whereas on Facebook, people are just going through their news feed and sharing stuff with friends as a means for getting distracted from the problem, so popping as a solution to their problem won’t create instant results. Rather the lead generation process is difficult on Facebook.

Then When Should Facebook Marketing Be Used?

When you have used all the other forms of marketing and you still want to generate more leads to your business, then this is the time when you should use Facebook marketing.

Five Facebook Mistakes To Avoid

As a beginner, using Facebook marketing is quite challenging. Here are the 5 biggest mistakes that you should avoid:

1. You should not promote yourself rather inform the potential patients about the benefits of getting yourself and the way it can solve their problem
2. You should set up the right metrics for measuring the performance. The likes and shares on Facebook might not reveal efficient results
3. Set up the goal and stay focused. Do not share any sort of irrelevant posts. It will destroy your image
4. Don’t boost the posts unless it is essentially necessary because as a doctor getting more likes and shares won’t get you more customers. You need appointments.
5. Don’t target masses. Limit your target audience to the people that define your target market closely

In order to provide you with the best options for using Facebook marketing as a medical practitioner, we have discussed two strategies:

Option 1

No one can be very sure about the results of your marketing ad. So, you’ll have to put up two ads alternatively and judge the results from each. The one getting you better results can be used as your main strategy for creating next ads.

Option 2

You need to know the rules of the forum to get the best out of it. As a medical practitioner, you’ll have to face a change of strategies of the forum to advertise your services. So, in order to deal with that, you’ll have to remain informed. This will improve the performance of your ad and thus giving you better chances to achieve your objectives.

Overall, you don’t need Facebook marketing in the first place. You should start by building a website and posting reviews for credibility. Then using Google Ad words PPC is the option that you should utilize. After that if, you are still looking for more customers, and then Facebook marketing should be used.