The Nitty Gritty Of Sending Out Your Marketing Email

The Nitty Gritty Of Sending Out Your Marketing Email -


Success with Email marketing is not easy but also not impossible to achieve. With a few tricks up your sleeve, it may actually be your most useful marketing strategy. Many businesses claim to have scored more customers using email marketing as a marketing strategy.

However, before you run off to start typing out your message you need to know how to do it correctly else, most if not all, your emails will end up as spam or worse in the bin. It is quite rewarding to know how to write quality emails for your readers that actually makes them interested to read and click on the link you send them. That is how you snug your clients.

In this article, we discuss some email marketing related topics such as:

• The details about Blog broadcasting
• What is RSS and how to find the RSS feed URL
• Choosing between automatic or manual sending
• How do you track your results

Blog Broadcasting In Detail

Blog broadcasting is best viewed as a chain that starts with traffic to your blog post website, then to your blog’s RSS feed, and finally to your email auto-responder, which triggers an automatic email message to your list after reading the response time before sending the email to your subscriber list. Long and tedious but that is the shortened version of how the blog broadcasting works.

For those of us who frequent the article-reading website, we have come across an orange broadcast icon. Many websites use this as the RSS feed subscription icon. By clicking on the icon you get the option to subscribe to that website’s RSS feed notification in your Feed Reader. Using the RSS feed subscription list, the user can then send out Auto-response RSS Feeds to their subscriber’s FRs. This notifies the subscriber every time the users post new content on the websites.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an easy way for users to interact with online article content. The users get to view their RSS feeds via a ‘Feeder Reader’ and in turn every time they post up new content their subscriber receive a notification in their emails or desktops. Using the Feed Reader, the subscriber remains up to date with new content form different website without having to visit each.

All About RSS Feed And Feeder Reader

To know how an RSS Feed works you must know what a Feeder Reader is. So picture this, you are interested in a couple of websites that display the content you consider interesting. In order to know what is new, you have to visit each site whether daily or weekly just to keep track. We can all agree that this is quite tedious and time-consuming. Now think of the Feeder reader as a way to subscribe to these websites and get updates on new content from all these websites in one place without having to visit each website.

Feeder Readers saves you time by showing you updates in each website you have subscribed. Once the RSS feeds are stored in one place you can filter through and view the different updates in the various websites. RSS feeds contain a message, which displays a link allowing the subscriber to visit the website and view the new content posted.

How The RSS Feed Works

Feeder Readers receive RSS feeds from the different auto-responder and thus lets the subscribe know of new content shortly after an update. Auto-responders send out RSS feeds using the feed directories of each subscriber automatically or manually. They are quite a time saver since you forego the process of visiting each website only to check on new updates.

Feed readers (FRs) are of different types each of which allows for the preference of the user or the device of choice. The different types of FRs include Desktop FRs, Mobile phone FRs, Email based FRs, Website FRs, et cetera. Depending on your preferred device you can choose which FR to use. On the other hand, the email and website FRs are only available when you are online while Mobile phone and Desktop FRs you can access when you are offline and receive an update once you get online.

Most websites use an orange feed icon to notify the reader of the RSS Feed option. Once subscribed the RSS feeds sends a notification to the users’ email auto-responder. Depending on the user’s preference, they can set the auto-responder either in auto mode or in manual. When going for the automatic auto-responder, it is bound to send an RSS feed to the subscriber’s FR at a pre-set time and date on uploading new content on the website. While most auto-responders have different ways of sending out RSS feed they each work to the same end.

How Do You Find Your RSS Feed URL

Once you get on your blog roll in your website, you can choose to add “:/feed” at the end of the URL and then click “enter”. This will allow you to view your RSS feed automatically. Therefore, the RSS Feeds’ URL has a “Plus:/feed” at the end of it.

Choosing Between Manual And Automatic Sending

Each auto-responder allows you to choose whether to send the message automatically at a given time or manually. For the automatic, you key in the day and time to send your message and the auto-responder does the rest. However, using manual auto-responders allows you to cane the message before hitting the send button.

How Do You Track The Results Of Your Emails?

After sending the auto-responder feed you would need to know who actually follows up on the message, who opens their emails, and actually clicks on the link sent. To keep track of all this you can use either of two ways:

1. The auto-responder. Some auto-responder like Aweber, MailChimp, and Constant Contact come with mobile applications. You can use the application to track the emails sent and activity.

2. Google Search Console Analytics allows you to click on the acquisition overview. This allows you to view the number of people who opened, read, and clicked on the emails sent from your auto-responder.