Razer Nari Ultimate Review

Razer Nari Ultimate - Review - 00811659030856 - Bill Lentis Media


This luxurious headset is worth every penny!

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Hello and welcome to our comprehensive review for the Razer Nari Ultimate wireless gaming headset!

In this review, we’ll be taking a look at:
• Our initial thoughts on the Razer Nari Ultimate wireless gaming headset;
• Headset specifications and testing scores;
• Our overall takeaway on this headset and why it won our Best Value Award;
• Lots more…

The Razer Nari Ultimate wireless won our “Best Value” Award, meaning it was our top pick for quality versus price.

We tested the top 10 video gaming headsets on the market, and we found the overall best value was the Nari. Want to know why? Well, in this review, we’re going to cover exactly why this headset is an excellent choice in the price range.

So if you want a great-quality gaming headset that won’t clear out your bank, you’ll love this guide.

Let’s get started.

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Best Value Award

Value for Money10
Ease of Use8
Audio Quality7
Total Score43
Overall Score  /10086
ConnectionWireless, Wired
AudioTHX Spatial Audio
Driver Size50mm
Pros• Excellent noise cancellation
• Great overall inbound sound quality
• Good price for excellent quality
Cons• Poor mic quality
• Some initial software bugs
Bottom LineA more expensive wireless gaming headset, complete with advanced features and a cushy user experience

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Our Verdict: Razer Nari Ultimate Wireless

When we were trying to decide on our Editor’s Choice, we had two frontrunners from the very beginning, each of which represented something we really liked about these wireless gaming headsets.

On the one hand, the Razer Kraken – and our eventual winner of the Editor’s Choice best overall gaming headset – came in at an excellent price with solid overall quality and a few features that really made it punch above its weight class.

On the other hand we had the Razer Nari Ultimate wireless gaming headset.

The Nari is an excellent headset for a few reasons. For one, it was the single most comfortable headset we looked at, rivaled only by the Kraken Ultimate. Like the Kraken Ultimate, the Nari Ultimate clearly had a lot of thought put into its ear cups design, and the result is a pinch-free, eminently wearable wireless gaming headset.

The Nari Ultimate was also solid in its other categories – with a decent user interface – though some of the controls were a little finicky – and a surprisingly tough build, despite being one of the more luxurious headsets on this list.

Where this headset suffered, though, was sound quality.

While the incoming sound was amazing – really some of the most crisp incoming comms available on the market, complete with THX Spatial Audio (much better than the traditional surround sound) – the mic quality was pretty unimpressive.

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7 - Razer Nari Ultimate - Review - 00811659030856 - Bill Lentis Media
Due to some software issues, many of the outgoing comms can sound warbled and muffled at times, sharp and distorted at others. While I might be able to forgive this for a headset in the price range of the Razer Kraken, the Nari is in another price range altogether.

So while I still think this is the next best headset for its price range (and is still a great bargain, all things considered) it’s not quite Editor’s Choice material.

RELATED: best razer headset (Definitive Review) – Click Here

ModelPriceBestOverall Score
Razer Kraken Gaming Headset - 00814855023899 - BillLentis.comRazer KrakenCheck Amazon's PriceBest Gaming Headset88
Razer Nari Ultimate - 00811659030856 - BillLentis MediaRazer Nari UltimateCheck Amazon's PriceBest Value Headset86
Razer Kraken X USB - 00811659032867 - BillLentis.comRazer Kraken X USBCheck Amazon's PriceBest USB – Our Pick80
Round-Up The Best Razer Headset - 00811659036285 - Bill Lentis MediaRazer Kraken 7.1Check Amazon's PriceBest Wired Headset84
Razer Blackshark - 00811659037572 - BillLentis.comRazer BlacksharkCheck Amazon's PriceBest Headset For PS484
Razer Kitty Edition w/Ears - 00811659033697 - BillLentis.comRazer Kitty EditionCheck Amazon's PriceBest Pink Gaming Headset80
Razer Thresher - 08886419371311 - BillLentis.comRazer ThresherCheck Amazon's PriceBest Wireless Headset For PS474
Razer D.Va Headset - RZ04-02400100-R3M1 - BillLentis.comRazer D.VaCheck Amazon's PriceBest Analog Gaming Headset80
Kraken Ultimate - 00811659035431 - BillLentis.comKraken UltimateCheck Amazon's PriceBest Noise Cancelling Headset82

Our Analysis Comparisons and Test Results

Performance Comparison

As with every headset on the list, I took a critical look at several of the Nari’s qualities (the ones that I think matter the most for a gaming headset).

First off, I always look at how much a headset costs, because that’s the single most important factor to most potential buyers. A headset that’s too expensive will quickly fall off the menu for the majority of gamers.

1 – Value for Money

Value For Money Total Marks Out of 10
Razer Kraken Headset10
Razer Nari Ultimate10
Razer Blackshark9
Kraken Ultimate8
Razer Kraken X USB8
Razer Kraken 7.1 Chroma7
Razer D.Va7
Razer Thresher7
Razer Pink Kitty Edition6
And while the Razer Nari Ultimate wireless is a little more expensive than most of the headsets on this list – falling into the intermediate price range – it’s worth every penny. You get a lot of awesome features out of this headset, and the elevated price tag is in line with its excellent quality.

2 – Ease of Use

User interface is another hugely important factor.

While you want a headset that can do anything you want, you don’t want one that is unnecessarily complicated or confusing, particularly when you’re in-game and need to make a quick adjustment.

Ease of UseTotal Marks Out of 10
Razer Kraken X USB10
Razer D.Va10
Razer Kraken Headset9
Razer Kraken 7.1 Chroma9
Razer Blackshark9
Razer Pink Kitty Edition9
Razer Nari Ultimate8
Razer Thresher7
Kraken Ultimate7
And while the Nari’s interface was solid, it did get a bit overcomplicated at times.

After all, this is a wireless gaming headset, which had a level of complication over its analog counterparts. However, the slight hiccups I experienced when first trying out this headset weren’t enough to really negatively impact the score.

3 – Durability and Workmanship

A more expensive headset can mean better quality – not always though.

This is the general scale that I use when rating a headset’s relative workmanship; both how solid and intelligently-designed the headset feels to me, and also what long-time owners have said about the product’s longevity.

Durability and Workmanship Total Marks Out of 10
Razer Kraken Headset9
Razer Pink Kitty Edition9
Razer Thresher9
Kraken Ultimate9
Razer Nari Ultimate8
Razer Kraken X USB7
Razer Kraken 7.1 Chroma7
Razer Blackshark7
Razer D.Va6
Once more, the Razer Nari Ultimate did well in this category, though it missed the top spot by a margin.

The Nari is an excellent-quality wireless gaming headset, reasonably solid despite being marketed as a high-tech gaming masterpiece.

For its price, I did want a tiny bit more – and some of the owners I spoke with said that the headset’s audio quality began to come and go after prolonged ownership. However, I was initially impressed with this headset’s sturdiness, so an 8 seemed appropriate.

4 – Comfort

The question here is: is the headset adjustable, lightweight and well-cushioned?

These are the main consdierations for any gamer and ultimately what matters.

Best  For ComfortTotal Marks Out of 10
Razer Nari Ultimate10
Razer Blackshark10
Razer Kraken Headset9
Razer Kraken 7.1 Chroma9
Razer Pink Kitty Edition9
Kraken Ultimate9
Razer Thresher8
Razer Kraken X USB8
Razer D.Va7
As it turns out, the Nari is all three of these.

Its auto adjusting headband worked much better than I’d initially expected, and the ear cups were adequately padded, without overstuffing or causing any undue overheating. The headset also didn’t weigh as much as I had expected.

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To my knowledge this headset doesn’t use the gel cooling system of the Ultimate, but honestly – I couldn’t tell the difference.

5 – Audio Quality

How does the headset sound – both when folks are talking to you, and when you’re trying to talk to them?

Best AudioTotal Marks Out of 10
Razer Thresher9
Kraken Ultimate8
Razer Kraken Headset7
Razer Nari Ultimate7
Razer Kraken X USB7
Razer Blackshark7
Razer Pink Kitty Edition7
Razer D.Va7
Razer Kraken 7.1 Chroma7
If the Nari’s outgoing audio quality had been as good as its incoming quality, this headset would have been our Editor’s Choice without a doubt.

The Incoming quality was crisp and accentuated by Razer’s THX Spatial Audio, which I’ve been really impressed with for all of its headsets.

Unfortunately, something was off with the mic, and from scanning other reviews, I wasn’t the only one experiencing these problems. The friends I was talking to reported muffled or garbled audio, as well as some pretty serious feedback. I would expect better from a headset in this price range.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions:

1 – Is the Razer Nari good?

Yes. The Razer Nari is an excellent headset and the winner of our Best Value award. While the headset is a little more expensive than most others on this list, this headset is still modestly priced for everything you’ll get out of it – hence its a Best Value Award Winner.

2 – What is the difference between the Razer NARI and NARI ultimate?

While the Nari and Nari Ultimate share many features in common, the Nari Ultimate includes several standout features. These include enhanced sound reduction, a foldable frame and a vibration function. Obviously there’s a price difference too.

3 – How long does the Razer Nari ultimate battery last?

The Razer Nari’s battery is stated to last about 18 hours, which lined up pretty closely with my own experience while testing the battery life.

4 – Is Razer Nari ultimate a wireless gaming headset?

Yes. The Razer Nari Ultimate has both wired and wireless gaming headset capabilities. While many of the other Razer headsets on this list were strictly wired, we were fairly impressed with the easy Bluetooth setup of this headset.

Wireless headsets can get over complicated, though there’s been a lot of progress made in the last couple of years. The Nari handled potential Bluetooth-related UI issues with fairly competent solutions overall, and the battery life was solid.

Our Final Verdict: Razer Nari Ultimate

So what’s our final say on this headset?

As you can probably tell, I wasn’t put off with the slightly elevated price tag, and as you can see I still thought this headset was worth its weight in gold.

The truth is, this headset is a little more expensive than many of the other Razer headsets on the market, and there were a few features that didn’t hold up to our (admittedly high) expectations.

Overall, though, we were impressed with the solid design and UI of this headset, and were blown away by its incredibly comfortable design, including its auto adjusting headband. It came close to winning our Editor’s Choice outright, which is no small feat (at least to us). With that in mind, the Razer Nari Ultimate held a strong second-place finish, just slightly behind our Editor’s Choice, the original Razer Kraken!

BestTotal Marks Out of 100
Razer Kraken Headset 88
Razer Nari Ultimate86
Razer Kraken 7.1 Chroma84
Razer Blackshark84
Kraken Ultimate82
Razer Kraken X USB80
Razer Pink Kitty Edition80
Razer Thresher80
Razer D.Va74

Conclusion: Raser Nari Ultimate

Well, there you have it!

From here, it’s up to you… will you take the leap to a more expensive headset if it means better quality and the most comfortable design on the list? Or will you stick with our Editor’s Choice pick – the original Razer Kraken?

At the end of the day, the choice is yours, but if I can leave you with one piece of advice…

Whichever of these two headsets you decide to buy – or if you go for any of our other top choices on the list – you’ll be getting a quality piece of equipment at a great price. This is particularly true for the Razer Nari Ultimate, even if it is a little more expensive.

Anyway, thanks for reading our review – now go blast some nerds!

See owner reviews and check out current prices by clicking on the link below.

RELATED: 9 Best Razer Headset

Other Versions

There are plenty of Razer gaming headsets on the market, most of which we covered in our main review.

A few of our favorites included our Editor’s Choice, the original Kraken Gaming Headset. This is an excellent all-around wireless gaming headset with comfortable ear cups amazingly good specs and haptics for an overall fairly low price tag.

Kraken Gaming Headset

The Kraken Ultimate was a bit of a step up from the original headset in lots of ways, but also cost a bit more. This headset has excellent sound quality and gel-cooled ear cups – Read More.

Razer Nari Ultimate - Review - 00811659030856 - Bill Lentis Media
Finally, there’s also the Razer Kraken X USB, which was our Top Pick award winner for its amazing user interface. With its on-headset controls, this model gives gamers an easy and all-inclusive control scheme that lets them make small adjustments without breaking stride – Read More.