Can A Microwave Affect WiFi?

Can Microwave Affect WiFi -
There are many household devices and electronics, which can cause disruption in Wi-Fi signals. However, when it comes to microwaves, used for reheating and making food, the impact is different.

Are Microwave Ovens Dangerous?

Before addressing the issue of whether microwave disrupts or kills microwave signals, it is important to know the claims surrounding microwaves. Microwaves are considered as harmful to death. When people try to heat their food in microwave, they often hear things like, ‘the food is going to loose all its nutrition’, or ‘the food will become unhealthy’ – PaleoLeap.

When mothers want to microwave their child’s milk, they of the hear how that is not safe. This is particularly because, when a bottle is put inside the microwave, it might still feel cold from the outside, even though it is hot from the inside.

There was also a claim about how microwaved water can kill houseplants. However, this was just a misleading fact; people can carry out this experiment in their own home, to test the theory. A common argument against microwave is that, when it is used to reheat food, then the food loses its nutritional value. However, this could be said for any food heating method. Look at best microwave and microwave ramen noodles.

Why Does Microwave Affect Wi-Fi?

There is electromagnetic radiation all around us. The visible light around us, bathes everything, and is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation not only comes from microwaves, but also Tb remotes, WiFi and cell phones – HowToGeek.

On the other hand, a Wi-Fi router emits radio waves. The two waves from both these appliances interfere with each other. Most people don’t observe how Wi-Fi connectivity is affected, when they switch their microwave appliance on. However, the connection does slow down, and or just totally freezes.

Can Microwave Disrupt Wi-Fi?

Microwave can easily disrupt Wi-Fi, because they have the same frequency, which is 2.4 GHz. Even though microwave does not transfer any data, but it still radiates signals in an unlicensed ISM band. A good microwave should be one that doesn’t let the microwave radiation generated inside the microwave, to escape to the outside. However, in reality, this doesn’t happen – ScienceABC.

When microwave radiation leaks out, it interferes with the Wi-Fi signals. To solve this problem, people can upgrade their WiFi equipment to one that operates in 5 GHz band. This way, a microwave won’t be able to interfere with the Wi-Fi signals. A solution to this problem is that, while reheating or making food in the microwave, a person should pause their Wi-Fi work. After they are done reheating or cooking, they can resume whatever they want to do with the Wi-Fi.

A microwave can still cause disruption with Wi-Fi signals, even if they are at separate ends of the same room or are in different rooms. In the future, if Wi-Fi suddenly becomes stable in someone’s home, then they should definitely check if someone in the house is using the microwave or not. If a microwave is disrupting the Wi-Fi signal, this doesn’t mean that any of the two devices are malfunctioning.