Tips For Managing Domain Name Issues

Tips For Managing Domain Name Issues --


The domain name that you are using for your business is your intellectual property. You own this asset and you can expect the benefits of a traditional asset to come along with it. You are in full charge of your domain name and it is you who can exercise the rights associated with it. We are sure that you’ll all know this rather you’ll be exercising this situation if you are an owner of a business with its presence online.

But what if your right have been taken away or you are not being allowed to manage the settings and configurations associated with it. In this situation, you might not be allowed to go online, so what the purpose of such a domain name. In all these conditions, your rights as the owner of the domain name have been violated. As it would be in case of any other asset, you have the right to enforce your rights when you are the legal owner of any property. In this article, we are going to help you in such a situation when your domain service provider does not allow you the controlling rights or is not giving any importance to your request. We are sure that this article will encompass every aspect of the situation, so you can get a better understanding of the situation that you are facing and the results that you can expect.

Before going any further, let us clarify one thing, the original owner of the domain name is the one who has been recorded in the Registrant contact on the WHOIS section. In case of recovery of the domain name, the control will be provided to the original owner fulfilling this definition. In case you are not the registrant contact on your website, then you must update this information to avoid further proofs of verification. However, if you are not the registrant but still the owner of the website, you can contact ICANN but in that case, you’ll be expected to provide some proofs of ownership. So, if you have some poof, you must definitely contact ICANN. But in case, you don’t have any proofs, then the recovery of the control of domain name might not be possible. As you won’t be the original owner in books, at least. And the original owner of the books will already be having the control, so ICANN won’t be able to do something.

Now comes the steps that you should take for claiming your domain name back.

You Must Do It By Yourself

On the registration of your domain name, you would have received the login details of the control panel, right? Use these login details for changing the ownership settings of the domain name doing this will earn you the control of your website along with the editing and configuration rights. You must have these login details, as everyone selling a domain will provide you that even the resellers and coders of the website too. Another way is to check the website of the domain registrar. You might get access over the seller through the registrar. Both these ways can provide you the starting point of getting the control of your website. So, you must not sit idle worrying about the control issues rather you must do something to actually get the control. If you are not sure about the registrar of your domain name, you can have a simple lookup in the WHOIS section to get this information.

Get In Touch Through Email

You must send an official email address to the domain name provider. The email must be sent through the id registered in the WHOIS section and must contain all the detail related to your ownership and the issue being faced. You must not be rude in tone but maintain a stern stand, so that the authorities would know that you mean business.

Contacting The Registrar Can Be Helpful

If you have bought your domain name from a reseller, you might not expect him or her to be the official registrar for the ICANN. They must be working as the marketing or promotional representatives of the registrar and according to the rules, the registrar is bound for their action. So, in case of contacting the registrar directly, there are chances that you can get the authentication code of your website within 5 days.

Complaining ICANN

Even after your contact with the registrar, you have not been able to recover your domain name, then it is the time to complain against registrar. Please note that this is the severest action possible in the domain name recovery process. So, you must comply with the previous steps before you get into the direct contact with ICANN, if you have decided to complain, then you must fill in the form. This form is available on their website and titles the domain transfer complaint form. On filling this form, your complaint will be transferred to the relevant registrar, stating the issue being faced. On this complain, you can definitely expect a reaction by the registrar as the registrar has to comply with the rules set by ICANN. So, once the transfer request has been sent by ICANN, you can get your domain name back through registrar within days.

These are some of the steps that you must take if you are facing the issues of transfer with your domain name. No one has a right to deprive you of the settings and configuration role for your domain name if you are an owner.

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