The Do Not’s When You’re Optimizing Your Website For The Search Engines

The Do Not’s When You’re Optimizing Your Website For The Search Engines -



There are many do’s in search engine optimization that significantly help to improve the ranking of your website within the web search engines. Similarly, the do not’s can also be as important in SEO. The do not’s refers to the mistakes that can raise stipulation to the search engines which may result to lower rankings of your site or even completely eliminate your site from their listing. In this article, we will look at the do not’s in SEO that will prevent your website from getting lower rankings in the search engines.

The Do Dot’s When You’re Optimizing Your Website For The Search Engines

Do Not Keyword Stuff Your Site Content

In SEO, keywords are very essential since help the search engines in knowing what your website is about. This knowledge has resulted to some website owners practicing what is referred to as keyword stuffing. This involves a process where they overload the meta tags or content on their sites with any possible key phrase or keyword that is related to the website in various forms. This results to the keywords amount being too high when compared with the surrounding web content. You may have noted that there are some links you click only to find that page loaded with click bait, totally unrelated content or spam articles. This is due to the fact that someone who had malicious intentions included hidden text in their webpage using a massive amount of key phrases or keywords so as to improve the rankings of their sites in the search engines. The search engines prevent this through lowering the rankings of that site in the search listings.

Occasionally, people unintentionally keyword stiff the content of their site. You should therefore bear in mind the fact that you use the appropriate proportion of keywords versus content that will facilitate good ranking of your site in the search engines. When the content happens to be over saturated, this may be considered as keyword stuffing which will negatively affect the rankings of your site in the search engines. This can simply be prevented by creating quality content. Keyword stuffing should really be avoided since the major search engines utilize various tactics in combating keyword stuffing.

Fake/ Unusual Words

You may decide on incorporating use of fake or unusual words in the content that you post on your site. Use of such words can support the efforts of your brand and may even assist in defining an advertising campaign on the internet. Consider any business that comes from your head which you know utilize non-words for their marketing.

Once you have finally decided to utilize such words, try to select the fake/ unusual words that tend to have clear and precise meaning that is less likely to be misunderstood in order to prevent accidentally insulting a group or even an individual. Try to gather different opinions on that particular term before finally incorporating it in that content of your website so as to help prevent causing any misunderstanding or difficulties which might arise.

Prior to incorporating the fake word in your efforts for search engine optimization, utilize certain tools like Google translate so as to ensure that the word doesn’t have a negative meaning in a different language which might imply a certain meaning that you never intended or take away the reputation of your business. However, it is likely that the fake word or term will not necessary have a different meaning or be offensive in a different language. Additionally, you should not use that word or term if the meaning happens to be unrelated or neutral to your service or business.

Do Not Be Afraid To Develop A New Expression Or Phrase

Consider the fact that the term Google is itself a neologism. This simply means that it is a new word that never existed in the terms it is currently being understood to mean. Similarly, the term ‘blog; has also become a general term.

Do Not Give Up Clarity For Originality

Never give up clarity for originality/novelty if you are considering utilizing unusual phrases in the website of your business. Most of us are attempting to communicate with the targeted audience; which consists of either potential customers or current customers; and any language choice you make should always demonstrate that objective. Current search engine optimization is more organized than ever before to support the language that offers clarity by indicating the natural language instead of the language that has been created specifically for the improvement of search engine optimization.

Utilizing fad language requires regular modification and updating of your web content and might ultimately have limited or no benefit at all to your efforts of search engine optimization. This is due to the fact that slangs may become popular for one month, one year or even make it to the dictionaries. However, it is frequently very difficult to anticipate unless one waits and observes what will happen.

If you are using non words which are popular; which are currently being utilized as slang; in any content you post on your site, choose intelligently putting into consideration whether there is someone who have the rights of intellectual property on that phrase you are using and if unusual wording association is either contradictory or more casual to the business.


Using made up or unusual words may sometimes turn out to be useful in your efforts of search engine optimization. Utilize the tips that have been listed above prior to incorporating language that has been made up into the content of your site.

Select your website’s subject matter. If you wish to develop a homepage which will focus on various things or subject, that is just fine. However forget about trying to optimize it for the web search engines. This is due to the fact that you are supposed to have over 5 primary keywords which your content will revolve around. These keywords are also supposed to be somehow similar to each other.