Affiliate Marketing And Google Traffic

Affiliate Marketing And Google Traffic -


When it comes to what affiliate marketers like, commenting, writing eBooks and article, as well as blogging, are on the top of the list. Marketers want people to visit a brand’s website, but they also want the visitors to turn into customers.

The Problem

The main problem is that, those who are new, are posting comments, and publishing articles on websites, even though the website is not indexed in Google. The purpose of bringing visitors to a website gets defeated, because such efforts don’t bring in visitors or turn them into customers. If your page isn’t ranked or indexed, then this means the people you consider your target market, won’t be able to find your website at all.

Google Tools

Google provides you with tools that don’t cost anything and the tools that most professionals use, are free of cost as well. This is the part that marketers need to realize and benefit from. The thing that they have to do, is to look for these tools, but this is something people new to this work, find difficult to do. People new to this, don’t want to spend time looking for tools, which means they don’t want to put in much effort. The main technique behind making money through websites is not very difficult, but time consuming and this is what marketers need to focus on.

Page Rank

Google provides you with a tool called Page Rank Checking. When you use this tool, then you can make sure that your website is indexed and has a ranking in Google. However, to achieve this purpose and find this information, you need to follow some rules, which are really simple.

The first thing that you have to do, is enter a domain name into the page rank checker. The only thing you should put your focus on is the Primary Domain, and don’t consider anything else. Your Primary Domain is something that ends in (.com), but it is not necessarily the only one; it can end in (.org)(.net) and ( The main point here is that the text which comes after slash (/), should not be written in the Primary Domain section of the Page rank Checker. There are non-friendly SEO characters like question mark, exclamation point and percentage sign, which should not be entered into the rank checker as well. Numbers, letters and any character that is entered without using the shift button, is an SEO friendly character.

When you type in a web address in the address bar, you might have noticed that the url starts with https. However, when you are entering the web address in the rank checker, you need to remove the (s), so that the checker would give you accurate results. If you don’t, then you might not get what you were looking for.

If the result after entering the address in the checker comes as 0/10, then this result, which is out of 10, shows that your website is indexed in Google index. However, if your website has a 0 ranking, this doesn’t mean that your website isn’t good. There are websites, which have the same ranking, but they receive million of visitors per month.

This can be further discussed in the article. When you are done with checking the url, there must be many results, and now you need to enter the URL you want to get analysis on, and press search. You will have to fill out caption and the search of your URL will then proceed. If the results state N/A, then it means your website is not in the Google index and you should stop publishing on it.

If next to the N/A, there is a red color block, then you need to stay away from such websites, because the back-links that are provided on these websites will harm your own site in Google Rating. If you continue to publish comments on such websites, then your website may even be flagged as unsafe, and that too, by Google.

Traffic On A Website

There is a free tool through which you can find out how much traffic a website gets. The tool is called Similar Web and all you have to do is put down the address of the website.

Similar Web

When you enter the website address, click start and the tool will perform its function. You will get ranking results, as well as category ranking analytics, but some websites don’t give results.

However, this doesn’t mean that such websites should be disregarded because they are dangerous. This could mean that they are new websites; however, check whether the new website is in Google index or not.

Google also gives you the tool of the Google Keyword Planner, through which you can target the right visitors and turn them into customers. You can do so by searching the right keyword.

Keyword Planner

The three important categories that the keyword planner lets you search are short tail keywords, long tail keywords and anchor text.

Short Tail

These keywords consist of single words, and are usually those that are present in Domain Name or the title of the website. These single words, makes it easier for Google to understand the nature of your website and it helps with your ranking as well.

Long Tail

These consist of two to three words, that are found in a phrase, for example, online marketing. These words are usually found in headings, like when you make a blog post and put the heading on top, to give the reader an idea about what they are reading.

Anchor Text

This is the text that is targeted towards something specific that a person might be looking for, like ‘how to work in an office space’. When someone searches a similar phrase like this, it would directly lead them to your website. These are search phrases that are used by marketers for the purpose of populating content.

Tools can help you make money, but you need to choose the right tools.