How Blogging Is Beneficial To Your Website

How Blogging Is Beneficial To Your Website -


Business owners often ask whether blogging is really important in running their business. Many are spectacle about blog development and management, as they think it requires a lot of time and offers little benefit. There are many ways a blog can help your business.

If you are still undecided about blogging for your business, this article will discuss the benefits you can get from blogging on your business website. Before we move on to discuss these benefits, take note that you will achieve more positive results if your blog is hosted on your business website (i.e. Some businesses host their blogs on free blogging platforms like Blogger or This takes away many benefits of blogging. So host your blog on your primary domain as much as possible.

Now, let’s look at the benefits of blogging on your business website

1. It Improves Your Site’s SEO

Having a blog increases the number of pages on your website. This tells search engines like Google that your site is active. An active site gets a lot of attention from search engines and research has shown that sites with many pages get more leads than those with few pages. This is why it is important for you to host your blog on your business website.

Increased number of pages increases the chances of people finding your site when they perform searches. This is because more pages mean more keywords. Your blog posts should be on topics or search terms that are relevant to your keywords. People often perform searches with keywords so the more pages you have, the more your chances of ranking for various keywords. This translates to improvement in your site’s organic search visibility and traffic and ultimately, improvement in sales.

2. It Gives A Human Face To Your Brand

Blogging on your business website shows your customers the personal side of your business. You get to share your passion as a company and also talk about issues of interest to your prospective customers. It gives the customer an idea of your business and how it differs from competitors.

Your blog gives you an opportunity to build trust in your prospects. When you share your company’s views on a relevant topic in a way that appeals to your prospects they will come to like your brand and make an informed decision between you and your competitor. The bottom line is, quality blog content attracts relevant people to your website.

When you provide answers to people’s questions through your blog post, you are indirectly providing them with a service. It increases your brand awareness and you will end up making sales.

3. It Supports Your Social Media Campaign

You need high-quality content to succeed in your social media campaign. Blog posts make your social media campaign easier. If you have a blog, you can share your posts on social media easily to direct traffic to your website.

A blog is a good source of content for your email newsletter. You do not need to write different content for the emails as your blog posts will provide the content. You can simply send summaries and highlight of your best blog posts to your subscribers every week.

4. Builds Authority In Your Industry

A blog on your company’s website is a good way to establish yourself as an authority in your industry. It gives you a platform to share your views on matters relating to your industry. As you blog about your service or products and share your company’s views on issues that affect your industry and your customers, people will see that you are knowledgeable and care about them. They will begin to trust your brand and you will become their first choice when they are ready to make a purchase. This builds brand loyalty in the long run and improves your conversion rates.

5. It Helps Generate Referral To Your Website

Having high-quality content on your blog increases your chance of getting inbound links from other bloggers who reference your content. To have a high number of referrals to your site, your blog posts should not just be about your company. You should write on various topics that affect your industry. This is the best way to general significant inbound links to your site.

6. It Facilitates Customer Engagement

Your blog gives you an opportunity to actively engage with your prospective and existing customers. Providing room for comments on your post shows that you are open criticism and feedback. By asking questions, you get to know the needs of your prospects and how you can serve them better. You can also address the concerns of existing customers.

7. It Shows You Are Still In Business

It is better not to have a blog if you won’t be updating it on a regular basis. Frequent updates on your blog show customers and prospects that you are still in business. It keeps your site fresh. Being in tune with recent events and writing blog posts on them will increase your site’s visibility. When people search on those trending events, your site will be among those that come up in the search results. This is Google’s way of rewarding websites that add new content regularly. Updating your blog on a regular basis will keep the search engines coming back to your website.

Hosting a blog on your business website is one way to stand out in your industry. You grow your site’s traffic and sales when you provide unique content on important issues that affect your industry and customers. Your blog provides you with a platform to reach out to prospective and existing customers with special offers and promotions. With effective blogging, you can compete favourably with companies that are bigger than you because your brand will get the same level of exposure as theirs.