What Makes Writing A Blog Post Difficult?

What Makes Writing A Blog Post Difficult? - BillLentis.com
By now, you’ll probably be aware of the importance of blog posting for online promotion of your product or services. Blog posting can actually create the buzz about your business, providing you a pool of potential customers that you can actually serve without putting in much of the effort. Despite the high importance of the blog posting, many of us end up marketing our business. Why is that so? In this article, we are going to discuss the hindrances in posting blogs for your business and the ways in which these issues can be managed to provide you with the necessary motivation for getting the task done.

No ideas

The first and the foremost issue that would pop up in your mind regarding the blog posts is that what to write about. What would interest the readers to stick to the blog and how will it influence the potential customers to become actual customers. So, all these questions combine and result in the blockage of mind and thus the path for the creation of new blogs. You can have multiple websites or resources to create the topic or get an idea about what to write. You can even get a topic generator, which causes some of the headlines from your previous blogs etc. to create an automated topic. But these are not the appropriate resources for searching the relevant topic – the topic that can create a long lasting impression for your audience. Then where should you head for the opinion? Well, in our opinion, the inside sources of the company are the most appropriate way of getting the right topic. Asking about the topic from the employees or colleagues of the company is the best option that you can exercise in this case.

The employees and colleagues can give you the right information, which is trending and that would probably be liked by people. They can tell you about the preferences of the customers, some of the top sold items and their increasing demand, the perception of the customers about the company and the social media posts that are generating mist engagement. With all this information at hand, you can make multiple topics for your blog post. All you need to do is approach the right source of information to help you in selecting the right topic. The best thing is that the right topic is not the only thing that you’ll get from the internal resources. You’ll also get loads of information about your company that you would not have known before, so this is actually a great deal. Isn’t it?

Writing Stage

Although the lack of topic or ideas to write about was one of the big issues but that doesn’t mean that, the thinking stage was the most complex one. Writing the blog is actually the complex stage that would require you to brainstorm the ideas, organize them and generate a compelling outline, which can lead to the actual blog post. Even time is an important factor here. If you’ll give yourself unlimited time for a particular task especially when it is it writing a blog, you won’t be able to frame up the ideas and get a compelling blog post ready for you. Similarly, sparing three hours for writing will get the blog post written in three hours and if you will define one hour for this purpose, believe us, you’ll be able to gather all the information and get the blog post written within this time. In other words, the time allowed for the task helps in determining the time required for its completion.

One of the best pieces of advice to deal with this problem is to set a specific time to the timer and then start typing on the topic selected. This will help you in getting the first draft of your blog. It might not be as good as you want but this is definitely the starting point that you can have for reaching the final version of the blog post. In order to manage the blog post efficiently, you can also break the entire 3-hour work to smaller chunks, which can help you in performing the various tasks properly and within time. For example, you can research on the topic one day or between separate time slots, create online in the other and then write the first draft. With the reduction in the required task to be done and smaller chunks of time activities to be spent on the blog writing task, actually helps in better efficiency.


Even with a good topic and enough time available to work, you might not be able to manage the actual writing work quite easily. This is because of a lack of motivation. Each individual has a different level of motivation to get the work done. For you, it might be the profitability of the event whereas for the others the maintenance of good reputation in front of the base could be the motivation for doing the work.

In case of the blog post, the leads that your writing is expecting to generate can be rewarding in terms of monetary value and higher reputation in front of the boss, so it can help you in getting the work done. Thinking of such a motivation can help you in writing your blog post. There could be some specific reason that can motivate you to a higher degree, so you can consider it while continuing your work.

These are the top three reasons that we considered as the main hindrance in writing a blog post. We think that these reasons do exist even if your priority list is not same, you’ll still have these issues somewhere in the list. So with these tips provided, you can improve your blog writing experience.